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Pull requests : Style Guide

IchiroKeisuke edited this page Jul 14, 2015 · 5 revisions

Hello, prospective contributor.

Thank you for your interest in contributing to the project.

In order to maintain a basic standard for the project, all pull requests must adhere to these rules.

Follow these simple rules and you will be fine!

  1. Rule 1: use tabs for indention.
  2. Rule 2: limit line length to less than 100 characters. (if possible)
  3. Rule 3 use descriptive naming, add comments when necessary.
  4. Rule 4: remember to increment the version number with each fix or addition. The version system follows a simple format. Do not increment the first number (unless you are a maintainer) increment the second number if you have added a feature increment the third number if you have added a bug fix

That's it!

You may choose slashes or indention for defining new classes or functions. Just do not change the style of pre-existing ones.

White space is up to you - but do not use excessive amounts of it.

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