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Move summary HTML generation from the view script to each install step
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refs #7163
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Johannes Meyer committed Oct 23, 2014
1 parent 216c072 commit a6cbde5
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Showing 5 changed files with 262 additions and 220 deletions.
230 changes: 14 additions & 216 deletions application/views/scripts/form/setup-summary.phtml
@@ -1,227 +1,25 @@

use Icinga\Web\Wizard;
use Icinga\Logger\Logger;
use Icinga\Application\Config;

$summary = $form->getSummary();
$prefType = $summary['setup_preferences_type']['type'];
$authType = $summary['setup_authentication_type']['type'];
$adminType = $summary['setup_admin_account']['user_type'];
$loggingType = $summary['setup_general_config']['logging_log'];

<p><?= t(
'The wizard is now complete. You can review the changes supposed to be made before issuing the actual installation'
. ' of Icinga Web 2. Make sure that everything is correct (Feel free to navigate back to make any corrections!) so'
. ' that you can start using Icinga Web 2 right after the installation has been finished.'
'The wizard is now complete. You can review the changes supposed to be made before issuing the actual installation'
. ' of Icinga Web 2. Make sure that everything is correct (Feel free to navigate back to make any corrections!) so'
. ' that you can start using Icinga Web 2 right after the installation has been finished.'
); ?></p>
<div class="summary">
<?php if ($authType !== 'autologin' || $prefType === 'db'): ?>
<div class="page">
<h2><?= $authType === 'ldap' && $prefType === 'db' ? t('Resources') : t('Resource'); ?></h2>
<?php if ($authType === 'db' || $prefType === 'db'): ?>
<div class="topic">
<?= $authType === 'db' && $prefType === 'db'
? t('The following database will be used to authenticate users and to store preferences.') : (
$authType === 'db' ? t('The following database will be used to authenticate users.') : (
t('The following database will be used to store preferences.')
<h3><?= t('Database'); ?></h3>
<td><strong><?= t('Resource Name'); ?></strong></td>
<td><?= $summary['setup_db_resource']['name']; ?></td>
<td><strong><?= t('Database Type'); ?></strong></td>
<td><?= $summary['setup_db_resource']['db']; ?></td>
<td><strong><?= t('Host'); ?></strong></td>
<td><?= $summary['setup_db_resource']['host']; ?></td>
<td><strong><?= t('Port'); ?></strong></td>
<td><?= $summary['setup_db_resource']['port']; ?></td>
<td><strong><?= t('Database Name'); ?></strong></td>
<td><?= $summary['setup_db_resource']['dbname']; ?></td>
<td><strong><?= t('Username'); ?></strong></td>
<td><?= $summary['setup_db_resource']['username']; ?></td>
<td><strong><?= t('Password'); ?></strong></td>
<td><?= str_repeat('*', strlen($summary['setup_db_resource']['password'])); ?></td>
<?php endif ?>
<?php if ($authType === 'ldap'): ?>
<div class="topic">
<p><?= t('The following LDAP connection will be used to authenticate users.'); ?></p>
<td><strong><?= t('Resource Name'); ?></strong></td>
<td><?= $summary['setup_ldap_resource']['name']; ?></td>
<td><strong><?= t('Host'); ?></strong></td>
<td><?= $summary['setup_ldap_resource']['hostname']; ?></td>
<td><strong><?= t('Port'); ?></strong></td>
<td><?= $summary['setup_ldap_resource']['port']; ?></td>
<td><strong><?= t('Root DN'); ?></strong></td>
<td><?= $summary['setup_ldap_resource']['root_dn']; ?></td>
<td><strong><?= t('Bind DN'); ?></strong></td>
<td><?= $summary['setup_ldap_resource']['bind_dn']; ?></td>
<td><strong><?= t('Bind Password'); ?></strong></td>
<td><?= str_repeat('*', strlen($summary['setup_ldap_resource']['bind_pw'])); ?></td>
<?php endif ?>
<?php endif ?>
<?php foreach ($form->getSummary() as $pageHtml): ?>
<div class="page">
<h2><?= t('Authentication'); ?></h2>
<div class="topic">
<p><?= sprintf(
t('Users will authenticate using %s.', 'setup.summary.auth'),
$authType === 'db' ? t('a database', 'setup.summary.auth.type') : (
$authType === 'ldap' ? 'LDAP' : t('webserver authentication', 'setup.summary.auth.type')
); ?></p>
<h3><?= t('Backend Configuration'); ?></h3>
<td><strong><?= t('Backend Name'); ?></strong></td>
<td><?= $summary['setup_authentication_backend']['name']; ?></td>
<?php if ($authType === 'ldap'): ?>
<td><strong><?= t('User Object Class'); ?></strong></td>
<td><?= $summary['setup_authentication_backend']['user_class']; ?></td>
<td><strong><?= t('User Name Attribute'); ?></strong></td>
<td><?= $summary['setup_authentication_backend']['user_name_attribute']; ?></td>
<?php elseif ($authType === 'autologin'): ?>
<td><strong><?= t('Backend Domain Pattern'); ?></strong></td>
<td><?= $summary['setup_authentication_backend']['strip_username_regexp']; ?></td>
<?php endif ?>
<div class="topic">
<h3><?= t('Initial Administrative Account'); ?></h3>
<p><?= $adminType === 'by_name' || $adminType === 'existing_user' ? sprintf(
t('Administrative rights will initially be granted to an existing account called "%s".'),
) : sprintf(
t('Administrative rights will initially be granted to a new account called "%s".'),
); ?>
<?= $pageHtml; ?>
<div class="page">
<h2><?= t('Application Configuration'); ?></h2>
<div class="topic">
<h3><?= t('General', 'app.config'); ?></h3>
<li><?= sprintf(
t('Icinga Web 2 will look for modules at: %s'),
); ?></li>
<li><?= sprintf(
t('Icinga Web 2 will save new configuration files using the mode "%s".'),
); ?></li>
<li><?= sprintf(
$prefType === 'ini' ? sprintf(
t('Preferences will be stored per user account in INI files at: %s'),
Config::$configDir . '/preferences'
) : (
$prefType === 'db' ? t('Preferences will be stored using a database.') : (
t('Preferences will not be persisted across browser sessions.')
); ?></li>
<div class="topic">
<h3><?= t('Logging', 'app.config'); ?></h3>
<?php if ($loggingType === 'none'): ?>
<p><?= t('Logging will be disabled.'); ?></p>
<?php else: ?>
<td><strong><?= t('Type', 'app.config.logging'); ?></strong></td>
<td><?= $loggingType === 'syslog' ? 'Syslog' : t('File', 'app.config.logging.type'); ?></td>
<td><strong><?= t('Level', 'app.config.logging'); ?></strong></td>
<?php $loggingLevel = $summary['setup_general_config']['logging_level']; ?>
<td><?= $loggingLevel === Logger::$levels[Logger::ERROR] ? t('Error', 'app.config.logging.level') : (
$loggingLevel === Logger::$levels[Logger::WARNING] ? t('Warning', 'app.config.logging.level') : (
$loggingLevel === Logger::$levels[Logger::INFO] ? t('Information', 'app.config.logging.level') : (
t('Debug', 'app.config.logging.level')
); ?></td>
<?php if ($loggingType === 'syslog'): ?>
<td><strong><?= t('Application Prefix'); ?></strong></td>
<td><?= $summary['setup_general_config']['logging_application']; ?></td>
<?php else: ?>
<td><strong><?= t('Filepath'); ?></strong></td>
<td><?= $summary['setup_general_config']['logging_file']; ?></td>
<?php endif ?>
<?php endif ?>
<?php if (isset($summary['setup_db_resource'])): ?>
<div class="page">
<h2><?= t('Database Setup'); ?></h2>
<p><?= $summary['database_info']; ?></p>
<?php endforeach ?>
<form id="<?= $form->getName(); ?>" name="<?= $form->getName(); ?>" enctype="<?= $form->getEncType(); ?>" method="<?= $form->getMethod(); ?>">
<?= $form->getElement($form->getTokenElementName()); ?>
<?= $form->getElement($form->getUidElementName()); ?>
<div class="buttons">
<?= $form->getElement(Wizard::BTN_PREV); ?>
<?= $form->getElement(Wizard::BTN_NEXT)->setAttrib('class', 'install'); ?>
<?php endif ?>
<form id="<?= $form->getName(); ?>" name="<?= $form->getName(); ?>" enctype="<?= $form->getEncType(); ?>" method="<?= $form->getMethod(); ?>">
<?= $form->getElement($form->getTokenElementName()); ?>
<?= $form->getElement($form->getUidElementName()); ?>
<div class="buttons">
<?= $form->getElement(Wizard::BTN_PREV); ?>
<?= $form->getElement(Wizard::BTN_NEXT)->setAttrib('class', 'install'); ?>
48 changes: 47 additions & 1 deletion library/Icinga/Application/Installation/AuthenticationStep.php
Expand Up @@ -95,7 +95,53 @@ protected function createAccount()

public function getSummary()
return '';
$pageTitle = '<h2>' . t('Authentication') . '</h2>';
$backendTitle = '<h3>' . t('Backend Configuration') . '</h3>';
$adminTitle = '<h3>' . t('Initial Administrative Account') . '</h3>';

$authType = $this->data['backendConfig']['backend'];
$backendDesc = '<p>' . sprintf(
t('Users will authenticate using %s.', 'setup.summary.auth'),
$authType === 'db' ? t('a database', 'setup.summary.auth.type') : (
$authType === 'ldap' ? 'LDAP' : t('webserver authentication', 'setup.summary.auth.type')
) . '</p>';

$backendHtml = ''
. '<table>'
. '<tbody>'
. '<tr>'
. '<td><strong>' . t('Backend Name') . '</strong></td>'
. '<td>' . $this->data['backendConfig']['name'] . '</td>'
. '</tr>'
. ($authType === 'ldap' ? (
. '<td><strong>' . t('User Object Class') . '</strong></td>'
. '<td>' . $this->data['backendConfig']['user_class'] . '</td>'
. '</tr>'
. '<tr>'
. '<td><strong>' . t('User Name Attribute') . '</strong></td>'
. '<td>' . $this->data['backendConfig']['user_name_attribute'] . '</td>'
. '</tr>'
) : ($authType === 'autologin' ? (
. '<td><strong>' . t('Filter Pattern') . '</strong></td>'
. '<td>' . $this->data['backendConfig']['strip_username_regexp'] . '</td>'
. '</tr>'
) : ''))
. '</tbody>'
. '</table>';

$adminHtml = '<p>' . (isset($this->data['adminAccountData']['resourceConfig']) ? sprintf(
t('Administrative rights will initially be granted to an existing account called "%s".'),
) : sprintf(
t('Administrative rights will initially be granted to a new account called "%s".'),
)) . '</p>';

return $pageTitle . '<div class="topic">' . $backendDesc . $backendTitle . $backendHtml . '</div>'
. '<div class="topic">' . $adminTitle . $adminHtml . '</div>';

public function getReport()
Expand Down
60 changes: 59 additions & 1 deletion library/Icinga/Application/Installation/DatabaseStep.php
Expand Up @@ -152,7 +152,65 @@ protected function setupPgsqlDatabase(DbTool $db)

public function getSummary()
return '';
$resourceConfig = $this->data['resourceConfig'];
if (isset($this->data['adminName'])) {
$resourceConfig['username'] = $this->data['adminName'];
if (isset($this->data['adminPassword'])) {
$resourceConfig['password'] = $this->data['adminPassword'];

$db = new DbTool($resourceConfig);

try {
if (array_search('account', $db->listTables()) === false) {
$message = sprintf(
'The database user "%s" will be used to setup the missing'
. ' schema required by Icinga Web 2 in database "%s".'
} else {
$message = sprintf(
t('The database "%s" already seems to be fully set up. No action required.'),
} catch (PDOException $e) {
try {
if ($db->hasLogin($this->data['resourceConfig']['username'])) {
$message = sprintf(
'The database user "%s" will be used to create the missing '
. 'database "%s" with the schema required by Icinga Web 2.'
} else {
$message = sprintf(
'The database user "%s" will be used to create the missing database "%s" '
. 'with the schema required by Icinga Web 2 and a new login called "%s".'
} catch (Exception $ex) {
$message = t(
'No connection to database host possible. You\'ll need to setup the'
. ' database with the schema required by Icinga Web 2 manually.'

return '<h2>' . t('Database Setup') . '</h2><p>' . $message . '</p>';

public function getReport()
Expand Down

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