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HybridForms Snippets

icomedias' HybridForms HTML and JavaScript/TypeScript snippets.

All code snippets are based on and follow the official TemplateReferenceGuide and JavaScriptGuidance

Table of Contents


All snippets starts with "hf-". Type part of a snippet, press enter, and the snippet unfolds.





Pro Tip

You don't need to type any dashes: "hfcustomcontrol" -> "hf-customcontrol" snippet

HTML Snippets

Block Snippets

Snippet Description
hf-block Creates an empty block container
hf-condition Creates a block, area, tab, condition definition
hf-pagetemplate Creates a Page template
hf-tabtemplate Creates a Tab template
hf-fullwidth-block Creates a FullWidth block definition
hf-observefield Creates a ObserveField element
hf-dateformater Creates a DateFormater element
hf-textcontent Creates a text content element

FormControl Snippets

Snippet Description
hf-buttoncontrol Creates a ButtonControl
hf-checkbox Creates a Checkbox
hf-combobox Creates a Combobox input field
hf-datacontrol Creates a DataControl field
hf-datepicker Creates a Datepicker input field
hf-drawingcontrol Creates a Drawingcontrol input field
hf-dropdownlist Creates a DropDownList input field
hf-htmlcontainer Creates a HtmlContainer input element
hf-inkcontrol Creates a Inkcontrol input field
hf-label Creates a Label
hf-mailbutton Creates a Mail Button
hf-mapbutton Creates a Map Button
hf-numericfield Creates a NumericField input field
hf-phonebutton Creates a Phone Button
hf-picturepicker Creates a Picture Picker
hf-radiobox Creates a RadioBox input field
hf-reversegeolocatorbutton Creates a Reverse Geolocator Button
hf-selectbox Creates a Selectbox
hf-signature Creates a Signature input field
hf-textfield Creates a Text input field
hf-textfield-tel Creates a Tel number input field
hf-textarea Creates a textarea
hf-timepicker Creates a Time Picker input field
hf-treeview Creates a TreeView
hf-webview Creates a Webview

Attribute Snippets

Snippet Description
hf-title-attr Creates a data-hf-title attribute
hf-condition-attr Creates a data-hf-condition attribute

Stages Snippets

Snippet Description
hf-condition-workflow Creates a condition workflow
hf-copypdf-workflow Creates a copy pdf workflow
hf-email-workflow Creates an email workflow
hf-setowner-workflow Creates a set owner workflow
hf-setstatus-workflow Creates a set status workflow
hf-setgroup-workflow Creates a set group workflow
hf-setfield-workflow Creates a set field workflow
hf-stagechange-workflow Creates a stage change workflow

TypeScript Snippets

Snippet Description
hf-ts Custom TypeScript starting point
hf-customcontrol JavaScript derived Custom Control
hf-onchange JavaScript onChange event handler
hf-set Get and set values
hf-ctrl Get a control
hf-field Get a field
hf-repeating Get post fix of a repeating unit
hf-user Get current display name of user and write it to control by given id
hf-signer Add field values to Signature by given comma serperated ids
hf-counter Add Counter request template

JavaScript Snippets

Snippet Description
hf-js Custom Javascript starting point
hf-customcontrol JavaScript derived Custom Control
hf-onchange JavaScript onChange event handler
hf-set Get and set values
hf-ctrl Get a control
hf-field Get a field
hf-repeating Get post fix of a repeating unit

Extended Snippets

These snippets must be executed in all specified file types in order to obtain all the necessary code parts and the desired functionality!

Snippet File Types Description
hf-repeatinginput HTML, SCSS, TS Add RepeatingInput to project
hf-initializr HTML, TS Add Initializr block to file


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HybridForms snippets extension project







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