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brockallen edited this page Sep 7, 2014 · 4 revisions


Properties are similar to claims in that they are a key/value pair and model identity data associated with the user. The main difference, though, is that properties have metadata (described by the PropertyMetadata class). The metadata defines a fixed set of properties that is associated with a user. This metadata also contains the data type of the property as well as a flag indicating if it is required. From the user interface and RESTful API, properties can only be set.

Properties are an abstraction and can be stored in any way desired in the actual identity management system. A property could be stored as a claim or as a .NET property of an entity class (and thus a column in a database table), or in any other way desired.

IdentityManager properties are intended to either model .NET properties of entity classes used by the underlying identity management system, or to draw special attention (or even require) a certain type of claim that is expected on a user. In short, a property is simply a way to display a value when editing a user that has special importance, or requirements. The concept of property in IdentityManager allows control in how the value is presented and manipulated in the user interface.


When reading the user's details, the properties are modeled via PropertyValue on the UserDetail class.