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leifj committed May 19, 2019
2 parents f17c9eb + a766304 commit 77bc052
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Showing 15 changed files with 711 additions and 96 deletions.
22 changes: 22 additions & 0 deletions .jenkins.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
# Disabled as we want to use the offical package
disabled: true
- script
cron: "@weekly"
clean_workspace: true
- "add-apt-repository -y -u ppa:pkg-opendnssec/ppa"
- "apt-get install -y xmlsec1 libxml2-dev libxslt-dev libsofthsm2 softhsm2 opensc libengine-pkcs11-openssl swig"
- "virtualenv -p python3 venv"
- ". venv/bin/activate"
- "pip install --upgrade setuptools pip wheel"
- "pip install pykcs11 nose"
- "python nosetests -vv -d"
- "python sdist bdist_wheel --universal"

1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions HACKING.txt
Expand Up @@ -17,6 +17,7 @@ To make a release,
4) git tag <version>
5) git push
6) Upload to PyPI: 'python sdist register upload'
6b) wheel: pip install wheel && python bdist_wheel --universal upload
7) Increase version in (for next release) with dev suffix
8) Create NEWS.txt entry for next release

2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion
Expand Up @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
NEWS = open(os.path.join(here, 'NEWS.txt')).read()

version = '0.20dev1'
version = '0.20dev2'

install_requires = [
'defusedxml', 'lxml', 'pyconfig', 'requests', 'cryptography', 'six'
Expand Down
352 changes: 352 additions & 0 deletions src/xmlsec/
@@ -0,0 +1,352 @@
# Data Primitives conversions
# according to ISO 18033 and PKCS#1
# Author: Peio Popov <>
# License: Public Domain
# Version: 0.5

Example usage:
from DataPrimitives import DataPrimitives
dp = DataPrimitives()
# Convert string to bits
string2bits = dp.OS2BSP('abc')
# string2bits = 011000010110001001100011
# Convert bits to integer
bits2integer = dp.BS2IP('011000010110001001100011')
# bits2integer = 6382179
# Convert integer string to string
integer2string = dp.I2OSP(6382179, 3)
# integer2string = abc

import six

# TODO: Add various level of explanation
# TODO: Add reference implementaions

class ISO18033Primitives:

def __init__(self, explain=False):
self.__all__ = ['Explain', 'OS2BSP', 'BS2OSP', 'BS2IP', 'I2BSP', 'OS2IP', 'I2OSP', 'strxor']
self.explain = explain

def Explain(self, explanation, *vars):
"""Print an explanation message"""
if self.explain:
print(explanation % vars)

# A bit is one of the two symbols 0 or 1.
# An octet is a bit string of length 8.

# 5.2.4 Bit string/integer conversion
# Primitives BS2IP and I2BSP to convert between bit strings and integers are defined as follows.

def BS2IP(self, x):
"""The function BS2IP (x) maps a bit string x to an integer value"""

zero_pad = len(x) % 8
x = x.zfill(zero_pad)
bit_num = len(x) - 1
sum = 0

self.Explain('Convert %d bit string:%s to integer:', bit_num + 1, x)
for bit in x:
if self.explain:
print('\tbit num', bit_num, 'is', bit,)
if bit == '1':
self.Explain('\tsum is %d + %d(2**%d) = %d', sum, 2 ** bit_num, bit_num, sum + 2 ** bit_num)
sum = sum + 2 ** bit_num
self.Explain('\tsum is %d', sum)

bit_num = bit_num - 1
self.Explain('Return: %d', sum)
return sum

def I2BSP(self, m, l):
"""The function I2BSP (m, l) takes as input two non-negative integers m and l, and outputs the
unique bit string x of length l such that BS2IP (x) = m, if such an x exists. Otherwise, the
function fails.
assert m >= 0, 'm should be non-negative integer'
assert l >= 0, 'l should be non-negative integer'
assert 2 ** l >= m, '2**l should be smaller than m'

bit_str = ''
reminder = m
pow = l - 1

self.Explain('Convert integer %d to %d bit string:', m, l)
while pow >= 0:
if reminder >= 2 ** pow:
self.Explain('\tReminder: %d >= 2**%d(%d) - %dth bit is 1', reminder, pow, 2 ** pow, pow)
reminder = reminder - 2 ** pow
bit_str = bit_str + '1'
self.Explain('\tReminder: %d < 2**%d(%d) - %dth bit is 0', reminder, pow, 2 ** pow, pow)
bit_str = bit_str + '0'

pow = pow - 1

self.Explain('Return: %s', bit_str)
return bit_str

def BS2OSP(self, y):
"""The function BS2OSP (y) takes as input a bit string y, whose length is a multiple of 8, and
outputs the unique octet string x such that y = OS2BSP (x)."""
assert not (len(y) % 8), 'should be multiple of 8'

octet_str = ''
self.Explain('Convert bit string %s to symbol octets', y)
for i in range(0, len(y) - 1, 8):
bit_str = str(y[i:i + 8])
ord_num = self.BS2IP(bit_str)
ascii_char = chr(ord_num)
octet_str = octet_str + ascii_char

self.Explain('\t%s is decimal %d = ascii symbol: %s', bit_str, ord_num, ascii_char)

self.Explain('Retrun: %s', octet_str)
return octet_str

def OS2BSP(self, x):
"""The function OS2BSP (x) takes as input an octet string x = x1 , . . . , xl , and outputs the bit
string y = x1 - xl ."""

bit_str = ''

self.Explain('Convert string %s to bits:', x)
for char in x:
if isinstance(char, six.text_type) or isinstance(char, six.binary_type):
x_ascii_num = ord(char)
elif isinstance(char, six.integer_types):
x_ascii_num = char
raise ValueError('Unknown type ({}) for char'.format(type(char)))
bit_str = bit_str + self.I2BSP(x_ascii_num, 8)
self.Explain('\t%s is number %d which in binary is %s', char, x_ascii_num, bit_str[-8:])

self.Explain('Return: %s', bit_str)
return bit_str

# 5.2.5.
# ISO-18033-2 Primitives OS2IP and I2OSP to convert between octet strings and integers

def OS2IP(self, x):
"""Takes as input an octet string BS2IP (OS2BSP (x)) and outputs the integer"""
return self.BS2IP(self.OS2BSP(x))

def I2OSP(self, m, l=16):
""" The function I2OSP (m, l) takes as input two non-negative integers m and l, and outputs the
unique octet string x of length l such that OS2IP (x) = m, if such an x exists. Otherwise, the
function fails."""
assert m >= 0, 'm should be non-negative integer'
assert l > 0, 'm should be non-negative integer'

m = self.I2BSP(m, l * 8)

octet_string = ''
for octet in range(0, len(m) - 1, 8):
octet_string = octet_string + self.BS2OSP(m[octet:octet + 8])

self.Explain('Return: %s', octet_string)
return octet_string

def strxor(self, a, b):
"""Accept octet strings a and b
Return bit string xored result of xor of a and b"""
a = self.OS2BSP(a)
b = self.OS2BSP(b)

if len(a) > len(b):
a, b = b, a

xored = ''
for bit in range(0, len(a)):
xored = xored + str(int(a[bit]) ^ int(b[bit]))

self.Explain('XOR a and b:')
self.Explain('a = %s', a)
self.Explain('b = %s', b)
self.Explain('xored = %s', xored)

return xored

# Alias

class ISOPrimitives(ISO18033Primitives):

# Alias

class DataPrimitives(ISOPrimitives):

class PKCS1Primitives(ISO18033Primitives):
"""Defined in section 4 of RSA PKCS#1"""

def OS2IP(self, X):
"""OS2IP converts an octet string to a nonnegative integer.
Input: X octet string to be converted
Output: x corresponding nonnegative integer"""

xLen = len(X)
x = 0

# Base 256 encoding
for i in range(0, xLen):
char2int = ord(X[i])
pow = xLen - i - 1
x = x + 256 ** pow * char2int
if self.explain:
print('256**', pow, '* ord(' + X[i] + ')->', char2int, '=', 256 ** pow * char2int, '|', 'x =', x)

return x

def I2OSP(self, x, xLen):
"""I2OSP converts a nonnegative integer to an octet string of a specified length.
I2OSP (x, xLen)
Input: x nonnegative integer to be converted
xLen intended length of the resulting octet string
Output: X corresponding octet string of length xLen
Error: "integer too large"
assert x > 0, 'x should be non-negative integer'
assert x <= 256 ** xLen, 'integer too large'

x = int(x)
X = ''

# Base 256 decoding
for char in range(0, xLen):
if self.explain:
print(chr(x % 256), x)
X = X + chr(x % 256)
x = x - x % 256
x = x / 256

X = X[::-1] # reverse string X
return X

# Alias

class RSAPrimitives(PKCS1Primitives):

class ReferenceImplementations():
from binascii import a2b_hex, b2a_hex

def BS2IP(self, x):
return long(x, 2)

def BS2OSP(self, m):
"""m = int(m,2)
m = char(m)"""
# b2a_hex()

def I2BSP(self, m, l):
m = bin(m)[2:]
m = m.zfill(l)

return m

def OS2BSP(self, m):
# hex_string = '%X' % longint
# print a2b_hex()

def I2OSP(self, longint, length):
"""I2OSP(longint, length) -> bytes
I2OSP converts a long integer into a string of bytes (an Octet String).
It is defined in the PKCS #1 v2.1: RSA Cryptography Standard (June 14, 2002)
hex_string = '%X' % longint
if len(hex_string) > 2 * length:
raise ValueError('integer %i too large to encode in %i octets' % (longint, length))
return a2b_hex(hex_string.zfill(2 * length))

def strxor(a, b):
"""XOR of two strings"""
return "".join([chr(ord(x) ^ ord(y)) for (x, y) in zip(a, b)])

if __name__ == '__main__':
print(''' Example usage:
from DataPrimitives import DataPrimitives
dp = DataPrimitives()
# Convert string to bits
string2bits = dp.OS2BSP('abc')
# string2bits = 011000010110001001100011
# Convert bits to integer
bits2integer = dp.BS2IP('011000010110001001100011')
# bits2integer = 6382179
# Convert integer string to string
integer2string = dp.I2OSP(6382179, 3)
# integer2string = abc
You may turn on the explanation mode by suppling a True argument to the main class.
tutor = DataPrimitives(True)
This will print out every transformation:
Convert bit string 011000010110001001100011 to symbol octets
Convert 8 bit string:01100001 to integer:
bit num 7 is 0 sum is 0
bit num 6 is 1 sum is 0 + 64(2**6) = 64
bit num 5 is 1 sum is 64 + 32(2**5) = 96
bit num 4 is 0 sum is 96
bit num 3 is 0 sum is 96
bit num 2 is 0 sum is 96
bit num 1 is 0 sum is 96
bit num 0 is 1 sum is 96 + 1(2**0) = 97
Return: 97
01100001 is decimal 97 = ascii symbol: a
Convert 8 bit string:01100010 to integer:
bit num 7 is 0 sum is 0
bit num 6 is 1 sum is 0 + 64(2**6) = 64
bit num 5 is 1 sum is 64 + 32(2**5) = 96
bit num 4 is 0 sum is 96
bit num 3 is 0 sum is 96
bit num 2 is 0 sum is 96
bit num 1 is 1 sum is 96 + 2(2**1) = 98
bit num 0 is 0 sum is 98
Return: 98
01100010 is decimal 98 = ascii symbol: b
Convert 8 bit string:01100011 to integer:
bit num 7 is 0 sum is 0
bit num 6 is 1 sum is 0 + 64(2**6) = 64
bit num 5 is 1 sum is 64 + 32(2**5) = 96
bit num 4 is 0 sum is 96
bit num 3 is 0 sum is 96
bit num 2 is 0 sum is 96
bit num 1 is 1 sum is 96 + 2(2**1) = 98
bit num 0 is 1 sum is 98 + 1(2**0) = 99
Return: 99
01100011 is decimal 99 = ascii symbol: c
Retrun: abc

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