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ft_transcendence project from 42

This is the root of the project, it includes git submodules to frontend and backend, a docker-compose file and some other stuff.

Technologies / Stack

  • Vue.js 3 (Frontend framework)
  • (Sockets)
  • P5.js (Graphics)
  • NestJS (Backend framework)
  • TypeORM (Database ORM)

How do I run the project?

It runs using docker, all you have to do to start the project is:

  • Copy .env.example to .env and configure the variables
  • Configure the backend local address in the front: front/src/utils/const.ts
  • Run docker compose up --build and it should run, have fun! 🕺💃


Please refer to the ressources section in frontend and backend's READMEs

Get computer local ip address

  • MacOS: ipconfig getifaddr en0
  • Linux: ip a | grep inet

The team

  • mdesoeuvre
  • tjolivea
  • mrozniec