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Sergey A. Kilimnik edited this page Mar 14, 2015 · 3 revisions

#summary Quick start or first steps.

Preparing your board

First step is: find all the hardware from the list. Then hardware must be connected in minimal configuration required for board programming - into Programming configuration. Attach your FTDI board to USB port and wait until you will see the corresponding Com port in the system.

Now you need to upload the firmware into the board. Using jumpers or wires put the board into "System boot mode" and reboot it.

Start the GUI Application and choose in main menu Board -> Upload firmware.

Choose your com port and press "Connect" button. If your wiring is right and board in system boot mode the GUI will connect to the board. If GUI can't connect check again all the connections.

Using this dialog you can do several things. First and main feature is uploading new firmware, but also you can clean old configurations or variables area. For first time the full erase is highly recommended, but then you can upload new firmware without erasing the whole flash. So check "Full erase" and select the firmware bin file from the downloaded package. Press upload button and wait, it can take a time.

After upload complete close dialog, remove the jumpers and reboot the board. You should see the main board screen like this (except green USB icon on top right)

This means that your firmware is working but board has no configuration. This is good time to attach your joystick. After board find your joystick connected the green "USB" icon will appear, it means that USB system is fully ready and firmware got the data from the joystick.

The first step is complete.

Creating your configuration file

Now open sketch settings dialog via Sketch -> Settings

Enter the path to your configuration *.bin file (not firmware, new file which will contain your project code), check that board type is STM32F429ZI and enable PC Communication module and PPM generator. Re-translator feature is experimental and disabled in current firmware, so those checkboxes are reserved for future.

Click OK and then save your project *.xml file using File -> Save as menu item.

Your project will consist of 2 files - main project *.xml file with all data you will enter and compiled *.bin representation of your project, which will be uploaded into board flash.

Creating your joystick configuration

Now it's time to connect GUI with your board. Using Board -> Connect menu item choose right com port. Check that you have "Connected" status in status stream at bottom of application window.

Create your joystick using Joystick -> Capture from board menu item.

If your application is connected to the board you will see green "connected" label and you can press "Read from port" button. If operation will succeed you will see war joystick report descriptor data:

Press now "OK" button and you will see Joystick edit dialog:

On this screenshot you can see configuration for my test Saitek F.L.Y. 5 joystick. For other joystick you will see something different. Write your joystick name, also, if you want, you can change the axis/buttons names. Do not change the bit or value fields, if you do not know what are you doing. Finally press "OK" button and your joystick will be added to your project.

If you have more than one joystick, detach first one and connect second. Repeat steps starting from Joystick -> Capture from board menu item.

Save your project. Now you have joystick information in your project.

Model creation

Click on Models -> Create RC model

Enter model name and correct, if needed PWM channel values. Click OK and your model will appear as tab on main working area. Initial steps are done and you are ready to create your configuration.

Check also simple_example page for simple configuration with full description

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