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A fully featured JSON API for creating, retrieving and managing information about movies and users of the API.


A fast, secure, efficient, scallable and maintainable API server using Golang, a PostgreSQL database with migration files to make SQL migration easier and a Makefile to make running necessary development, code audit and build commands easier while also using the git hash to version build binaries. The idea behind this project is using dependency injection to implement efficient functions, using middleware and chaining handlers, taking into consideration best practices and writing efficient unit and integration tests, scallable project structure, vendoring third party packages, securing the server and uses a PostgreSQL database but structured in a way that makes integration with other databases very easy. The project is designed as intended for usage in a production environment. Features an API documentation below, a postman documentation url and a docker documentation and image link is provided below with instructions on how to run it. This project is not on a live server.


  • Healthckeck: Shows enviroment, availablility status and application version
  • User Registration: Automatic Movie Read Permissions and Default Profile Picture
  • User Account Activation (Sends Token To Email)
  • Create User Authentication/Login Token
  • User Change Password
  • Create User Reset Password Token (Sends Token To Email)
  • User Reset Password
  • Update User Details: Name, Email
  • User Update Profile Picture
  • Get User Details: Name, Email, Profile Picture Image-Path.
  • Serving User Profile Picture
  • User Logout
  • Delete User Account
  • List All Movies (Authenticated Users)
  • Get A Specific Movie With It's ID (Authenticated Users)
  • Add Movie Write Permissions For a User by an Admin
  • Create A New Movie By Users With Movie Write Permissions
  • Update A Movie
  • Delete A Movie
  • Search For Movies Using Specific Query Parameters
  • Dynamic Sorting For Movies Returned From The Database
  • Dynamic Pagination For Movies Data
  • Returning Movies Metadate (Current Page, Page Size, Total Pages, Total Records) with Movie Object
  • Request and Error Logging Using A Custom JSON Logger
  • Unit and Integration tests
  • Creating a Request Rate Limiter using users IP (Burst:4, r/s:2)
  • Recover Panic
  • Graceful Shutdown Of Application
  • Configurable Request Origin Using Commandline Flags
  • Displaying Application Metrics


Clone the repo, set up a PostgreSQL database and execute the SQL migration files to create the necessary tables needed for the application to run and run make run. Use command line flags to change default configuration or use enviromental variables to explicitly set GREENLIGHT_DB_DSN, SMTP_USERNAME, SMTP_PASSWORD, SMTP_SENDER, SMTP_HOST enviromental variables.

The following targets are defined in the Makefile:

- help                 lists the targets and their usage
- run                  run the cmd/api application
- startdb              runs a docker postgreSQL container
- createdb             creates a dabatase with user postgres
- dropdb               drops a database with user postgres
- migrateup            apply all up database migrations 
- migratedown          apply all down database migrations
- docker/compose/up    start containers in greenlight.yaml file
- docker/compose/down  stop and remove all running containers in greenlight.yaml file
- migration name=$1    create a new database migration file
- audit                tidy and vendor dependencies and format, vet and test all code
- vendor               tidy and vendor dependencies
- build/api            build the cmd/api application
- tests                runs test code coverage

API Documentation

Method URL Pattern Action Usage(Request body)
GET /v1/healthcheck Show application health and version information
GET /v1/movies Show the details of all movies
POST /v1/movies Create a new movie { "title": "Eve", "genres": [ "drama", "comedy" ],
"runtime": "200 mins", "year": 2003 }
GET /v1/movies/:id Show the details of a specific movie
PATCH /v1/movies/:id Update the details of a specific movie { "title": "Vikings", "year": 2005 }
DELETE /v1/movies/:id Delete a specific movie
POST /v1/users Register a new user { "name": "foo", "email": "", "password": "1234567890"
"role": "contributor" }
POST /v1/tokens/activation Generate a new user activation token { "email": "" }
PUT /v1/users/activated Activate a specific user { "token": "ULJM6FU7WWGUTV5GBPTPC7IHKM"}
POST /v1/tokens/authentication Generate a new authentication token { "email": "", "password": "1234567890" }
PUT /v1/users/change-password Update the password of the request user { "currentpassword": "1234567890",
"password": "pa5555word", "confirmpassword": "pa5555word" }
POST /v1/tokens/password-reset Generate a new password-reset token { "email": "" }
PUT /v1/users/password Reset password of the request user { "password": "pa5555word", "token": "PKBLFSOWSCGT7PBUXRBTLSACXQ" }
Patch /v1/users/update-details Update the profile details of the request user { "name": "Ayo", "email": "" }
PUT /v1/users/profile Update profile picture of the request user Pass in the image
GET /v1/users/profile Get the profile details of the request user
GET /profile/:filepath Serve Profile Picture
DELETE /v1/users/logout Logout a user
DELETE /v1/users/delete Delete user account
POST /v1/users/movie-permission Give a user movie write permissions { "email": "" }
GET /debug/vars Display application metrics


  1. API's that grant access to only authenticated users must receive a token in the header of the request in the format key: Authorization, value: Bearer A4GKPNPGR6NMJLXWNR3JIGTAHQ.
  2. Content-Type for text is application/json
  3. If the role of a user is anything but "contributor" (case sensitive) the user will only have permissions to view movies but not create a new movie.
  4. To use the GET /v1/movies api to show the details of queried movies searching the "title" or "genre", paginate the movies data returned from the database setting page as the desired returned page and page_size as the number or data rows returned from the database (paginate value) and sort the returned data in a specific order, query parameters should be passed in the url in the format /v1/movies?title=godfather&genres=crime,drama&page=1&page_size=5&sort=-year. The only allowed sort parameters are (id, title, year, runtime, -id, -title, -year, -runtime).
  5. To use the PUT /v1/users/profile the Content-Type header must be multipart/form-data.

Docker Image

Greenlight-docker-image To pull the docker image docker pull ifedayoawe/greenlight:latest which will automatically pull the latest image. The default application port is 4000, an easy way would be to use my greenlight.yaml docker-compose file to automate the process, of course a .env file containing the DBPASS, DBNAME, SMTP_USERNAME, SMTP_PASSWORD, SMTP_SENDER, SMTP_HOST and GREENLIGHT_DB_DSN enviromental variables would be needed and also executing the SQL migration files to create the necessary tables would be needed.

Known Bugs

There are no known issues.

Test code coverage is around 62.6%.


Pull requests and new features suggestions are welcomed.


Creating a full featured movie management web api server.







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