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Ignite UI for Blazor API

This project generates API documentation for Ignite UI for Blazor components by:

  • restoring IgniteUI.Blazor packages in the app folder
  • installing npm packages
  • building Blazor API project

Setup Blazor Application

This section will guide you to setup a blazor application in the app folder:

  • in notepad, open /app/blazor-app.csproj file

  • update version of IgniteUI packages to latest version

  • open VS Code terminal window

  • run cd app command

  • run dotnet restore --force command

  • run dotnet build --force command

Setup Blazor API

This section will guide you to setup docs project in the root for this repo:

  • run cd .. command
  • run npm install command

Building Blazor API

This section builds a website for Blazor API:

  • run gulp build to generate output files in _site folder
  • copy content of the _site folder to hosting server

Updating API Landing Page

This section explains how to update API Landing Page

  • open index-links.json file

  • add entries for new API members (if any), where api is name of API component, and url is routing path for a topic that provides documentation and examples of the API component

{ "api": "IgbTreeGrid", "links": [ { "url": "/grids/tree-grid/overview" }] },
  • run gulp updateIndex to generate a table with API mapping to topics in files

  • commit your changes and create a new Pull Request