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Ulitsky lab MPRNA designing counting suite

Tools for designing, quantifying and visualizing MPRNA datasets This suite of tools contains methods for analysis of MPRNA and MPRNA-RIP datasets desribed in:

  • Lubelsky & Ulitsky Nature 2018
  • Zuckerman et al. Mol Cell 2020
  • Lubelsky et al. EMBO J 2021
  • Ron et al. Nature Communications 2022
  • von Kügelgen et al. Nature Neuroscience 2023

The counting is done using Java code, and downstream analysis using R. You will need to make sure Java is installed.

MPRNA library design

java -Xmx48000m -cp jar/compbioLib.jar:jar/compbio.jar:jar/picard.jar scripts.lincs.patch.AnalyzeConservedPatches design_patches OUT_FILE BED_FILE GENOME_2BIT_FILE DESCRIPTION_FILE TILE_LEN OFFSET_LEN_COVERED OFFSET_LEN_CONSERVED EXCLUDED_SEQS N_CONTROLS CUSTOM_SEQ_FILES CUSTOM_PRIMERS PATCH_FILE


  • OUT_FILE Base name of the output file
  • BED_FILE BED format file (can be gzipped) that contains transcript coorindates (use NONE if not needed)
  • GENOME_FILE Genome sequence file in 2bit format
  • DESCRIPTION_FILE Tab-delimited library description file (see below)
  • TILE_LEN Length of the designed library tiles
  • OFFSET_LEN_COVERED Length of offset for regular sequences
  • OFFSET_LEN_CONSERVED Length of offset for conserved patches (provided in the PATCH_FILE)
  • EXCLUDED_SEQS Comma-separated list of sequences that have to be avoided in tiles (e.g., restriction enzyme cut sites) (use NONE if not needed)
  • N_CONTROLS Number of dinucleotide-shuffled controls to design for each sequence
  • CUSTOM_SEQ_FILES FASTA file of custom sequences for which tiles will be designed (separated by colons, use NONE if not needed)
  • CUSTOM_PRIMERS pairs of primers to use for the custom sequences, separated by : (separated by colons, use NONE if not needed)
  • PATCH_FILE BED file of conserved patches for design

The DESCRIPTION_FILE is the key file as it contains information about the different subsets of the library. It contains the following 6 columns:

  • Subset type - as described below
  • Basic information - e.g., file name, described below
  • Subset name - offsets used for tiling this subset
  • Offset length - offsets used for tiling this subset
  • Prefix - prefix (forward primer) appended to this sequence
  • Suffix - prefix (typically reverse complement of the reverse primer) appended to this sequence

The subset types categories are available:

  • BED - a name of the BED file is expected in the Basic information; the exonic sequences of each BED element are loaded and tiled with the stops as specified in Offset length
  • File - a name of the FASTA file is expected in the Basic information, which can be followed with : and a name of a corresponding BED FILE
  • FileCirc - same as File, but the sequences are circular and so back-splicing junction will also be tiled.
  • FileMutate - a name of the FASTA file is expected in the Basic information, which can be followed with ":" and a name of a corresponding BED file (which will be used for creating the output BED file of the tile positions). In the Offset length column the expected format is OFFSET_LEN:START:END, and positions between START and END will be systematically mutated
  • BEDcirc - same as BED but for circular sequences (adding tiling also over the back-spliced junction)
  • Fragment - a specific genomic position (CHR:START-END format) is expected in Basic information, and it is tiled
  • RefSeq - a specific transcript id is expected in Basic information, and it is extracted from the BED_FILE and tiled
  • RefSeqFind - a specific pair TRANCRIPT_ID:SEQ is expected in Basic information and a pair of numbers UPSTREAM:TOTAL is expected in Offset length. TRANSCRIPT_ID is extracted from the BED_FILE, then SEQ sequence is located in it. Then UPSTREAM bases are appended to the SEQ and additional downstream bases are added to meet the final length of TOTAL. These tiles are called Context tiles.
  • RefSeqFindMutate - a specific paired TRANCRIPT_ID:SEQ is expected in Basic information and a pair of numbers UPSTREAM:TOTAL:OLD:NEW is expected in Offset length. TRANSCRIPT_ID is extracted from the BED_FILE, then SEQ sequence is located in it. Then UPSTREAM bases are appended to the SEQ and additional bases are added to meet the final length of TOTAL. Then, all instances of OLD sequence are replaced with NEW sequence.
  • Repeat - a FASTA file is expected in Basic information and START-END-TOTAL in Offset length; the part of the sequence between START and END will be repeated in the tiles
  • Delete - a FASTA file is expected in Basic information and START-END-FROM-TO in Offset length, the part of the sequence starting between START and END and in length between MIN_LEN and MAX_LEN will be deleted (and moved to the end of the title) in the tiles
  • RepeatSpecific - a kmer sequence is expected in Basic information and total length of the tile in Offset length, the kmer will be repeated to total length.
  • MutateAndRepeatSpecific - as for RepeatSpecific but systematic mutations of the kmer will also be produced
  • InsertMer:KMER - a FASTA file is expected in Basic information and START-END-STEP in Offset length. The KMER will be inserted in each position between START and END, with the requested STEPs between them
  • ReplaceMer:KMER - as InsertMer but replacing instead of inserting the KMER.
  • Mutate - a FASTA file is expected in BasicInformation and START-END-STEP in Offset length. Positions between START and END in each sequence, with the requested STEPs, will be systematically mutated
  • MutatePairs - as in Mutate, but Offset length has format START-END-EXCLUDE_START-EXCLUDE_END and all pairs of positions between START and END but exclusing EXCLUDE_START-EXCLUDE_END are mutated
  • MutateMer:KMER_LEN - as in Mutate, but instead of point mutations, kmers of length KMER_LEN are systematically mutated (A<->T, G<->C)
  • MutateShuffle:N_SHUFFLES - as in Mutate, but instead of point mutations, the region between START and END is shuffled, and N_SHUFFLES random sequences are introduced in the same place (resulting in N_SHUFFLES tiles)

This script produces the following output files:

  • OUT_FILE.patches.bed BED file with positions of the designed files (if available)
  • OUT_FILE.fa FASTA file with the tile sequences

Initial counting of reads

You need to make sure that the FASTA file of your tiles without adapters is available in LIBRARY.fa. You will need to make a list of your sample names in names.txt. The commannds use LSF, but can be easily adapted to other computing setups.

Count reads using simple counting, splitting each FASTQ into 100 slices that are counted indepedently: cat names.txt | while read p; do for i in {0..99}; do bsub -o $p.$i.log -R rusage[mem=5000] java -Xmx48000m -cp jar/compbioLib.jar:jar/compbio.jar:jar/picard.jar scripts.lincs.patch.AnalyzeConservedPatches count_reads LIBRARY.fa ${p}_1.fastq.gz -slice 100 $i $p.counts.$i.txt 1000000000; done; done

Additional parameters:

  • -fq2 FILE - if sequencing was with paired-end, use this option to provide the name of the 2nd FASTQ file
  • -adapter ADAPTER and -adapter2 ADAPTER - by default adapter1 is TTGATTCGATATCCGCATGCTAGC and adapter2 is CGGCTTGCGGCCGCACTAGT, adjust if needed (adapter2 is expected at the beginning of read2
  • -min_read2_len NUMBER - the minimal length of expected read2

This will generate XXX.counts.YYY.txt files for each slice, and XXX.counts.YYY.txt.noMatch.fa.gz files that contain unmapped sequences in a table format.

Optional BLAST step

Build FASTA files that contain the UMI in the header, and that can be used for BLAST: cat names.txt | while read p; do for i in {0..99}; do zcat $p.countsAB.$i.txt.noMatch.fa.gz | cut -f 1,2,7 | awk '{print ">" $1 $2 ":" $4 "\n" $3}' > $p.$i.not_matching.fa; done; done

Prepare a BLAST database with the tile sequences:

makeblastdb -dbtype nucl -in NucLibAB_noMut.fa

Run BLAST for each slice:

cat names.txt | while read p; do for i in {0..99}; do bsub -R rusage[mem=5000] -o $p.$i.log blastn -task blastn -word_size 12 -query $p.$i.not_matching.fa -db NucLibAB_noMut.fa -strand plus -out $p.$i.blast.txt -outfmt 7 -evalue 1e-10; done; done

(wait for all jobs to finish)

Gzip the FASTA files and the blast outputs

for FILE in *not_matching.fa *.blast.txt; do bsub -o log.log gzip $FILE; done

Process the BLAST results:

cat names.txt | while read p; do for i in {0..99}; do bsub -o $p.$i.log java -Xmx48000m -cp jar/compbioLib.jar:jar/compbio.jar:jar/picard.jar scripts.lincs.FilterTilingBLASTMapping $p.$i.blast.txt.gz 30 $p.blast_counts.$i $p.$i.not_matching.fa.gz; done; done

(wait for all jobs to finish)

Combine the regular and the BLAST counts:

cat names.txt | while read p; do bsub -R rusage[mem=2000] java -Xmx48000m -cp jar/compbioLib.jar:jar/compbio.jar:jar/picard.jar scripts.lincs.patch.AnalyzeConservedPatches combine_count_files $p.counts,$p.blast_counts 0 99 $p.combined_blast.txt; done

(wait for all jobs to finish - optional BLAST step over)

Combine counts

cat names.txt | while read p; do java -Xmx48000m -cp jar/compbioLib.jar:jar/compbio.jar:jar/picard.jar scripts.lincs.patch.AnalyzeConservedPatches combine_count_files $p.counts 0 99 $p.combined.txt; done

This will generate XXX.combined.txt files that contain the combined counts for each tile in each library

Quality control

Uses the names.txt file and R version 3.6.0

Rscript qcTwist.R ./ names.txt combined.txt OUT_FILE.pdf

where combined.txt is the suffix of your files built by combining the counts This will generate OUT_FILE.pdf with some plots

Filtering and computing ratios

The next script filters the data and computes ratios both old-fashioned/simple/pseudocout way and with DESeq2. It needs a configuration file config.txt which has 2 columns (sample in samples/config.txt), key and value:

  • rootDir → Directory where the files sit
  • groupsFile → name of a 4 column file: FILE (from names.txt) GROUP (e.g. “Nuc”) REPLICATE (e.g “1”) USE_IN_DESEQ (T or F). For groups use “WCE” for WCE samples and “Input” for plasmid samples (for later filtering)
  • ratiosFile → name of a 3 column file : RATIO_NAME (name of the column in the output file) FILE1 FILE2 → this will be used to compute ‘simple’ ratios (e.g., per replicate). The ratios will be FILE1/FILE.
  • groupRatiosFile → name of a 3 column file : COMPARISON_NAME GROUP1 GROUP2 (this will be used by DESeq2 to compare GROUP1 (case) to GROUP2 (control). Note that the ratios will be GROUP1/GROUP2.
  • suffix → suffixes of the files, as in the QC script
  • outBase → base of the filename for which output files will be formed
  • repeatFile → used for annotating repeats (can be empty)
  • featuresFile → used for annotating features (can be empty)
  • minWCEReads → minimum average number of reads in all the samples in groups with “WCE” in their name. Filtering will only take place if there are such groups.
  • minInputReads → minimum average number of reads in all the samples in groups with “Input” in their name. Filtering will only take place if there are such groups.
  • minRatioReads → minimum number of reads in FILE1+FILE2 for the ratio to be not NA
  • pseudo → pseudocount used to compute ratios
  • useUMIs → whether UMIs (T) or reads (F) should be used
  • useReps → whether replicate number should be used in DESeq (only use if there is >1!
  • useDESeq2 → whether DESeq2 should be used (default - T)

Run the script: Rscript processTwist.R config.txt

Generating context plots

The ratios can then be ploted accross the genes represented in the library. This script needs a configuration file that specifies the output of the previous step, the condition that needs to be plotted and the number of individual replicates. This file also has 2 columns (sample in samples/config.txt), key and value:

  • rootDir → Directory where the files sit
  • finalTab → Table that contains the ratios (output from the previous step)
  • condition → The ratio that will be plotted
  • numOfReplicates → The number of replicates plotted
  • outFile → The name of the output file

Run with Rscript ContextPlot.R CONFIG_FILE A sample configuration file is available at samples/contextPlot.configFile.txt


Tools for quantifying and visualizing MPRNA datasets






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