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Releases: Ikomia-dev/IkomiaApi


02 Jul 08:52
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Bug fixes:

  • Regression in dataset loaders


20 Jun 08:02
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New features:

  • OpenCV 4.8.1
  • Add I/O information in JSON export for workflow introspection
  • Add feature to expose task parameters at workflow level
  • Add feature to expose task outputs at workflow level
  • Add RGB <-> RGBA conversion option in ocv_color_conversion algorithm
  • Add environment variable (IKOMIA_AUTO_COMPLETION) to set auto-completion ON/OFF


  • Manage log status (info, warning, error) for Python
  • Manage RGBA source image
  • Indicate Python version in workflow JSON file
  • Non string values can be passed to Workflow::set_parameters()
  • Forward exception callstack when algorithm failed to load (#33)
  • Avoid double algorithm instantiation while loading workflow

Bug fixes:

  • Kernel size limit for StackBlur and BoxFilter algorithms
  • Handle empty mask for semantic segmentation output
  • Register CDatasetIO in I/O factory
  • Handle alpha channel for base 64 image conversion
  • Circular imports
  • ...


04 Oct 16:26
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This release marks the transition to the new Ikomia Scale platform. This platform includes a new version of Ikomia HUB with more insights on how to use every algorithms with this API.

New features:

  • Switch to new Ikomia HUB from Ikomia Scale platform
  • Add possibility to manage public and private HUBs
  • Token-based authentication for private HUB


  • Add polygons output for instance and semantic segmentation algorithms
  • Add methods in CImageIO class to get visual image from other I/O (graphics, object detection, segmentation...)
  • Improve speed of auto-completion system (ik module)

Bug fixes:

  • Export segmentation masks in PNG format for JSON serialization
  • Missing Python binding for CInstanceSegIO::is_data_available()
  • Windows: fix download function with correct path separators
  • Avoid creating MLFlow experiment in training algorithm constructor
  • ...


20 Jul 07:48
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  • Update documentation
  • Manage error if algorithm code package is not found in Ikomia HUB
  • Manage mandatory parameter in IkomiaRegistry::create_algorithm()
  • Update tests and make them compatible with PyTest

Bug fixes:

  • Fix upper case extension for image and video files
  • Fix I/O retrieval for composite I/O like object detection I/O, instance segmentation I/O, ...
  • Fix typo error in Workflow::set_parameters()
  • ...


14 Jun 08:49
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This minor version only includes the Ikomia domain change: ->


17 May 12:55
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This release introduces many break changes as we change the naming convention of the Python bindings from the C++ core. The complete API is now in Snake Case style for all functions, there is no more difference between pure Python and C++ API. These changes may occur during the consolidation period of the API marked by the 0.x.x versions.

New features:

  • OpenCV 4.7.0
  • Python 3.10 support
  • MLFlow 1.30
  • Remove authentication to install and load algorithms from Ikomia HUB
  • Algorithms lazy loading to speed up API initialization
  • New base classes for common computer vision tasks:
    • object detection
    • semantic segmentation
    • instance segmentation
    • keypoints detection
  • Add workflow text I/O
  • Add internal algorithms: OpenCV Blur and StackBlur
  • Add automatic conversion from instance segmentation I/O to semantic I/O


  • New auto-completion system (ik module)
  • New documentation
  • Algorithm parameters are set from dict structure (not C++ structure anymore)
  • Filtering process for object detection, instance segmentation and semantic segmentation outputs
  • Handle print() function for many API objects
  • System to find best video writer back-end and codec for video export
  • displayIO module (now part of ikomia.utils)
  • Warn user when an algorithm is not connected to any other algorithm in a workflow

Bug fixes:

  • Fix object detection graphics export
  • Fix elapsed time computation for training workflows
  • Fix JSON serialization of image I/O
  • Fix wrong output filenames on batch processing
  • Fix synchronous download method for workflow tasks
  • ...


01 Dec 10:19
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  • Timeout support while writing videos
  • Add Python bindings for executeActions() for classes inheriting ikomia.core.CWorkflowTask
  • Add download method in ikomia.core.CWorkflowTask
  • Improve logging system
  • Update and fix documentation
  • Let training task starts if Tensorboard initialization failed

Bug fixes:

  • Manage invalid ID passed to ikomia.dataprocess.CWorkflow.getTask()
  • Fix legend image for semantic segmentation output
  • Auto-completion process skip invalid plugins
  • ...


09 Nov 11:00
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New features:

  • New algorithms from the Ikomia HUB: YoloV7, Open MMlab object detection, SparseInst (training and inference)
  • Add filtering tasks for object detection, instance segmentation and semantic segmentation
  • Add display for text data (Python data dict output for example)
  • Add feature to blacklist Python packages that confict with Ikomia built-in packages
  • Manage new workflow I/O: object detection, instance segmentation, semantic segmentation
  • Add automatic I/O conversion between different types (ex: object detection output -> graphics input)


  • Manage compilation architecture for C++ algorithms from Ikomia HUB

Bug fixes:

  • Disable Tensorboard auto-start to avoid algorithm installation failure
  • ...