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Truly camelCase lib

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What is camelCase?

Camel case is the practice of capitalizing the first letter of each word in a series (excepting first word which starts with lower case letter) and then removing spaces, numbers, underscores, hyphens, and other special characters. This leaves a concatenation of words that is combined into a single string with various letters capitalized throughout.

Basic camelCase rules:

  • The first letter is in lowercase
  • Each next word should start with capitalized letter
  • The word does not end on a capitalized letter: camelCasE
  • No two capitalized letters shall follow directly each other: camelCAse
  • No number in that word at any place: CamelCase1more
  • No dot(.), underscore (_) or dash (-) within the word, only letters: camel_Case
  • No ‘foreign’ letters in it like äöüß or accentuated like áéí. cämélCáße


npm install camel


const camel = require('camel')

// is camelCase
camel.isCamelCase('fooBar') // => true
camel.isCamelCase('foo-bar') // => false

// camelize
camel.camelize('foo-bar') // => 'fooBar'
camel.camelize('foo_bar') // => 'fooBar'

// decamelize
camel.decamelize('fooBar') // => 'foo_bar'
camel.decamelize('fooBar', '-') // => 'foo-bar'



Function that validate if string value is a camel case

Param Description Type
value String value to validate string


Function that camelize string value. Keep in mind that, it's a greedy operation, it will remove any special character and also numbers to create camelCase string value.

Param Description Type
value String value to camelize string

decamelize(value, separator = '_')

Function that decamelize string value. It saves any special characters and numbers unlike camelize function.

Param Description Type
value String value in camelCase string
separator Separator for the new decamelized string. Underscore by default string

Versions and Changelog

See changelog.


Licensed under the MIT License.
