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A Switch Package to simplify asynchronous http calls & for easier implementation of web api bearer token logic

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A Switch Package to simplify asynchronous http calls & for easier implementation of web api bearer token logic (OAuth)


This is a Swift Package & can be easily installed within Xcode.

  1. Open you iOS project in Xcode
  2. Navigate to the package manager through the top tab by clicking File then Add Packages...
  3. Input the url to this GitHub repository in the search field.
  4. Click on download


An map of the most important classes enums & stuff from this Swift Package

class Http

Used for making post & get calls to given url.

// Main Methods
func get<T: Decodable>(_ urlAddon: String, query: [String : LosslessStringConvertible] = [:]) async -> HttpObjectResult<T>
func post<T: Decodable>(_ urlAddon: String, body: [String : Any]) async -> HttpObjectResult<T>

class HttpCatchable: Http

Recommended over Http. Used for making post & get calls to given url. Same functionality as Http but throws a detailed failure when an api request fails.

// Main Methods
func get<T: Decodable>(_ urlAddon: String, query: [String : LosslessStringConvertible] = [:]) async throws -> T
func post<T: Decodable>(_ urlAddon: String, body: [String : Any]) async throws -> T

class HttpCatchableGeneric<S: HttpEndpoint>: HttpCatchable

Recommended over HttpCatchable when building large scale apps.

// Main Methods
func get<T: Decodable>(_ urlAddon: S, query: [String : LosslessStringConvertible] = [:]) async throws -> T
func post<T: Decodable>(_ urlAddon: S, body: [String : Any]) async throws -> T


Simple Post

Make a simple post call to

bypassInvalidCertificate: true will stop iOS from complaining when the website of the baseUrl has an invalid certificate

/// 1. Importing this package
import Http

/// 2. Creating the HttpObject 
var http = Http(baseUrl: "", bypassInvalidCertificate: true)

// 3. Making the post request
var result = await"sign-in", body:
    "email" : "",
    "password" : "fakePassword"

// 4. Reading what we got from the request 
if result.succeeded {
} else {
    print("Failed with message" + result.message)

Post to method returning something

This is an example of how to make make a post call to an api method which returns something. Lets say that returns the json below.

    "firstName": "fake",
    "lastName": "json"

1. We first create a decodable class for the result

class SignInResponse: Decodable {
    var firstName: String
    var lastName: String
    private enum CodingKeys: String, CodingKey {
        case firstName
        case lastName
    init(from decoder: Decoder) throws {
        let container = try decoder.container(keyedBy: CodingKeys.self)
        self.firstName = try container.decode(String.self, forKey: .firstName)
        self.lastName = try container.decode(String.self, forKey: .lastName)

2. Call the api method with desired result

The method will now decode the result from "" into the specified class

import Http

var http = Http(baseUrl: "", bypassInvalidCertificate: true)
/// Set the type of variable result to an HttpObjectResult<T> where T is the class
/// which you want the method to decode the result into
var result: HttpObjectResult<SignInResponse> = await"sign-in", body:
    "email" : "",
    "password" : "fakePassword"
if result.succeeded {
    print("Your first name is: " + result.object.firstName )
} else {
    print("Failed with message" + result.message)

OAuth Authentication (bearer/access token)

This Swift Package does not only simplify post & get calls but does also simplify the implementation of OAuth Authentication.


The process of implementing OAuth through the Http Swift Package consists of two parts:

  1. Subclass either Http, HttpCatchable or HttpCatchableGeneric
  2. Override & implement the method accessToken() -> String?

The value returned from the accessToken() method will if not nil be added to the header of all get and post requests.

import Http

class CustomHttp: Http {
    init() {
        super.init(baseUrl: "")
    override func accessToken() async -> String? {
        // ... logic for receiving the token
        return storedAccessToken

Example Logic

The example below shows how the accessToken() method could be implemented with support for updating the accessToken through a refreshToken when the accessToken no longer is valid.

The implementation below consists of:

  1. Check if a accessToken exists
    • True: Return the accessToken
    • False: Try to get a new accessToken by checking for a refreshToken
import Http

class CustomHttp: Http {

    init() {
        super.init(baseUrl: "")
    override func accessToken() async -> String? {
          if let accessToken = _tokenService.getAccessToken() {
            return accessToken
        if let refreshToken = _tokenService.getRefreshToken() {
            let http = Http(baseUrl: Constants.apiUrl.appending(path: "account"))
            let result: HttpObjectResult<AccountTokensResponse> = await"tokens-refresh", body: ["refreshToken" : refreshToken])
            if (result.succeeded) {
                _tokenService.setAccessToken(result.object.accessToken, expires: result.object.accessTokenExpires)
                return result.object.accessToken
        return nil

Custom bearer

Custom keyword for the authentication access token header can be spesified if your api does not user the standard bearer.

import Http

var http = Http(baseUrl: "", bypassInvalidCertificate: true, accessTokenBearerName: "custom")

/// the access token header would now instead be:
/// "custom 13kdas021cam02mas2123masd21la0qw12"


A Switch Package to simplify asynchronous http calls & for easier implementation of web api bearer token logic







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