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c07 translation update (#150)
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Thanks to @ScrewThisNoise for providing the translations.
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ManlyMarco committed Jan 8, 2024
1 parent c324db3 commit e397c22
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// Dumped for Koikatsu v5.1 (CharaStudio) by KK_TextDump v1.4.6.0
「ほら、見てみろよ。あっちにもカップルがいるぞ。あっ……腕、組んでる……いいなぁ」=“Hey, look at this. There's a couple over there too. Ah--... they're walking arm in arm... must be nice.”
「ほら、見てないで俺たちも行こう。……腕、組むか?」=“Don't stand and watch, we should go too. ......Wanna link arms?”
「ほら、見てないで俺たちも行こう。……腕、組むか?」=“Don't stand and watch, we should go too. ...Wanna link arms?”
「……手なら、いいぞ」=“...I don't mind holding hands.”
「さっきから大人しいけど、具合でもわるい?」=“You've been pretty quiet for a while now, you feel alright?”
「ち、ちがう! お前って、見かけより手が硬い。やっぱ男子だよなあ……って」=“T-That's not it! Your hand, it's much more solid than it looks. It's so manly... wuh, ignore that.”
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「今日は上級編だ! 一つのグラスから二本のストローで、一緒に飲むぞ!」=“Time for some of the more advanced stuff! We're gonna drink together from the same glass, using 2 straws!”
「なるほど。こうやって顔が近いと、相手の気持ちが良くわかる気がするな」=“I see, good idea. Our faces are gonna be real close like this, it'll be way easier to tell exactly how the other person's feeling.”
「上級編だから、手も握ったりするんだろ? こうやって……」=“And since this is supposed to be the more advanced stuff, we gotta hold each others' hands too, no? Like so...”
「ぶはっ! ちょ、指を絡ませて、どういうつもりだ?!」=*cough*! Wai--, why do you need to wrap your fingers around mine like that?!
「ぶはっ! ちょ、指を絡ませて、どういうつもりだ?!」=*cough*! Wai--, why do you need to wrap your fingers around mine like that?!
「あ、味がサッパリわからなかったぞ……」=“T-The taste just flew over my head...”
「そう、それが恋の味だよ」=“That's exactly what love is supposed to taste like.”
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「いいよ。なんかいざ呼ぶとなると、ちょっと緊張するかも」=“Sure. Now that we're actually about to do it, I feel a bit tense.”
「お、思っても口にするな……。えっと……[Pあだ名]」=“E-Even if you feel that way, don't say it out loud... Erhm... [Pあだ名].”
「……ん、なんか想像より照れくさいけど、いいもんだな。また呼んでみてもいいか?」=“......T-That was way more embarrassing than I thought it'd be, but it felt nice. Can I call you that again sometime?”
「……ん、なんか想像より照れくさいけど、いいもんだな。また呼んでみてもいいか?」=“...T-That was way more embarrassing than I thought it'd be, but it felt nice. Can I call you that again sometime?”
「あれ? これから、ずっと愛称で呼ぶわけじゃないの?」=“Huh? We're not calling that each other from now on by default?”
「そ、それは……私にはまだ早い。もっと段階を踏んでからだな、うん」=“T-That's... that's still too fast for me. I'd like to get used to it step-by-step, step-by-step.”
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「すぅ……すぅ……ん、んん……」=*snore*... *snore*... nn, nnnn...
「すぅ……すぅ……ん、んん……」=*snore*... *snore*... nn, nnnn...
(ん、んん……何だか下半身に違和感が……?)=(Nn, nnn... my crotch feels kinda weird...?)
「えっ、何して……っ、うあっ!」=“Eh--, what are you...--, uwah--!”
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「すぅ……すぅ…………ん、んん……」=*snore*... *snore*... nn, nnnn...
「すぅ……すぅ…………ん、んん……」=*snore*... *snore*... nn, nnnn...
(んぅ……すごく気持ちいいような……いったい、何が……?)=(Nn... Something feels really good... just, what is it...?)
「って……え? え?」=“Wuh... Eh? Eh?”
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「すぅ……すぅ……ん、んん……」=*snore*... *snore*... nn, nnnn...
「すぅ……すぅ……ん、んん……」=*snore*... *snore*... nn, nnnn...
(んぅ……ん……なんか、下半身に違和感が……?)=(Nnn... nnn... there's this weird sensation, near my crotch...?)
「って……え? え?」=“Wuh... Eh? Eh?”
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「すぅ……すぅ…………ん、んん……」=*snore*... *snore*... nn, nnnn...
「すぅ……すぅ…………ん、んん……」=*snore*... *snore*... nn, nnnn...
(んぅ……ん……なにか、やわらかいものが……あたって……?)=(Nnn... nnn... I feel something... real soft...?)
「……って、え? え?」=“......wuh, eh? eh?”
「……って、え? え?」=“...wuh, eh? eh?”
「おはようさん。おっぱいで起こされた気分はどうだ?」=“Morning. How does it feel to be woken up by my boobs?”
「えっと……いい気分?」=“Erhm... good, I guess?”
「へへっ、そっか。気持ちいいならよかったぜ」=“Hehe--, I see. Glad to hear that.”
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「……いかん、緊張してきたぞ」=“......Damn, this won't do, I'm getting nervous.”
「……いかん、緊張してきたぞ」=“...Damn, this won't do, I'm getting nervous.”
(……[H名]は大丈夫かな? きっと緊張してるよな)=(... Wonder if [H名]'s alright? I bet she's sweating bullets.)
(無理やり連れてきちゃった感じだし、なんだか申し訳ないな……)=(Feels like shit though, I did just drag her into it...)
(いよいよ出番か……)=(Showtime, huh...)
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(緊張したけど、不恰好にはなってなかったはず……たぶん)=(I was really nervous there but, I'm pretty sure that didn't look too awkward... pretty sure.)
「これより新婦が入場致します。後方の扉口をご覧ください」=“And now, the bride will make her entrance. Please pay attention to the main door.”
(あ……[H名]……)=(Ah... [H名]......)
(あ……[H名]……)=(Ah... [H名]...)
視線を向けて、そのまま純白のドレスをまとった[H名]に、心を奪われてしまった。=The moment my eyes landed on her, clad in that snow white wedding dress as she was, I had my heart stolen.
普段元気いっぱい、という感じの[H名]が、俺のためにウェディングドレスを着て、貞淑に佇んでいる。=Normally so full of energy, [H名] was standing still, exuding pure femininity, wearing the dress she put on for my sake.
その事実に、俺はただ感動していた。=I was moved by that reality.
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「この人を守り、笑顔を絶やすことなく幸せにすることを誓いますか?」=“protect this woman, and vow to become her happiness?”
「はい、誓います」=“Yes, I vow.”
「[H名]さん、あなたはこの男性とお付き合いし、より親密な関係になろうとしております」=“Miss [H名], You have been going out with your groom for a while now. And now you are proceeding towards an even closer relationship.”
「……はい、誓います」=“.........Yes, I vow.”
「……はい、誓います」=“...Yes, I vow.”
「それでは、二人の愛の証として、誓いのキスをお願いします」=“Then, without further ado, as the proof of your love, seal these vows with a kiss.”
「……ごめんね。無理に連れて来ちゃったみたいで」=“...Sorry. I feel like I dragged you into this.”
「無理にって、別に……嫌々ってわけじゃねーから」=“It's not like you "dragged" me... I'm not doing this unwillingly, you know.”
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「あ、う、うん……」=“Ah, y-yeah...”
「す、好きだよ。[P名]のこと……世界で一番な」=“I-I love you. [P名]... The most in the world.”
「[H名]……ありがとう……もちろん、俺も好きだよ……」=“[H名]... Thank you... of course, I love you too...”
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「緑の中を歩くのは気持ちいいなー」=“It sure feels great to walk amongst greenery~”
「そうだな。風も穏やかで涼しくて、街なかとはやっぱ違うよ」=“Yeah. The wind's nice and refreshing too, feels completely different from the city center.”
「そうそう。そんで匂いも違うんだよね。こう、森の香りというか、大地の芳香というか……」=“Exactly. The smell is different too, innit? The aroma of forestry, the smell of the earth...”
「……ん、あれ? このおいしそうな匂いは……? お、もしかしてあれかな?」=“......Nn, huh? What's this appetizing smell...? Oh, is it that?”
「……ん、あれ? このおいしそうな匂いは……? お、もしかしてあれかな?」=“...Nn, huh? What's this appetizing smell...? Oh, is it that?”
「あっ、移動販売車だ。何売ってんだろ」=“Ah--, it's a food stall. Wonder what they're selling.”
「おお、ケバブだ。どうりでいい匂いがするわけだ」=“Ooh, it's a doner kebab stall. No wonder it smells so good.”
「せっかくだし、食べていこうよ」=“Since we're here anyway, let's grab some.”
「いらないだろ、ケバブなんて、我慢しろ」=“We don't need it. Endure the temptation.”
「え~、食べたいな~。ほら、見なよあの肉。うまそ~だな~」=“Eh~, I wanna try it though~. Look, Look at that meat. It looks so damn good~”
「……じゅるっ。い、いやっ、うまそうじゃない! 全然うまそうじゃない!」=“...*drool*--. N-No--, it doesn't look good! It doesn't look good at all!”
「こ、これは違うぞ! 食べたいわけじゃないからな!」=“Y-You've got it wrong! I definitely don't want any!”
「[H名]……。本当は食べたいんだろう? 正直に言ってくれよ」=“[H名]...... You actually really want some, right? Be honest with me.”
「[H名]……。本当は食べたいんだろう? 正直に言ってくれよ」=“[H名]... You actually really want some, right? Be honest with me.”
「うう……食べたい、けど……[P名]の前でがっついたらみっともないだろ」=“Uuu... I do, but... It'd look so bad if I just started stuffing myself in front of you, [P名.”
「お前も、そんな女は嫌だろ? ケバブってきれいに食べられそうもないし……」=“You don't like those sorts of girls either, do you? I don't think I could eat a doner kebab all prettily either...”
「そんなこと気にするわけないだろ。むしろ、たくさん食べてくれたほうが俺は嬉しいよ」=“You don't need to bother over stuff like that. If anything, I'd be real happy to see you stuff yourself.”
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「それではこれより、式を執り行います」=“Then without further ado, let's start the ceremony.”
「新たなご出発の証として、お二人には誓いの言葉を立てていただきます」=“As the proof of a fresh departure, you both have to make certain vows.”
「[P名]さん、あなたは今、この女性を妻とし夫婦になろうとしています」=“Mr. [P名], you are now about to take this woman to be your wife.”
「[P名]さん、あなたは今、この女性を妻とし夫婦になろうとしています」=“Mr. [P名], Right now, you are about to become a married couple, with this woman as your wife.”
「汝、健やかなるときも、病めるときも、喜びのときも、悲しみのときも、富めるときも、貧しいときも」=“Do you promise, in times of sickness or in health, in times of happiness or sadness, whether you are rich or poor,”
「これを愛し、これを敬い、これを慰め、これを助け、その命ある限り、真心を尽くすことを誓いますか?」=“to love her, to respect her, to comfort her, to support her, till the end of days, to the full extent of your abilities?”
「はい、誓います」=“Yes, I vow.”
「[H名]さん、あなたは今、この男性を夫とし夫婦になろうとしています」=“Miss [H名], you are now about to take this man as your husband.”
「はい、誓います」=“Yes, I do.”
「[H名]さん、あなたは今、この男性を夫とし夫婦になろうとしています」=“Miss [H名], Right now, you are about to become a married couple, with this man as your husband.”
「はい、誓います!」=“Yes, I do!”
「では、二人の誓いの印として、指輪の交換を致します」=“Then, as the proof of your vows, you may now exchange the rings.”
「初めに新郎から新婦へ」=“First from the groom to the bride.”
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「全部受け止める……。[P名]の……いや、あなたの……妻として……」=“I'll take it all... As your wife... [P名]... no, darling...”
「ありがとう、俺も……何があっても[H名]を守ると誓うよ」=“Thank you, me too... I swear that I'll protect you, come hell or high water.”
「これからもずっと、そばにいてくれ……」=“Stay by my side, for the rest of my life...”
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「さて、と。次はどこに行こうか」=“Now then. Where do you wanna go next?”
「そうだな~……ん? なんだかい~い匂いが……?」=“Good question~... Hm? I feel like I can smell something real~ nice...?”
「あっ、こんなところに屋台があったのか。……おお、ホットドッグだ!」=“Ah--, I didn't know they had food stalls here. ...Ooh, they've got hot dogs!”
「……な、なあ、今、聞こえたか?」=“......H-Hey, did you hear that just now?”
「……な、なあ、今、聞こえたか?」=“...H-Hey, did you hear that just now?”
「ばっちりとね」=“Loud and clear.”
「ぬわーん! だ、だってそろそろ昼飯の時間だろ? こんないい匂いがしてきたら、そりゃ腹も減るだろ?」=“But--! I-I mean, it's almost lunch time, no? Just about anyone's gonna have their stomach growl when they smell something this good so close to lunch.”
「そんな必死になって弁解しなくても……。俺も腹減ったし、お昼にしようか」=“You don't need to justify it so frantically... I'm pretty hungry myself anyway, so let's just have lunch here.”
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「じゃあ、俺も同じのでいくよ。実は俺も辛いのは結構好きでね」=“Then, I'll go with the same one. I like spicy food myself.”
「そうなのか。んじゃお先、いただきまーす。……はむ、んぐんぐ……こりゃうまいっ!」=“That so, huh? Well then, I'll dig in first. ...*bite*, *chew chew*... damn, this is great--!”
「なら俺も、いっただっきまー……ずぅぶへっ!!」=“Well then, I'll go ahead too... *khack*--!!”
「ぐほっげほっ!! かぁらぁぁっっっ!! 辛すぎんだろこれっ!!」=*cough* *cough*--!! Too damn spicy--!! This is way too damn spicy--!!
「むぐむぐ……そうか? 美味しいけどなぁ」=*munch munch*... that so? It's pretty good though.
「ぐほっげほっ!! かぁらぁぁっっっ!! 辛すぎんだろこれっ!!」=*cough* *cough*--!! Too damn spicy--!! This is way too damn spicy--!!
「むぐむぐ……そうか? 美味しいけどなぁ」=*munch munch*... that so? It's pretty good though.
「え、なんで平然と食べてるの? 俺、唇が焼けただれそうなんだけど……」=“Eh, how are you eating it so calmly? I feel like my lips are gonna burn off...”
「こんなん売っちゃいけないレベルだよ! 『ごめんねっ』なんて軽い謝罪で許される問題じゃ無いぞ!」=“This isn't something you can sell! It's not something you can gloss over with a light『Sorry』!”
「大げさだなぁ[P名]は。こんなもん普通だろ。……私もう一個食べようかな」=“You're making too big a deal out of it, [P名]. This much is normal, no? ...Maybe I'll go for another one.”
「……なるほど、こういう人間がいるから売ってるわけか……うまいことできてるんだな……」=“......I see, I guess that's why they're selling it, because people like you exist... Guess they've got some chops alright...”
「……なるほど、こういう人間がいるから売ってるわけか……うまいことできてるんだな……」=“...I see, I guess that's why they're selling it, because people like you exist... Guess they've got some chops alright...”
「私、この普通のホットドッグにするよ。シンプルこそ至高ってな」=“I'll go with this normal one here. Simple is best, afterall.”
「いいね、ノッた。俺も同じやつにしよう」=“Sounds good, I'll go with the same one.”
「……お、きたきた。そこのベンチで座って食べようか」=“...Oh, it's here. Wanna go sit at that bench and eat it?”
「そうだな。……んしょっと。おし、そんじゃ、いっただきま~す。……んぐ、むぐむぐ」=“Good idea. ...There. Aight, I'll be digging in. ...*bite*, *chew chew*.”
「俺もいただきまーす!」=“I'll dig in as well!”
「んぐんぐ、うまいな! レストランもいいけどさ、こうやって外で食べるホットドッグはまた格別だよな」=*chew chew*, this is great! Restaurants are good too but, just sitting outside and eating hot dogs like this is nice in its own way, isn't it?
「んぐんぐ、うまいな! レストランもいいけどさ、こうやって外で食べるホットドッグはまた格別だよな」=*chew chew*, this is great! Restaurants are good too but, just sitting outside and eating hot dogs like this is nice in its own way, isn't it?
「うんうん、まったくだ。……お? [H名]、口の端にケチャップついてるよ」=“Yeah, you said it. ...Oh? [H名], there's some ketchup on your face.”
「ぬ、マジか? どこだ?」=“Muh, for real? Where?”
「こっちだよ。あ、動かないで。取ってあげるから」=“Here. Ah, don't move. I'll wipe it off for you.”
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