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Releases: ImAiiR/QobuzDownloaderX


16 Mar 00:36
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Another quick fix release, nothing else new added.

  • Fixed login / authorization again (fixed getting App ID & App Secret)

An update?! In 2023?! And that's all it is?!
Yeah, irl work suuucks. But the program needed fixing again, so it's fixed up. Hopefully this will hold it off until I finish the rewrite to be published. That's only taking so long because of being busy with personal life and work. Thanks for sticking around and still using the program all this time though, love you guys, mwah.


03 Mar 17:19
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Quick fix release, nothing else new added at the moment

  • Fixed login / authorization [Thanks jraiver]

I'm currently extremely busy irl, so I haven't been able to work on the program, but I haven't given up on it, so don't worry about that. I do have plans to add some features, fixes, etc. I'm just not sure when that'll happen.


24 Aug 18:15
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  • Added the ability to download Playlists (finally). New feature, probably broken in some ways, so let me know if it is by creating issues.
  • Reorganized tag options and made the tag options section smaller.
  • Added debug option for listing / using custom format IDs.
  • Added option for filename template. Choices are 00 Trackname or 00 - Trackname.

Life is getting a bit more busy, so updates may come a bit slower. Going to try to keep this fixed up the best I can though.


15 Aug 04:44
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  • Added another debug option for Re-enabling disabled buttons and checkboxes, for if anything goes wrong and they don't get re-enabled automatically.
  • Added a Hide button in debug options
  • Added a way for users to change the max length for filenames. There's a limit at 110 to avoid errors. If you still get errors with 110, just lower the value to download, but still create an issue with the error, and provide a link to the release, so I can check what a new limit should be.
  • Added a line of code before grabbing tags to set composer to null, as sometimes QBDLX would keep the old value from another release and use it for another.


10 Aug 19:26
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  • Fixed login


25 Jul 01:13
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  • Replaced regex for Track IDs to fix new error caused by the regex grabbing the wrong IDs.


20 Jul 21:17
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  • Fixed typo where Artist (Performer) tag would be set to the Album Artist string by mistake.
  • Added check for null in DecodeEncodedNonAsciiCharacters
  • Added try-catch to grabbing preformerName to avoid errors when API returns no performer.


09 Jul 03:57
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  • Using Json.NET instead of using regex matches for everything. Still using regex for some things, but most regex uses have been replaced with using Json.NET.
  • Re-worked downloading. To fix up the terribly written & organized code I wrote before. At most it's a little bit better than my old code.
  • Switched from using string concatenation to using Path.Combine() for creating & setting strings for directories.
  • Using a slightly different method for downloading tracks, along with downloading to %TEMP%, then moving to path and renaming when download is completed.
  • Tagging code doesn't use nearly as many lines as it used to, finally.
  • Added a check to see if cover art is actually available on Qobuz servers, this should fix errors with some releases that have their cover art missing.
  • Re-worked login code, looks a lot cleaner than before.
  • Added a new about form.

Like usual, let me know if any issues come out of this new update, I'm sure I ended up breaking something and didn't realize it.


16 Jun 07:38
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  • Hopefully the final time I'll have this in the changelog, fixed errors that happen when file names or folders are too long. Possible that I broke something else by missing string changes in certain sections knowing me, so if something is broke, let me know.
  • Added the Release Type tag option. This option adds the MEDIATYPE tag in embedded tags when enabled, and if the API doesn't return as null.
  • Added changelogs to the update popup for new versions. Should give some info on what an update is for instead of being forced to come to GitHub to find that out.


26 May 16:15
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I knew I forgot something.

  • Fixed downloading goodies (digital booklets)