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Poonam Hiwal edited this page Jun 3, 2015 · 9 revisions

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Ideas for Mozilla Sprint 4th-5th June 2015:

Contribute in other Citizen Cyberlab Projects

Remix it with RedWire challenge

Game programming is so fragile that most new games get written from scratch, again and again. That’s why we’ve created RedWire, a new game engine that let’s you pull games apart into atoms and stitch them back together in novel ways. The game engine is completely open source, as are the games written on it. It’s a fantastic way to make new citizen science games quickly.

In this challenge, you can create new games from scratch, or hack existing ones to do whatever your heart desires. The more games on the platform, the more material there will the next time someone comes there! Don’t you want your game to be remixed too?

Find out more about RedWire at and follow the tutorial at

Open Analytics Challenge

Do you have a game and want to be able track how your players are using it? Do your players contributing to science and you'd like to give that data back to them?

RedMetrics ( is the first open source, open data, game analytics service. A game can send any kind of usage data it wants (starting a level, gaining points, restarting a difficult section, etc.) and RedMetrics will gladly store that data for you. Since it is an open service, anyone - including researchers and players themselves - can look up that data and do what they'd like with it.

RedWire provides a REST web API so that any internet-connected game can use it. Games that run within the browser can use RedMetrics.js ( to connect.

In this challenge, hook up your game to RedMetrics and start learning what your players are doing!