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Releases: ImpulseAdventure/GUIslice-Builder

Release 0.17.b35

05 Jun 23:29
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Bug Fixes for 0.17.b35

Pull Request 267 - Fix vertical line height always 1

Bug Fixes for 0.17.b34

Fix for problem saving and loading project options.

Enhancement for 0.17.b33

Drag and Drop of UI Elements from the RibbonBar is now supported. This allows you to place your UI pieces
where you want them to appear.

Enhancement for 0.17.b28

Thanks to the effort of etet100 Andrzej the Builder now supports resizing UI Elements using your mouse. You simply need to click on the UI Element and then place your cursor over one of the red handles and drag while holding down your left mouse button.

The View pull-down and View\Editor panel now has Zoom Reset and SNAP TO GRID.

For further details check out sections 2.3 Creating your UI and 3.1 Main Parts/View Band of our User Guide.

Enhancements for 0.17.b27

Upgraded to FlatLaf 3.3 and Java 18 and added better support for MacOS.

Release 0.17.b34

03 Jun 19:06
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Bug Fixes for 0.17.b34

Fix for problem saving and loading project options.

Enhancement for 0.17.b33

Drag and Drop of UI Elements from the RibbonBar is now supported. This allows you to place your UI pieces
where you want them to appear.

Enhancement for 0.17.b28

Thanks to the effort of etet100 Andrzej the Builder now supports resizing UI Elements using your mouse. You simply need to click on the UI Element and then place your cursor over one of the red handles and drag while holding down your left mouse button.

The View pull-down and View\Editor panel now has Zoom Reset and SNAP TO GRID.

For further details check out sections 2.3 Creating your UI and 3.1 Main Parts/View Band of our User Guide.

Enhancements for 0.17.b27

Upgraded to FlatLaf 3.3 and Java 18 and added better support for MacOS.

Release 0.17.b29

21 May 19:08
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Enhancement for 0.17.b29

Minor UI changes to Grid.

Enhancement for 0.17.b28

Thanks to the effort of etet100 Andrzej the Builder now supports resizing UI Elements using your mouse. You simply need to click on the UI Eement and then place your cursor over one of the red handles and drag while holding down your left mouse button.

The View pull-down and View\Editor panel now has Zoom Reset and SNAP TO GRID.

For further details check out sections 2.3 Creating your UI and 3.1 Main Parts/View Band of our User Guide.

Release 0.17.b28

17 May 14:13
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Enhancement for 0.17.b28

Thanks to the effort of etet100 Andrzej the Builder now supports resizing UI Elements using your mouse. You simply need to click on the UI Eement and then place your cursor over one of the red handles and drag while holding down your left mouse button.

The View pull-down and View\Editor panel now has Zoom Reset and SNAP TO GRID.

For further details check out sections 2.3 Creating your UI and 3.1 Main Parts/View Band of our User Guide.

Release 0.17.b27

02 Feb 20:07
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Enhancements for 0.17.b27

Upgraded to FlatLaf 3.3 and Java 18 and added better support for MacOS.

Bug Fixes 0.17.b27

  • Bug Fix 250 MACOS (OSX) 13.2 - Fatal error when changing E_PROJECT OPTIONS

Release 0.17.b25

13 Oct 13:48
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Enhancements for 0.17.b25

User Guide,pdf has been updated to this release.

Added support for Chinese TFT_eSPI Smooth Font wqyMicroHei16.vlw.

Added support for Arabic fonts using TFT_eFEX library.

Arabic Fonts require using TFT_eSPI SMOOTH_FONTS (.VLW extension) and this in turn needs eFontRefType = GSLC_FONTREF_FNAME and fontRefMode = GSLC_FONTREF_MODE_1.

The following fonts are shipped with the Builder inside GUIsliceBuilder/fonts/vlw/data:

  • cairobold16.vlw
  • cairobold20.vlw
  • cairolight16.vlw
  • cairolight20.vlw
  • cairomedium16.vlw
  • cairomedium20.vlw

Generated Code Example:

  // ------------------------------------------------
  // Load Fonts
  // ------------------------------------------------
//<Load_Fonts !Start!>
    if (!gslc_FontSet(&m_gui,E_CAIROBOLD16,GSLC_FONTREF_FNAME,CAIROBOLD16_VLW,16)) { return; }
    gslc_FontSetMode(&m_gui, E_CAIROBOLD16, GSLC_FONTREF_MODE_1);
//<Load_Fonts !End!>

Release 0.17.b24

02 Jun 12:52
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Bug Fixes 0.17.b24

  • Issue 233 Using TFT_eSPI with gfx freefonts created include 'NULLFreeSans12pt7b.h'
  • Bug Fix Now the Builder tests that your enums start with a capital letter A to Z to fix compile time issues.

Enhancement for 0.17.b23

Removed edit->options tabs for Box, Text, and TextButton since now you should edit theme inside GUIsliceBuilder/templates
guislice_themes.json If you understand json syntax you can add your own theme or simply edit the GUIslice version.

Release 0.17.b23

17 May 19:27
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Enhancement for 0.17.b23

Removed edit->options tabs for Box, Text, and TextButton since now you should edit theme inside GUIsliceBuilder/templates
guislice_themes.json If you understand json syntax you can add your own theme or simply edit the GUIslice version.

Release 0.17.b22

12 May 18:28
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Release History

Bug Fix 0.17.b22

  • Bug Fix for Flash based checkbox and radio buttons with callback enabled.
    Also, updated FAQ.pdf

Bug Fix 0.17.b21

  • Bug Fix 232 Builder cannot be instructed not to overwrite existing files
    Enhancement has been made to not overwrite any existing platformio.ini file when doing a code generation.

Bug Fixes 0.17.b20

  • Bug Fix 230 Fix to allow running directly within Eclipse IDE

Enhancements for 0.17.b19

The Builder has been updated to use Java 18 and FlatLaf 3.0.

The UTF8? property on text fields has been removed since GUIslice API only supports this on a RaspberryPI using Linux. Bug Fixes 0.17.b19

  • Issue 228 Guislice-Builder doesn't display German Umlauts using TFT_eSPI and GFX fonts.

Bug Fixes 0.17.b18

  • Bug Fix Redefine complier error when using freefont with TFT_eSPI graphics driver.
  • Bug Fix SaveAs project also moved over the previous project's *.prg file leaving two *.prg files in the new folder
  • Issue 224 Fatal error when SaveAs new empty project
  • Issue 223 Application will not start on Ubuntu

Enhancements for 0.17.b16

  • Issue 221 Area simulates TFT panel > scroll possibility with a large number of pages
    Builder already supplies scroll bar inside tab panel but now the TreeView
    will support selecting the icons for Expand and Collapse Page Elements.
    Inside the TreeView Pages will start out collapsed to better support
    larger projects.
  • Issue 220 Tree view > Adjust Width Area. You can now drag the view larger or smaller.

Bug Fixes 0.17.b15

  • Issue 218 Builder crash in a large project

Bug Fixes 0.17.b14

  • Issue 215 Folder loop creation using SaveAs

Bug Fixes 0.17.b13

  • Issue 213 Permission problems on MacOS
  • Issue 212 permission denied error when running .sh on Ubuntu 22.04

Enhancements for 0.17.b12

Added support for PlatformIO IDE issue `#117`. Users now select either Arduino IDE or PlatformIO IDE either inside the Project Options Tab and/or inside User Preferences by Edit->options->General tab->"Target IDE". The platformio.ini file will be populated with all settings needed for common configurations. The resulting project folder will be structured with a src, include, lib, and test subfolders. Instead of code named projectname.ino it will be named main.cpp. The projectname_GSLC.h file will be inside the project folder/includes. Further details on customizing the Builder for PlatformIO is available in the `User Guide Chapter 6 - Configuring PlatformIO Support`.

HotFix 0.16.b011

11 Jun 18:27
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Bug Fixes for 0.16.b011

  • Issue 169 - Textbox double quotes are not escaped in generated code
  • Issue 172 - Fill enable , Disable not working with text input