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ImranCS edited this page Apr 30, 2013 · 2 revisions

An assortment of Wordpress Admin / core features

  • Multisite Plugin Overview to see what is installed where. See demo.
  • Reseed - change/reorganize ids to make contiguous, change wp_posts identity and trash posts / remove drafts.
  • Scripts - library for extra / custom reusable assets.
  • Functions - cs_var for runtime variables, _nl for whitespace fanatics, CHtml from yii.
  • CSAdminBase - base class for admin pages, easily print headings, forms, messages. check and log actions.

Other Tidbits

True Multisite

Rather than the multisite configuration, I read $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] and vary the wordpress database.

This is done in wp-config.php by

$hostName = str_replace('www.', '', $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']);
$siteNames = array('' => 'mini', '' => 'multi', '' => 'tg');
$siteName = $siteNames[$hostName];

define('DB_NAME', 'cselian_wp_' . $siteName);

This keeps the dbs isolated and is especially useful for staging websites that have to be moved eventually. Plugins can be updated at once and no separate code installations are needed. The only caveat is that its hard to track which plugins are in use on which site.

You can see this in action here

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