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Imran J edited this page Dec 22, 2018 · 1 revision

Welcome to the Chronos (Emulator for Chinese flyff) wiki!

How this works ?

Chronos has been developed with the ORM PetaPoco, who brings a significant comfort.

As all data classes are implemented by IAutoGeneratedRecord, the tables are generated automatically by emulator at the startup.

Also, for the loading, I have done a "initialization loading", what does that mean, basically, I create a manager that regroups all data classes who loading the kind of data from the database.

For example, all data from characters from a method always called Initialize also the manager class inherit from the DatabaseManager<T> that is a generic class, and with that way you can call any method from the class with their Singleton, all technics and practices will be explained later.


After building the exe, you must launch the server at least one time, to create the config file.

His name is config.xml, don't forget all values setted on the config will overwrite the data from the variables hardcoded at the startup except if in the code you want to change it after the configuration loading.

Start Testing

To start testing the client on the server, you must change the server.ini in the root folder of the game and change the ip and the port and you can also change the name.

The others informations don't be changed !!!

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