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This repository has been archived by the owner on Aug 28, 2019. It is now read-only.


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# 开发环境预先要求

{info} 如果你是在 Windows 下开发,除了手动部署虚拟机外,我们也推荐你使用 Homestead 作为开发环境.

  • OS: Ubuntu(Linux)
  • PHP: 7.1+
  • Composer: Latest
  • MySQL: 5.7
  • Redis: 4.0.9+
  • Schedule: True

## 设置开发环境
// 请先 Fork 一份主存储库到自己的项目下
$ git clone <forked-steamhub-repo>

// 进入刚刚 Fork 好的存储库
$ cd <forked-steamhub-repo>

// 选择你想要进行开发的分支,我们的所有开发的增量更新都会合并到 Dev 分支,如果有其他单独功能,请切换到新分支再进行 PR.
$ git checkout <branch name>

// 安装依赖
$ composer install

// 设置本地环境连接
> 创建文件 .env
> 填写数据库,redis 账户密码,并且开启 
> APP_ENV=local

// 执行迁移,迁移过程有些繁琐,我们正在解决这个问题,请查看:

$ php artisan key:generate
$ php artisan migrate
$ php artisan db:seed
## 提交指南

{info} 提交格式应遵守 <type>: <subject> 或者 <type>(scope): <subject>

  • feat: Commits that result in a new features or functionalities. Backwards
  • compatible features will release with the next MINOR whereas breaking changes will
  • be in the next MAJOR. The body of a commit with breaking changes must begin with
  • BREAKING CHANGE, followed by a description of how the API has changed.
  • fix: Commits that provide fixes for bugs within vuetify's codebase.
  • docs: Commits that provide updates to the docs.
  • style: Commits that do not affect how the code runs, these are simply changes to formatting.
  • refactor: Commits that neither fixes a bug nor adds a feature.
  • perf: Commits that improve performance.
  • test: Commits that add missing or correct existing tests.
  • chore: Other commits that dont modify main or test files.
  • revert: Commits that revert previous commits.


Use PHP to build SteamHub‘s RESTful API






No releases published


