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This library is a set of utilities for working with ProGet Asset Directories. It wraps the Asset Directory API with a more accessible C#/.NET interface.


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All access to a ProGet Asset Directory is through the AssetDirectoryClient class. Supply the required endpointUrl to the constructor and optionally the apiKey (or userName and password):

var client = new AssetDirectoryClient(endpointUrl: "https://my.proget/endpoints/<AssetDirectoryName>", apiKey: "<API KEY>");

List Directory Contents

// List items in the root folder of the asset directory.
var rootItems = await client.ListContentsAsync();

// List items in the myFolder/ folder of the asset directory.
var myFolderItems = await client.ListContentsAsync("myFolder");

// List items in the other/files/ folder and all subfolders.
var recursiveItems = await client.ListContentsAsync("other/files", true);

Get Item Metadata

// Get metadata for path/to/file.txt. An exception is raised if the file does not exist.
var item1 = await client.GetItemMetadataAsync("path/to/file.txt");

// Get metadata for another-file.txt if it exists. If it does not exist, returns null.
var item2 = await client.TryGetItemMetadataAsync("another-file.txt");

Download a File

// Download the file to C:\temp\
using var stream = await client.DownloadFileAsync("");
using var dest = File.Create(@"C:\temp\");
await stream.CopyToAsync(dest);

Open a File for Random Access

// Open the file on the remote asset directory without downloading it, and wrap it with a BufferedStream.
using var stream = new BufferedStream(await client.OpenRandomAccessFileAsync(""));
using var zip = new ZipArchive(stream, ZipArchiveMode.Read);

Upload a File

// Upload to the asset directory, breaking the upload into multiple chunks as necessary.
using var source = File.OpenRead(@"C:\temp\");
using var destStream = await client.UploadMultipartFileAsync("", source.Length);
await source.CopyToAsync(destStream);

Upload a File (Single Request)

// Upload users.txt to the asset directory as a single request.
using var source = File.OpenRead(@"C:\temp\users.txt");
using var destStream = await client.UploadFileAsync("users.txt", source.Length, totalSize: source.Length);
await source.CopyToAsync(destStream);

Delete a File

// Delete the myfile.txt file in the asset directory if it exists.
await client.DeleteItemAsync("myfile.txt");

Delete a Directory

// Delete the my/dir in the asset directory if it exists and is empty.
await client.DeleteItemAsync("my/dir");

// Delete the my/dir in the asset directory if it exists, and recusively deletes its contents if it is not empty.
await client.DeleteItemAsync("my/dir", true);

Create a Directory

// Ensures that the emptydir folder exists in the asset directory.
await client.CreateDirectoryAsync("emptydir");

Write Metadata to Item

// Ensures that the "owner" property of is set to "Steve Dennis".
await client.UpdateItemMetadata("",
	userMetadata: new Dictionary<string, UserMetadataValue>
		["owner"] = "Steve Dennis"


ProGet asset directory client library







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