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Repair Item Tags

Thelnfamous1 edited this page Dec 31, 2020 · 14 revisions

artifact_repair_items.json is the tag for any item that can repair an artifact. By default, this contains the vanilla experience bottle.

metal_weapon_repair_items.json is the tag for any item that can repair (metal) melee weapons. By default, this contains iron ingots.

metal_armor_repair_items.json is the tag for any item that can repair metal armors. By default, this contains iron ingots.

non_metal_armor_repair_items.json is the tag for any item that can repair non-metal armors. By default, this contains leather.

To overwrite or add to these tags, create a datapack that has the path data/dungeons_gear/tags/items. In that items folder, create any JSON files with an identical name to the tag you want to overwrite or add to, and write your list of items.

Inside each JSON file at the top, put "replace:true" if you want to overwrite the tag completely, or "replace:false" if you just want to add items to the tag.

Example, for metal_weapon_repair_items.json, with the goal of making the only item in the tag Immersive Engineering's Steel Ingot:

  "replace": true,
  "values": [

Alternatively, with the goal of making any steel ingot the only acceptable type of repair item:

  "replace": true,
  "values": [

And to add steel ingots to the existing list of valid repair items (with '#forge:ingots/iron" already included by default in the tag):

  "replace": false,
  "values": [
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