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Added Import function for processing offline scans (HostSurvey Result…
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singlethreaded committed Mar 26, 2017
0 parents commit d860b20
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Showing 14 changed files with 1,631 additions and 0 deletions.
400 changes: 400 additions & 0 deletions AnalysisExport.ps1

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167 changes: 167 additions & 0 deletions Import-HuntICLZs.ps1
@@ -0,0 +1,167 @@
# Script to upload manual .iclz file to hunt server.
[Parameter( Position = 0,
Mandatory = $true)]
$Path, # <folder containing the .iclz files to upload>

$TargetListName = "OfflineScans",

[String]$HuntServer = "https://localhost:4443",

$HuntCredential = [System.Management.Automation.PSCredential]::Empty,

$ScanCredential = [System.Management.Automation.PSCredential]::Empty

$Target = "localhost"
$UploadDir = "C:\Program Files\Infocyte\Hunt\uploads"

# Hardcoded Credentials (unsafe in production but convenient for testing)

#Infocyte Credentials
if ($HuntCredential -eq [System.Management.Automation.PSCredential]::Empty) {
$username = 'infocyte'
$password = 'pulse' | ConvertTo-SecureString -asPlainText -Force
$Script:HuntCredential = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential($username,$password)

#Query Credentials (Scanning Admin/Service Account)
if ($ScanCredential -eq [System.Management.Automation.PSCredential]::Empty) {
$username = '\administrator'
$password = 'pulse' | ConvertTo-SecureString -asPlainText -Force
$Script:ScanCredential = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential($username,$password)

if (-NOT (Test-Path $Path)) {
Write-Warning "Path does not exist, place your ICLZ files in $Path"
elseif (-NOT (Get-ChildItem -Path $Path -Filter *.iclz)) {
Write-Warning "Path does not contain any .ICLZ files"

# Create new login Token and add it to Script variable
Write-Host "Connecting $HuntServer using account $($HuntCredential.username)"
$NewToken = New-ICToken $HuntCredential $HuntServer
if ($NewToken) {
Write-Host "Login successful to $HuntServer"
Write-Host "Login Token id: $($"
Start-Sleep 1
# Error if token no longer valid is:
# WARNING: Error: The underlying connection was closed: An unexpected error occurred on a send.

# Get Target Lists. If our specified list isn't there, create it.
$TargetList = Get-ICTargetList | where { $ -eq $TargetListName -AND $_.deleted -eq $False}
if ($TargetList) {
$TargetListId = $
} else {
Write-Host "Creating TargetList named $TargetListName"
$TargetListId = (New-ICTargetList $TargetListName).id

# If we don't clear the target list, we would enumerate and scan all the other addresses already in there again
Write-Host "Clearing Target List targets from $TargetListId"
Remove-ICAddresses $TargetListId

#Create new Query for target
Write-Host "Creating new Query for: $Target"
$QueryId = (New-ICQuery $TargetListId $Target $ScanCredential).id

# Initiate Enumeration
Write-Host "Enumerating $Target"
Invoke-ICEnumeration $TargetListId $QueryId

# Track Status of Enumeration
$active = $true
Write-Host "Waiting for enumeration to complete"
Write-Progress -Activity "Enumerating Target" -status "Waiting for enumeration to complete"
while ($active) {
$status = Get-ICActiveTasks | where { $_.type -eq "Enumerate" }
Write-Progress -Activity "Enumerating Target" -status "[$elapsed/1000] $($status.message)" -percentComplete $status.progress
if ($status.status -eq "Active") {

} else {
$active = $false
if ($status.message -like "error") {
Write-Host "ERROR: Could not enumerate Target"
return "ERROR: Could not enumerate Target"
} else {
Write-Host "Enumeration Complete!"

#Copy .iclz files into upload folder (temp dir)
$TempFolderName = "temp$([guid]::NewGuid())"
Write-Host "Copying .iclz files to temp directory: $UploadDir\$TempFolderName"
Copy-Item -Path $Path -Destination $UploadDir\$TempFolderName -recurse -Container
# TODO: Change this to grab the iclz files only and rename them using their md5 hash so we're not uploading the same iclz file twice (which would break everything)
Get-ChildItem $Path -filter *.iclz | Foreach-Object {
$newhash = (Get-Hashes -Path $_ -Type MD5).md5
Copy-Item -Path $_ -Destination $UploadDir\$TempFolderName\Survey-$newhash.json.iclz -recurse -Container

Write-Host "Retrieving Last Job and ScanId"
$LastFolder = (gci 'C:\Program Files\Infocyte\Hunt\uploads\' | Sort-Object LastWriteTime -Descending)[0].Name
$ScanJobs = Get-ICActiveJobs | Sort-Object timestamp -Descending | where { $_.status -eq "Scanning" }
if ($ScanJobs) {
$baseScanId = $ScanJobs[0].ScanId
} else {
$baseScanId = "N/A"
Write-Host "Last Folder name: $LastFolder"
Write-Host "Last Active ScanId: $baseScanId"

# Initiate Scan
Write-Host "Initiating Scan of $Target"
Invoke-ICScan $TargetListId

# Wait for new scan to be created
$scanId = $baseScanId
while ($scanId -eq $baseScanId) {
$ScanJobs = Get-ICActiveJobs | Sort-Object timestamp -Descending | where { $_.status -eq "Scanning" }
if ($ScanJobs) {
$scanId = $ScanJobs[0].ScanId
Write-Host "Waiting for new ScanId to be created... ScanID is currently $scanID $(Get-Date)"
} else {
Write-Warning "No Active Scan! Waiting for scan to be initiated..."
$ScanId = "N/A"
Start-Sleep 2
Write-Host "New ScanID created! Now: $scanId"

Write-Host "Renaming $UploadDir\$TempFolderName Directory to $UploadDir\$ScanId"
if (Test-Path $UploadDir\$ScanId) {
Write-Warning "Folder $UploadDir\$ScanId already exists!"
} else {
Rename-Item $UploadDir\$TempFolderName $UploadDir\$ScanId
Write-Host "Your HostSurvey results will be processed as the current scan of TargetList $TargetListName moves to the processing phase."

# Track Status of Scan processing
$active = $true
while ($active) {
$status = Get-ICActiveTasks | where { $_.type -eq "Scan" -AND $_.status -eq "Active"}
if ($status.status -eq "Active") {
$elapsedtime = "$($($status.elapsed)/1000)"
Write-Progress -Activity "Waiting for scan to process" -status "[Elapsed (seconds): $elapsedtime] $($status.message)" -percentComplete ($status.progress)
} else {
$active = $false
if ($status.message -like "error") {
Write-Host "ERROR: Could not scan Target"
} else {
Write-Host "Scan Completed in $elapsedtime seconds"

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