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Squonk 2 Data Manager UI

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GitHub tag (latest by date)

Open in GitHub Codespaces

API Compatibility

The Data Manager UI will usually only work with specific API versions. A major version bump in the UI (E.g. 1.x to 2.y) will correspond to a major version change in either the data-manager API or the account-server API.

Compatibility Table

1 1 1
2 1 2
3 2 2


Checkout the releases for the latest changes or look at


This project uses pnpm.

Notable scripts:

  • pnpm install to install dependencies. This will also setup husky git hooks via the postinstall script.
  • pnpm dev starts the development server
  • pnpm dev:debug same as above but with the Node debugger running. Start the VSCode debugger to connect.
  • pnpm build will create a production build which includes type-checking and eslint
  • pnpm start starts the production server
  • pnpm tsc will run a one-off type check. This is also called pre-push to ensure no type errors are deployed.
  • pnpm lint will run the linter with the eslint config
  • pnpm format will format specified files with the eslint config
  • pnpm test will run the playwright tests
  • pnpm test:debug runs the tests with debug mode (headed)
  • pnpm test:ci runs the tests but configured for GitHub actions

See package.json for all available scripts.


This project uses Playwright for integration and e2e testing. To get this setup install all dependencies:

pnpm i
pnpm exec playwright install-deps
pnpm exec playwright install

Then run:

  • pnpm t to run the tests in headless mode
  • pnpm test:debug to run the tests headed in debug mode

Code Quality

We use a combination of Husky, lint-staged and eslint to format code to a standard style (see the .eslintrc file). Changed lines/files are formatted by when a git commit is made.


Official builds are handled by GitHub Actions and container images pushed to Docker-Hub. Refer to the .github/workflows files to see the official build commands, which can be run from the project clone to produce an nginx web-container: -

$ docker build . \
    --build-arg GIT_SHA=$(git rev-parse HEAD) \
    --build-arg SKIP_CHECKS=1 \
    --tag informaticsmatters/squonk-data-manager-ui:latest

Deployment to Kubernetes is handled by our AWX-compliant Ansible playbook repo.

Local/alternative configuration

A .env file is injected by Kubernetes at run-time that provides values for numerous environment variables. The .env.* used at build time is .env.staging, but this can be changed by using the build-arg FLAVOUR. NextJS loads .env.* files different depending on the Node environment. Read more here. Build the image using

$ docker build . \
    --build-arg FLAVOUR=local.example \
    --build-arg GIT_SHA=$(git rev-parse HEAD) \
    --build-arg SKIP_CHECKS=1 \
    --build-arg BASE_PATH="" \
    --tag informaticsmatters/squonk-data-manager-ui:latest

Which can then be started on http://localhost:8080/data-manager-ui with: -

$ docker run --rm --detach --publish 8080:3000 \

In local development the .env.* can be loaded by copying it into the container and committing it as a image.

  1. Crate the container: docker create --name foo-tmp <temp-tag-name>
  2. Copy the .env.* into the container: docker cp .env. foo-tmp:/app
  3. Commit the container as a new image: docker commit foo-tmp <new-tag-name>
  4. Run this image as above


This project uses conventional commits. This standardises commits so they can be used to generate changelogs. Release PRs will be created by Release Please based on the changes since the last release. To force a PR to be generated with a specific version create an empty commit as follows:

git commit --no-verify --allow-empty -m "chore: release 3.0.0-rc.1" -m "Release-As: 3.0.0-rc.1"


Due to the use of MDX and the node-dependent release mechanism, you will need a full development environment to verify changes by using the development server and to run tests. To aids in this, we provide a devcontainer config file that sets up the needed Node dependencies and allows you to run the tests and dev server. You may open this dev container in browser or inside a supported editor of your choice given you can run the container on your system. It's recommended you use the + New with options option (from the … menu) when starting your codespace so that you can enter the required secrets to get the app running against APIs.