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This is the RoomOrders ( escalation component which is run periodically as AWS Lambda. It receives requests to start and stop escalation processes from RoomOrders backend, checks for due notifications and sends them using various protocols (e.g. makes phone calls using the Twilio service or sends emails using SMTP protocol.)

Start requests should be sent when an order is created in the RoomOrders system for a restaurant and stop requests should be sent when any order in the restaurant is confirmed.

The rationale of stopping the escalation process when any order in a restaurant is confirmed is that making phone calls is unnecessary if restaurant staff are already reviewing the order list.

Here are some examples.

 "process-id": "restaurantname",
 "action": "start",
 "notifications": [{"channel": "phone",  "at": 1555057084, "phone-number": "+3851111111"},
                   {"channel": "phone",  "at": 1555057096, "phone-number": "+3851111111"},
                   {"channel": "email",  "at": 1555057096, "email": ""},
                   {"channel": "pubnub", "at": 1555057096, "pubnub-channel": "ch13234"}]
 "process-id": "restaurantname",
 "action": "stop",

The meaning of attributes is the following:

  • process-id: mandatory; an id of the escalation process, usually one escalation process per restaurantname,
  • action: mandatory; "start" or "stop",
  • channel: mandatory; "phone", "email", or "pubnub",
  • at: (Unix epoch) time when the notification should be sent,
  • phone-number: "full-format" phone number which to call when channel is "phone",
  • email: destination email address when channel is "email",
  • pubnub-channel: Pubnub channel for notifications when channel is "pubnub".


Here are few key characteristics of the component.

  • The component operates in two phases: first, receiving requests to initiate escalation processes and second, delivering scheduled notifications when their time comes. Notifications are delivered through different notification channels (such as email, phone calls etc). The phases are handled by the initiator and activator, respectively. Delivery of notifications is performed by notifiers.
  • The initiator reads requests from SQS and stores notification data into the database.
  • Requests can initiate an escalation process or cancel it.
  • Requests contain a list of notifications which need to be delivered when their time comes. Each notification carries a timestamp of when it should be delivered.
  • Escalation processes are uniquely identified by a process id.
  • Requests to initiate a process which already exists are ignored. Requests to stop an escalation process which does not exist are ignored.
  • An escalation process terminates either upon a stop request or if there are no more scheduled notifications. (An escalation process cannot be canceled by, for example, answering a phone call.)
  • Unrecognized/invalid requests must be logged and ignored.
  • Data on currently active escalation processes are kept in the database.
  • Process data contain timestamped notifications and a timestamp indicates when a notification should be delivered.
  • The activator periodically polls the database to find notifications which should be delivered based on their timestamp and the current time.
  • A notification is delivered by sending a request to the appropriate notifier.
  • There is only "phone" notifier at this time, but it should be possible to add more such as "email", "console" etc.
  • Notifiers should be able to process notification requests in parallel.


Deploy as AWS Lambda or create an uberjar and run it. Check the various environment variables in config.clj.

Must use AWS SQS FIFO queue so that ordering of the requests is preserved.

Important! Use must set MessageGroupId and MessageDeduplicationId in messages you send as requests to SQS. You should use restaurant ID as MessageGroupId. For MessageDeduplicationId, you can use UUID or any combination of attributes which will not be repeated.


Running in AWS Lambda

This component is deployed as AWS Lambda. See instructions for running integration tests below. When running in AWS Lambda, the same kind of setup has to be provided.

Running automated tests

Integration tests are tagged with keyword :integration.

  • Running unit tests
lein test
  • Running integration tests

Tests tagged with :integration typically connect to AWS SQS, to Postgresql database and to the Twilio Web Service. Before running them, you should set up the environment in the following way.


  1. An SQS FIFO queue in AWS.
  2. Twilio account.
  3. Postgresql database with tables created by DDL in dev-resources/initiate.sql script.

Running the tests:

  1. Set AWS credentials in $HOME/.aws/credentials file or in any other way described in section "Credentials" at
  2. Set REQUEST_QUEUE env. var. to the URL of the SQS queue.
  3. Set TWILIO_ACCOUNT_SID, TWILIO_AUTH_TOKEN and TWILIO_URL environment variables. Note that TWILIO_URL is a link to an XML file which contains instructions for Twilio to run on established calls. It is not a URL of the Twilio service!
  4. Set database access environment variables DB_HOST, DB_PORT, DB_NAME, DB_USER, DB_PASSWORD.

Example of caller id registry configuration which must be present in the database table property with property_key being caller-id-registry':

    "+385": "+3851111111",
    "+61": "+6117065677",
    "default": "+12569065677"

This configuration means that calls to numbers starting with +385 will have +3851111111 set as caller id, etc.

Example of a configuration XML pointed to by TWILIO_URL environment variable:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <Say>Hello! You have new orders in the Roomorders service.</Say>
    <Pause length="1"/>


Environment variables used by the application are defined in src/roesc/config.clj file. (No other file should reference environment variables directly so config.clj is the only place to check.)


Copyright © 2019 Josip Gracin

This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0 which is available at

This Source Code may also be made available under the following Secondary Licenses when the conditions for such availability set forth in the Eclipse Public License, v. 2.0 are satisfied: GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version, with the GNU Classpath Exception which is available at