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Python SDK


Supports Python 2.6, 2.7, 3.3, 3.4 and 3.5

How to install

pip install nps_sdk


It's a basic configuration of the SDK

import nps_sdk
from nps_sdk.constants import SANDBOX_ENV

nps_sdk.Configuration.configure(environment=SANDBOX_ENV, secret_key="_YOUR_SECRET_KEY_")

Here is an simple example request:

from nps_sdk.errors import ApiException
import nps_sdk

sdk = nps_sdk.Nps()
params = {
    "psp_Version": '2.2',
    "psp_MerchantId": 'psp_test',
    "psp_TxSource": 'WEB',
    "psp_MerchTxRef": 'ORDER69461-3',
    "psp_MerchOrderId": 'ORDER69461',
    "psp_Amount": '15050',
    "psp_NumPayments": '1',
    "psp_Currency": '032',
    "psp_Country": 'ARG',
    "psp_Product": '14',
    "psp_CardNumber": '4507990000000010',
    "psp_CardExpDate": '1612',
    "psp_PosDateTime": '2016-12-01 12:00:00',
    "psp_CardSecurityCode": '123'
    resp = sdk.pay_online_2p(params)
except ApiException as e:
    #Code to handle error


import nps_sdk
from nps_sdk.constants import PRODUCTION_ENV, STAGING_ENV, SANDBOX_ENV

Error handling

ApiException: This exception is raised when a ReadTimeout or a ConnectTimeout occurs.

Note: The rest of the exceptions that can occur will be detailed inside of the response provided by NPS or will be provided by suds.

from nps_sdk.errors import ApiException

    #code or sdk call
except ApiException as e:
    #Code to handle error

Advanced configurations


Nps SDK allows you to log what’s happening with you request inside of our SDK, it logs by default to stout.

import nps_sdk
nps_sdk.Configuration.configure(secret_key="_YOUR_SECRET_KEY_", debug=True)

If you have the debug option enabled, the sdk can write the output generated from the logger to the file you provided.

import nps_sdk
nps_sdk.Configuration.configure(secret_key="_YOUR_SECRET_KEY_", debug=True, log_file=path/to/your/file.log”)


The logging.INFO level will write concise information of the request and will mask sensitive data of the request. The logging.DEBUG level will write information about the request to let developers debug it in a more detailed way.

import nps_sdk
import logging
nps_sdk.Configuration.configure(secret_key="_YOUR_SECRET_KEY_", debug=True, log_level=logging.DEBUG)


Sanitize allows the SDK to truncate to a fixed size some fields that could make request fail, like extremely long name.

import nps_sdk
nps_sdk.Configuration.configure(secret_key="_YOUR_SECRET_KEY_", sanitize=True)


You can change the timeout of the request.

import nps_sdk
nps_sdk.Configuration.configure(secret_key="_YOUR_SECRET_KEY_",  timeout=60)

Proxy configuration

import nps_sdk
from nps_sdk.utils import Proxy
proxy = Proxy(protocol="http", url = "http://__YOUR_PROXY_URL", port="3128", user="_YOUR_USER_", password="_YOUR_PASSWORD")
nps_sdk.Configuration.configure(secret_key="_YOUR_SECRET_KEY_", proxy = proxy)


import nps_sdk
from nps_sdk.utils import Proxy
nps_sdk.Configuration.configure(environment=SANDBOX_ENV, secret_key="_YOUR_SECRET_KEY_", cache=True, cache_location='/tmp', cache_ttl=86400) #seconds