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Quick Guide

Ingo Clemens edited this page Aug 14, 2019 · 2 revisions

Place Reflection

When properly installed the Maya Modify menu has a new menu item named Place Reflection Tool. It also allows to open a standard option box to set the preferences for the tool.

LMB click and drag to place the selected object based on the surface the cursor is dragged over.

Press and hold Ctrl or Shift while dragging. This moves the object towards/away from the reflection point. Ctrl gives a finer control whereas Shift performs the moving in a faster fashion.

Quick Zoom

In the Maya Modify menu find the new menu item Quick Zoom Tool.

With the tool active drag a region over the area where the camera should 2D pan/zoom into. Use Ctrl+LMB to toggle switch between the standard view and the pan/zoom view. With pan/zoom active Shift+LMB drag with the mouse to pan the view.


The tool currently does not draw a rectangular marquee which the user might expect. This is due to the current limitations of the maya python API. This might get addressed in future versions.

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