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sysinfo shows system information like the hardware configuration and resource usage in a compact, clearly arranged and visually pleasing style. It only depends on Bash >= 3 and standard Unix tools like awk.


Currently, only Linux is supported, but macOS support is planned for the future.


You can either download the latest release from the releases page or build it from source with

make build

You will find the sysinfo executable (which is in fact only a Bash script) in src/sysinfo.

On Arch and its derivatives you can install sysinfo from the AUR:

yay -S sysinfo


Run sysinfo without any arguments to list current system information and exit. The script will detect automatically which colors are supported by your terminal emulator and will select either the 16 or 256 color palette or true color. If the auto-detection should fail, you can select the correct color mode with the --color switch (16, 256 or truecolor). Add the -o / --continuous option to update the resource usage display continuously. This will run until interrupted with <Ctrl-C>. Alternatively, you can pass an amount of seconds after -o / --continuous to exit the program automatically.

Integration with sshrc

Since sysinfo is a quite small shell script, it can be combined with sshrc to display system information on every login to your servers. The following snippet can be appended to your ~/.sshrc to start tmux on login, open a new split pane at the bottom and run sysinfo in it. This has the advantage that you don't need to wait for sysinfo to finish and can start typing in the other split pane at the top immediately. In addition, the system usage fields are updated continuously.

# Do not execute `tmux` if run before (no nesting)
if [[ -z "${TMUX}" ]]; then
    if command -v tmux >/dev/null 2>&1; then
        tmuxrc && exit
        >&2 echo "tmux cannot be started because it is not installed."
# Print system information on login
elif [[ -x "${SSHHOME}/.sshrc.d/bin/sysinfo" ]] && [[ ! -e "${SSHHOME}/.sysinfo_was_run" ]]; then
    # if tmux version >= 2.2
    if [[ \
        "$(echo "$(tmux -V | cut -d" " -f2);2.2" | tr ";" "\n" | sort -g -t "." -k 1,1 -k 2,2 | head -1)" == "2.2" \
       ]]; then
        sysinfo_options="${sysinfo_options} --color=truecolor"
    tmux split-window \
        -d \
        -l "$( \
            awk \
                -v pane_height="$(tmux display -p '#{pane_height}')" \
                -v desired_height="12" \
                'BEGIN { printf("%d", pane_height / 2 < desired_height ? pane_height / 2 : desired_height) }' \
        )" \
        "if ! \"${SSHHOME}/.sshrc.d/bin/sysinfo\" ${sysinfo_options}; then sleep 5; fi"
    touch "${SSHHOME}/.sysinfo_was_run"

Please note for this snippet to work:

  • You need the tmuxrc example function in your ~/.sshrc.
  • sysinfo must be installed to ~/.sshrc.d//bin/sysinfo.


sysinfo shows system information like the hardware configuration and resource usage in a compact, clearly arranged and visually pleasing style.







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