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Rev. 0.2


FAP is for Fuzzy Automata Platfrom. It's environment for FAL execution (Fuzzy Automata Language). Current reference implementation of abstract FAP-machine is jFAP.


FAL consists of descriptions of non-deterministic nested stack automata with ability to call other automata. It's non typed language -- everything is unicode string.

There are unlimited number of stacks you can create, but they live only in automaton where they are created; no closures. You can manipulate stacks using commands (see Commands section).

To call another automaton, you should provide its name and name of a stack to call automatonname stackname command (for insert automatonname see Fuzziness section).

Descriptions of automata must be in TGF format. Automata are oriented graphs. Nodes of a graph contain commands for FAP, edges contain conditions for state transition. Both nodes and edges are strings of unicode alphabet mixed with literals. Name of automaton is name of a file before .tgf and in one file must be only one automaton.

Beginning of automaton is state with start command. . There can be multiple final states denoted with end stackname command. In the case of multiple reached final states random one is used (see Fuzziness section).

An input of automaton is always in stack in in reverse order like in create stackname string command.


  • to create stack you should write create stackname. You can create stack literals (stack with multiple characters) using create stackname string to create g|n|i|r|t|s stack with s on the top.

  • to destroy stack, following syntax is used: destroy stackname

  • to pop a value from a stack, you should write pop stackname. Result is outputted from state. Pop of empty stak is always \e

  • to push string into a stack, write push stackname to push input character of state precondition. Result of state is input character. Push of \e won't affect stack.

  • you can clone stack with clone stackname stackname2, this command will create or overwrite stack named stackname2

  • to invoke automaton, use call automatonname stackname. It will load automatonname.tgf file and register it into FAP to be called. Input of this automaton will be concatenated string of stackname, e.g. ccc|bbb|aaa stack will become aaabbbccc. The result of automaton call will be placed into stackname after execution in reverse order like in create stackname string command

  • to substitute state with an automaton, use insert automatonname, see Fuzziness for details.

  • to mark starting state, use start command. There must be only one state with that entry point.

  • final states are marked with end stackname command. In the case of multiple reached final states, see Fuzziness section.

To use contents of stack in commands instead of predefined literals, use #stackname. It will concatenate stack contents as mentioned in call command.

Nodes with text starting # are comments. They must be disconnected from other nodes and will be deleted during automaton loading.

Spaces are forbidden in names of stacks.


Escape character is \. To escape \ itself use double escaping \\\\.

  • \e -- end of a string
  • \? -- any character, used only in edges to denote any other non mentioned in other outgoing edges character (but not empty string!).

Fuzziness (aka multithreading or non-determinism)

Every state of automaton may have multiple outgoing edges. If condition of transition function met, then new thread of execution spawned. Every thread uses own stacks and doesn't interfere with others.

It is guaranteed every thread to be executed until dead end or final state. If there are multiple final states, then one is chosen randomly, e.g. if 3 threads ended in 'a' final state, 1 in 'b' and 1 in 'c', then the probablilty of 'a' result is 3/5.

In the case of insert automatonname usage, there will be no final collapsing of results. Instead of that, new thread will be spawned for each result if any.


jFAP is the current reference implementation of abstract FAP-machine. It's interpreter of FAL for JVM on Scala.

Features of jFAP

  • Java Virtual Machine
  • green threads
  • new invoke stackname command, which calls java method from Adder class in registered jar library. It works like call command.
  • new debug command for debugging; doesn't consume input


Fuzzy Automata Platfrom






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