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File metadata and controls

106 lines (84 loc) · 2.64 KB

Nvim Config inspired by Kickstart neovim

  • New neovim users
  • Colemak users


removed old config

rm -rf nvim
rm -rf ~/.local/share/nvim


git clone ~/.config/nvim

List of Plugins


you can change theme by

  1. add file in lazy/theme/${themeName}.lua then add installation to file. You can see example in others theme that I already installed
  2. change theme by change lazy section in init.lua from 'lazy.theme.nightfox' to lazy.theme.${themeName}


colemak querty desription
h h left
n j up
e k down
i l right
j e jump to the end of word
k n last search downwards
l i switch to insert mode at before cursor
K N last search upward
L I switch to insert mode at begin line
H 0 Move to first char of line
I $ Move to end line

Caution remap your vim motion to new one


  • ci( to cl( : erase every thing in ( ) and switch to insert mode
  • vi{ to vl{ : switch to visual mode and select all in { }
  • ...

Basic Shostcut command

Key Description
pv Explore file


: Spacebar symbols

Key Description
s/ [S]earch [/] in Open Files
ss [S]earch [S]elect Telescope
gf Search [G]it [F]iles
sf [S]earch [F]iles
sh [S]earch [H]elp
sw [S]earch current [W]ord
sg [S]earch by [G]rep
sG [S]earch by [G]rep on Git Root
sd [S]earch [D]iagnostics
sr [S]earch [R]esume
dd [D]efinitions
pp [P]revious file
ff [F]ormat with Prittier


This keymap are suit with my personal layout(Colemak). you can change keymap to hjkl for qwerty

Key Definition
a Pin current file to Harpoon
Ctrl+o Open Harpoon Dashboard
Ctrl+h Move to index 0 in Harpoon Dashboard
Ctrl+n Move to index 1 in Harpoon Dashboard
Ctrl+e Move to index 2 in Harpoon Dashboard
Ctrl+i Move to index 3 in Harpoon Dashboard

Golang Ultimate Key

ee : auto type err handling

if err != nil {
    return err