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Private Network for Internet of Things Systems

This is list of requirement setup local private ethereum network at Faculty of Electical Engineering 050506


Software version
Ubuntu 22.04.2
Node.JS 20.2.0
NPM 9.6.7
NPX 10.2.2
Go-Ethereum(Geth) 1.11.6
Solidity(solc) 0.8.20
Python 3.10.6


Ubuntu are Linux operating systems that reccommend for programming

  • Open powershell as adminstator
  • Run this command for install window subsystems Linux version2(wsl2)
wsl --install
  • Initial your username and password for using Ubuntu

Private Network Set Up


Node.JS is an open-source and cross-platform JavaScript runtime environment.
for set up Node.JS in Ubuntu

  • Open wsl2 or Ubuntu in 2 differnt ways
    1. Powershell as administrator: run command wsl
    2. Find application in window search name Ubuntu and open it
  • Run command for install NodeJS
sudo apt update
sudo apt install nodejs
  • For check NodeJS installed correctly use this commnd to check NodeJS version
node -v

Note: -v or --version for check version of command

Node Package Manager(NPM)

NPM is tools for helpping pull NodeJS moduls

  • Open a terminal in WSL Ubuntu.
  • Run this command for install npm
sudo apt install npm
  • Check NPM version by
npm -v

Node Package Execute(NPX)

NPX is tools for helpping run node modules with out install dependency. It suit for run module command that run once

  • Open a terminal in WSL Ubuntu.
  • Run this command for install npx
sudo npm install -g npx

Note: -g is stand for install globally

  • Check NPM version by
npx -v
  • Test by run
npx cowsay wow
< wow >
        \   ^__^
         \  (oo)\_______
            (__)\       )\/\
                ||----w |
                ||     ||
  • If you follw setp by step and still found an error Search that shown in google and correct it that output should be same as shown

Mostly error occur with graceful-fs

use this command to delete graceful-fs package in node_modules

sudo rm -fR /usr/local/lib/node_modules/npx/node_modules/npm/node_modules/graceful-fs


Geth is an Ethereum client written in Go. This means running Geth turns a computer into an Ethereum node. Ethereum is a peer-to-peer network where information is shared directly between nodes rather than being managed by a central server

  • Open a terminal in WSL Ubuntu.
  • Install geth with this command
tar -xvf geth-linux-amd64-1.11.6-ea9e62ca.tar.gz
sudo mv geth-linux-amd64-1.11.6-ea9e62ca/geth /usr/local/bin/
  • wget: download of files from the Web
  • tar: used to create and manipulate archive files in various formats
  • Check your geth version
geth --version

Solidity command-line compiler(Solc)

Solidity compler is used to compile solidity source code

  • Open Ubuntu
  • Run this command for install solc command
npm install -g solc
  • Check solc version by
solv --version


Python is used for interaction with Smart contract in Private Blockchain (Python3 are pre-install)

  • Open a terminal in WSL Ubuntu.
  • Check you Python current version
python3 -V
Python 3.10.6 
  • install python package dowloads tools
sudo apt install -y python3-pip

1. web3

web3 is used for interaction with smart contract in blockchain network

  • Open a terminal in WSL Ubuntu.
  • Runthis command for install web3 package
sudo pip install web3

2. json

json is used for

  • Open a terminal in WSL Ubuntu.
  • Runthis command for install web3 package
sudo pip install json


By Vatcharapong Jittiprasert


Blockchain for IoT Systems






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