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Software Quality and Reliability S23 course

Semester 8, 4th study-year, Innopolis University.

Build workflow MD Linter workflow Dcoker publish workflow Dev deploy workflow Prod deploy workflow codecov Hits-of-Code Alt

📖 Contents


InnoQueue: Backend

When you live with 5 other people, you have to manage your household chores. This could mean taking trash every once in a while or washing dishes. That said, there is a problem of bearing in mind all those different orders and chores. And then somebody may take a rain check here and there and you have no idea who's doing what and there is no way to tell except for boring Excel sheets, but it requires a lot of time and dedication to set up and maintain a spreadsheet.

So, we present to you the application that can do the heavy lifting of maintaining and automating all of these nuances for you!

This is how it works: users complete tasks in a queue one by one in a loop. So, ideally, every roommate should complete a task on each iteration. You can also have multiple queues go in parallel and there's no confusion!

I want to know more!

👨🏻‍💻 Team


📌 About

🔨 How to build

  • git clone
  • cd backend
  • There are two ways to run the server: Gradle run and Docker compose

Gradle run

Set up the database

  • docker pull postgres
  • docker run --name postgres -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=postgres -d -p 5432:5432 postgres

    Note that you can set your own container name and password. Just make sure that in application.yml file spring.datasource.username and spring.datasource.password properties have the same values as your container.


  • Additionally, if you want to send push notifications, set up the firebase project:
  • Create your project using the Firebase
  • Go to Project settings -> Service accounts.
  • In the Admin SDK configuration snippet section select Java and click on Generate new private key.
  • The JSON file's content should be similar to innoqueue-firebase.json
  • Provide this JSON file for GOOGLE_CREDENTIALS credentials in application.yml
  • Run application:
GOOGLE_CREDENTIALS=`cat firebase.json` ./gradlew bootRun

where firebase.json is your json credentials file.

Deep links

  • To support Deep links on Android, you need to proved assertlinks.json file
  • This file can be generated here
  • Provide file content for ASSET_LINKS credentials in application.yml
  • Run application:
ASSET_LINKS=`cat assertlinks.json` ./gradlew bootRun

Docker compose up

  • Install Docker
  • Run: docker-compose up

🏃🏻‍♂️ How to run

  • Run application: ./gradlew bootRun

👍🏻 Ensuring Quality

Features on which we are working can be found in issues


  • GitHub Actions will check the branch and commit message name policy. However, you can check it before pushing the code using the git hooks
  • Make files in .githooks executable:
    • chmod 755 commit-msg
    • chmod 755 prepare-commit-msg
  • In order to enable hooks enter the project and use the following command: git config core.hooksPath .githooks
  • Hooks checks:
    • branch name: regex = r"^[A-Z]{1,9}_[0-9]{1,9}"
    • commit message: regex = r"(Add |Created |Fix |Update |Rework |Refactor)(.+)(?:closes #[1-9])|Minor"

GitHub Actions

  • Runs Markdown linter to check .md files
  • Runs Gradle build to run
    • Code linter and checkstyle detekt
    • Runs source files compilation to check possible errors
    • Runs unit and integration tests
    • Build an application
  • All build failures are published in our Telegram chat
  • All build successes are also published in our Telegram chat
  • The backend image is also published in Docker Hub. You can pull it: docker pull smorenapi/inno_queue:latest

Database migrations

  • We use flyway to track database changes.
  • Migration files are placed in migration folder.

🚀 Deployment

  • The backend is hosted for production on Heroku here
  • Also, we host for dev purposes here. We use it to test new features with the test database.
  • Deployment is possible only when the Build workflow is successful.
  • If build fails or succeeds, our team receives information in our Telegram chat through our bot.
  • innoqueue-dev is automatically deployed when pushed on the main branch.
  • innoqueue-dev can also be manually deployed from any branch. Run the Deploy DEV workflow.
  • innoqueue is deployed manually from main branch.

📚 Contribution

If you have any ideas on how to imporove the quality of our product or of the quality ensurance for our project, we welcome your enthusiasm and here's how you can contribute!

In short:

  • Fork this repo
  • Create a new issue in our repo, where you describe what contribution you want to make thoroughly
  • Assign the correct labels to the issue [*]
  • Create a new branch using appropriate naming conventions [**]
  • Make the necessary changes
  • Push the changes to your repo
  • Make a pull request from your repo on your branch to our repo's main branch
  • Don't forget to add a comprehensive description so we understand better what you did
  • We're going to review your changes and decide on whether to accept your code [***]

[*] Issue labels:

  • routine is for routine tasks like quality ensurance. the code under this tag should not add any new functionality application-wise. for example: rework database schemas
  • feature is for tasks that add new functionality, features, etc. for example: add pagination
  • bug is for bugfixes.

Note: we do not accept any other labels for contribution issues

[**] Naming conventions:

  • If it's a feature you're adding, name your branch feature/task-title
  • If it's a routine task, name your branch routine/task-title
  • If it's a bug fix, name your branch fix/task-title

[***] Code review may take up to 2 working days

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