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Changing the configuration

All configuration is done through spring properties. By default, spring Boot loads properties from You can also use system properties for example java -jar app.jar -DNameofpropertie=valueOfProperty. Command line application arguments also work :"--nameofpropertie=valueOfProperty". You can also use OS environment variables.

Sugoi-api is a springboot app working with extension. Each extension is activated by a property.

Available Properties

Realm provider configuration

Realm can be load from different sources.

Properties Description Default value example
fr.insee.sugoi.realm.config.type RealmProvider type (could be ldap or file) file file
fr.insee.sugoi.realm.config.local.path Use only if config type is file. Path to a file containing an array of realms in json format realms.json
fr.insee.sugoi.config.ldap.profils.url Use only if config type is ldap. Ldap host and port where the realm configurations are stored my-ldap.url
fr.insee.sugoi.config.ldap.profils.port Use only if config type is ldap. Ldap host and port where the realm configurations are stored 389
fr.insee.sugoi.config.ldap.profils.branche Use only if config type is ldap. Ldap subtree where configurations are stored
fr.insee.sugoi.config.ldap.profils.pattern Use only if config type is ldap. String pattern to find realms ('{realm}' is replaced with realm's name). cn={realm} will search realm config for realm1 cn=Profil_{realm}_Sugoi cn=config_{realm}_WebServicesLdap
fr.insee.sugoi.config.ldap.profils.timeout Timeout before failing to get profiles in milliseconds 30000 30000
fr.insee.sugoi.ldap.default.vlv.enabled enable vlv searched on ldap false
fr.insee.sugoi.config.ldap.default.sortKey attribute on which paging request will be ordered uid
fr.insee.sugoi.config.ldap.default.max-pool-connection-age default time before a connection is dropped from connection pool in millis 60000 uid
fr.insee.sugoi.verify-unique-mail indicate if a check on user email must be done before each update/creation true

Reader writer configuration

For each realm we have the possibility to configure a default reader and a default writer. For the moment it's possible to use ldap, file, and jms as writerStore and only ldap and file as reader.

Properties Description Default value example Can be LdapReaderStore, FileReaderStore LdapReaderStore Can be LdapWriterStore, FileWriterStore, JmsWriterStore LdapWriterStore
fr.insee.sugoi.ldap.default.ldap.pool Use only if defaultWriter is ldap. Default pool size for each ldap connection 10
fr.insee.sugoi.ldap.default.username Use only if defaultWriter is ldap. Default username to establish connection with ldap cn=Directory Manager
fr.insee.sugoi.ldap.default.password Use only if defaultWriter is ldap. Default password to establish connection with ldap admin
fr.insee.sugoi.ldap.default.port Use only if defaultWriter is ldap. Default port to establish connection with ldap 10389
fr.insee.sugoi.ldap.default.use-authenticated-connection-for-reading Use only if defaultWriter or defaultReader is ldap. Should the connections have to be authenticated for reading usage. true
fr.insee.sugoi.ldap.default.group_source_pattern Use only if defaultWriter is ldap. Default pattern to follow to find group
fr.insee.sugoi.ldap.default.group_filter_pattern Use only if defaultWriter is ldap. Default pattern to follow for naming groups
fr.insee.sugoi.default.app_managed_attribute_keys a list of all attributes that a user can update directly
fr.insee.sugoi.default.app_managed_attribute_patterns Default pattern that each fr.insee.sugoi.default.app_managed_attribute_keys must follow
fr.insee.sugoi.ldap.default.user-mapping List of mappings between sugoi user attributes and ldap attributes divided by semicolon , see Realm configuration username:uid,String,rw;groups:memberOf,list_group,ro;habilitations:inseeGroupeDefaut,list_habilitation,rw
fr.insee.sugoi.ldap.default.organization-mapping List of mappings between sugoi organization attributes and ldap attributes divided by semicolon, see Realm configuration identifiant:uid,String,rw;address:inseeAdressePostaleDN,address,rw;organization:inseeOrganisationDN,organization,rw List of mappings between sugoi group attributes and ldap attributes divided by semicolon, see Realm configuration name:cn,String,rw;description:description,String,rw;users:uniquemember,list_user,rw
fr.insee.sugoi.ldap.default.application-mapping List of mappings between sugoi application attributes and ldap attributes divided by semicolon, see Realm configuration name:ou,String,rw Size of the ids randomly generated 7
fr.insee.sugoi.reader-store-asynchronous Is the reader store asynchronous, ie a difference can exist between what we read in readerstore and the realty. Can occur if the current service is connected by a broker to the real service. If true MAIL and ID unicity control are NOT performed false
fr.insee.sugoi.fuzzy-search-allowed If fuzzy search allowed, the user can ask to make an extensive request ignoring accents. false
fr.insee.sugoi.users.maxoutputsize The default maximum number of user outputs allowed 1000 100
fr.insee.sugoi.groups.maxoutputsize The default maximum number of groups outputs allowed 1000 100
fr.insee.sugoi.organizations.maxoutputsize The default maximum number of organizations outputs allowed 1000 100
fr.insee.sugoi.applications.maxoutputsize The default maximum number of applications outputs allowed 1000 100
fr.insee.sugoi.ldap.default.connection.timeout Default response timeout for all types of operations with a ldap provider. 30000 30000
fr.insee.sugoi.ldap.default.user_dn_pattern The default pattern for the DN of a user with name {id} given the user source is {source}. uid={id},{source} uid={id},{source}
fr.insee.sugoi.ldap.default.organization_dn_pattern The default pattern for the DN of an organization with name {id} given the organization source is {source}. uid={id},{source} uid={id},{source}
fr.insee.sugoi.ldap.default.address_dn_pattern The default pattern for the DN of an address with name {id} given the address source is {source}. l={id},{source} l={id},{source}
fr.insee.sugoi.ldap.default.application_dn_pattern The default pattern for the DN of an application with name {id} given the application source is {source}. ou={id},{source} ou={id},{source}
fr.insee.sugoi.ldap.default.group_dn_pattern The default pattern for the DN of a group with name {id} given the group source is {source}. cn={id},{source} cn={id},{source}

Jms Specific configuration

These configurations used with Jms as default writer or reader or to use the server as a receiver for another Sugoi server request.

Properties Description Default value example
fr.insee.sugoi.jms.receiver.request.enabled Enable to process request for other Sugoi by reading in the broker request queue. false true Url of the broker to use for Writer, Reader or receiving request. none ssl:// User to use on the broker for Writer reader or receiving request. none sugoi Password to use on the broker for Writer reader or receiving request. none password Set a timeout for receiving response (in milliseconds) . Is used to wait if the message is not immediately available particularly when doing "synchronous" request to the broker (sending message and waiting for the response). 5000 5000 Expiration of request and response messages send on synchronous queue (in milliseconds). 60000 60000 Expiration of request and response messages send on asynchronous queue (in milliseconds). Must be set to a short value to avoid queue from filling when responses are not read. 3600000 1000000 Name of the queue where the JmsWriter writes synchronous request and where a receiver read the synchronous request to process. none queue.sugoi.developpement.requests Name of the queue where the JmsWriter read a synchronous response writes request and where a receiver send a synchronous response. none queue.sugoi.developpement.response Name of the queue where the JmsWriter writes asynchronous request and where a receiver read the asynchronous request to process. Takes the synchronous queue as default queue.sugoi.developpement.async.requests Name of the queue where the JmsWriter read a response writes asynchronous request and where a receiver send an asynchronous response. Takes the synchronous queue as default queue.sugoi.developpement.async.response

SpringDoc configuration

Sugoi-api implements springdoc with full customization allowed

Properties Description Default value example

Security configuration

Sugoi-api implements spring security with full customization allowed

Properties Description Default value example
fr.insee.sugoi.api.regexp.role.admin.realm Default pattern to use when searching the admin of a realm or a userstorage. Realm should be passed as$(realm) and for a userstorage admin userstorage is passed as$(userstorage) no default ROLE_SUGOI_$(realm)ADMIN,ROLE_SUGOI$(realm)_$(userStorage)_ADMIN
fr.insee.sugoi.ldap.default.group_manager_source_pattern Default pattern to use when searching manager group for application. Application name should be passed via {appliname}
fr.insee.sugoi.api.regexp.role.password.validator Default pattern to use when searching password manager in a realm or userstorage. Userstorage should be passed as$(realm) and userstorage as$(userstorage) no default PASSWORD_\VALIDATOR_$(realm),PASSWORD_VALIDATOR_$(realm)_$(userstorage)
fr.insee.sugoi.api.enable.preauthorize default role to add to each connected user
fr.insee.sugoi.api.regexp.role.application.manager Pattern used to find application manager. no default ROLE_ASI_$(realm)$(application), ROLE_ASI$(application) Pattern used to find group managers. no default ROLE_ASI_$(group)

Password configuration

Passwords follows rules when there are passed by a user or randomly generated by Sugoi. A default for these rules which will apply to all realm that do not have its own configuration can be set by properties. For configuration at the realm level see Realm configuration properties on password.

Properties Description Default value
fr.insee.sugoi.password.create.length Set the default size of a sugoi generated password 13
fr.insee.sugoi.password.create.withDigits Set if a sugoi generated password is generated with digit by default true
fr.insee.sugoi.password.create.withUpperCase Set if a sugoi generated password is generated with uppercase by default true
fr.insee.sugoi.password.create.withLowerCase Set if a sugoi generated password is generated with lowercase by default true
fr.insee.sugoi.password.create.withSpecial Set if a sugoi generated password is generated with special characters by default true
fr.insee.sugoi.password.validate.minimal.length Define a default minimum size to check if a new password provided by the user is valid 13
fr.insee.sugoi.password.validate.withDigits Define if a new password provided by the user is valid if it has no digit by default true
fr.insee.sugoi.password.validate.withUpperCase Define if a new password provided by the user is valid if it has no uppercase by default true
fr.insee.sugoi.password.validate.withLowerCase Define if a new password provided by the user is valid if it has no lowercase by default true
fr.insee.sugoi.password.validate.withSpecial Define if a new password provided by the user is valid if it has no special characters by default true

WebHooks configuration

Sugoi-api can be configured to call another webservice. One or several can be configured. It can be used to call a webservice that sends email. To learn more about this feature see : Notify external webservices

Properties Description Default value example
sugoi.api.event.webhook.enabled Turns on the webhook feature false The name of the webservice. Is is only used to find the other configuration properties and the templates mail-service
sugoi.api.event.webhook.{name}.target Webservice url
sugoi.api.event.webhook.{name}.auth.type Type of authentication Can be basic, oauth or none
sugoi.api.event.webhook.{name}.auth.user If auth.type is basic : the name of the account to authenticate on the webservice
sugoi.api.event.webhook.{name}.auth.password If auth.type is basic : the password of the account to authenticate on the webservice
sugoi.api.event.webhook.{name}.auth.token If auth.type is oauth : the token to pass in Bearer header
sugoi.api.event.webhook.{name}.tag The tag define the type of webhook to call. When a request use a webhook, a tag can be set. By default the tag in the request will be MAIL. MAIL or anything else
sugoi.api.event.webhook.{name}.default.send-login.template Define the path to a default template to send to the webhook on send-login request. It can be overidden by userstorage configuration. (see template)
sugoi.api.event.webhook.{name}.default.reset.template Define the path to a default template to send to the webhook on reinit-password request. It can be overidden by userstorage configuration. (see template)
sugoi.api.event.webhook.{name}.default.changepwd.template Define the path to a default template to send to the webhook on change-password request. It can be overidden by userstorage configuration. (see template)
sugoi.api.event.webhook.mail.secondaryMailAttribute Define the attribute where alternative mail for an user will be found secondaryMail List of events that will be sent by webhook event listener. The only accepted values are SEND_LOGIN, REINIT_PASSWORD and CHANGE_PASSWORD SEND_LOGIN,REINIT_PASSWORD,CHANGE_PASSWORD SEND_LOGIN,REINIT_PASSWORD

Spring actuator configuration

Sugoi-api implements spring actuator documentation available here : link

Properties Description Default value example

A metrics event module is provided to add metrics when events occured. This is disabled by default and could be enable with :


All actuator endpoints are available to admin users. You can also enable a specific monitoring user with the properties :

This user only has rights on /actuator endpoints.

SeeAlso configuration

Properties Description Default value example
fr.insee.sugoi.seealso.username-by-domain.[domain] Set username used to resolve seealsos that are on [domain]. By default, no seealso request is authenticated. Each domain on which an authentication is required should have this property and the password property set or the request will not be authenticated. : if the seealso as to be resolved on the user user will be used if the password property is also set.
fr.insee.sugoi.seealso.password-by-domain.[domain] Set username used to resolve seealsos that are on [domain]. By default, no seealso request is authenticated. Each domain on which an authentication is required should have this property and the username property set or the request will not be authenticated. : if the seealso as to be resolved on the password user will be used if the username property is also set.
fr.insee.sugoi.seealso.http.timeout A timeout in second for http seealso resolution. 1 5

Other info configuration

You can add all other spring properties for example :

Properties Description Default value example
server.port Port where application will start 8090

Old endpoints configuration

Properties Description Default value example
fr.insee.sugoi.api.old.domain.realm_userStorage.association MAPPING BETWEEN OLD DOMAINS -> NEW REALM AND USERSTORAGE, Must be of the form domain1:realm1_userstorage,domain2:realm2_userstorage TCC:TCC_Profil_TCC_Sugoi,SSM:SSP_ssm,INSEE:SSP_insee