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Lightweight package that resolves permissions in your app

Notifications You must be signed in to change notification settings


Repository files navigation


Lightweight package that resolves permissions in your app

How to use

Wrap your App in PermissionsProvider

const Main = () => {
  return <PermissionsProvider>{/* your app code */}</PermissionsProvider>;

Provide initialPermissions?: CheckResult and/or onCheckPermissions?: OnCheckPermissionsType If you have all permissions somewhere, and you don't need dynamic checks - use only initialPermissions If permissions are controled by you - use permissions prop

type CheckResult = {
  action: string,
  allowed?: boolean,

type OnCheckPermissionsType = (
  actions: string[]
) => Promise<CheckResult> | CheckResult;

const exampleInitialPermissions = [
  { action: 'can_view_transactions', allowed: true },
  { action: 'can_edit_people', allowed: false },

const exampleCheckPermissions = (actions: string[]) => {
  return [
    { action: 'this_is_allowed', allowed: true },
    { action: 'denied_this_is', allowed: false },
    { action: 'undefined_is_allowed' },

return (
    // children

It's recommended to specify union-type for your components/utilities You can do it like this

import {
  PermissionCheck as LibPermissionCheck,
  PermissionsProvider as LibPermissionsProvider,
} from 'react-permissions-dynamic';

import type {
  PermissionCheckProps as LibPermissionCheckProps,
  PermissionsProviderProps as LibPermissionsProviderProps,
} from 'react-permissions-dynamic';

type MyPermission = 'can_view_files' | 'can_edit_files';

type PermissionCheckProps = LibPermissionCheckProps<MyPermission>;
type PermissionsProviderProps = LibPermissionsProviderProps<MyPermission>;

const PermissionCheck = LibPermissionCheck as React.FC<PermissionCheckProps>;
const PermissionsProvider =
  LibPermissionsProvider as React.FC<PermissionsProviderProps>;

export { PermissionCheck, PermissionsProvider };

In the code itself use PermissionCheck component

// Base usage:
return (
  <PermissionCheck action="can_view_files">
    <FileViewer />

// Two or more permissions at the same time:
return (
  <PermissionCheck action={['can_view_files', 'is_system_admin']}>
    <SystemFileViewer />

// Provide Fallback for denied access:
return (
  <PermissionCheck fallback="It's not for you, sorry" action="can_view_files">
    <SystemFileViewer />

// Provide Loading if checks are dynamic:
return (
  <PermissionCheck loading={<Spin />} action="can_view_files">
    <SystemFileViewer />

// Provide onDeny if you want to do something on permission deny
return (
    onDeny={action => {`Action [${action}] got denied`);
    <SystemFileViewer />

// Provide custom logic for permissions
return (
    action={['can_view_files', 'can_view_system_files', 'has_full_access']}
    isAllowed={(allowed = [], denied = []) => {
      if (
        allowed.includes('can_view_files') &&
      ) {
        return true;

      return !denied.includes('has_full_access');
    <FileViewer />



This component allows you to hide content based on permissions

type PermissionCheckProps = {
  // this action/actions will be checked upon
  // if it's allowed - we will show content
  action: string | string[],

  // content that must be shown if action is allowed
  children: React.ReactNode,

  // content that must be shown if action is not allowed
  // default = null
  fallback?: React.ReactNode,

  // content that must be shown while we check if action is allowed
  // default = null
  loading?: React.ReactNode,

  // event when action is denied
  // fire alerts, write logs or redirects - do anything
  onDenied?: (action: string) => void,

  // if you need to implement custom check
  // by default we need to have all actions allowed
  isAllowed?: (allowedActions: string[], deniedActions: string[]) => boolean,

return <PermissionCheck>Secure Content</PermissionCheck>;


type ActionStatusType<T extends string> = {
  // return action just in case you need it
  action: T;
  // if action is checked and allowed - returns true
  allowed: boolean;
  // if action is checked - returns true. if check is in progress - returns false
  checked: boolean;

type UseCheckPermissionType = <T extends string>(
  action: T
) => ActionStatusType<T>;

// Example:
const Component = () => {
  const { allowed, checked } = useCheckPermission('can_view_files');

  return allowed ? <FileViewer /> : null;


type UseCheckPermissionsType = <T extends string>(
  actions: T[],
  onCheck?: (status: ActionStatusType<T>) => void
) => ActionStatusType<T>[];

// Same as useCheckPermission, but you get array of results
// Also has onCheck callback, for single permission check

// Example:
const Component = () => {
  const handleOnCheck = status => {
    // actions here are always "checked", so no need to have `status.checked === true` condition
    if (status.action === 'is_admin' && !status.allowed) {
      return redirect('/404');
  const results = useCheckPermissions(
    ['can_upload_files', 'is_admin'],

  return results.some(s => s.action === 'can_upload_files' && s.allowed) ? (
    <FileUploader />
  ) : null;