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There are typically two feature releases a year, around June and December, and IdentityFile=~/.ssh/id_git_itk one to three bug fix release between feature releases. Releasing ITK has many steps. This document is a central location for all of the tribal knowledge around it.

Current Maintainers

The current ITK maintainers with a trusted GPG key are:

Release Life Cycle

The first release candidate (RC) is the initial branch point, so it does not have special steps to create. However, as master moves fairly quickly, branches need to be corralled into the release branch afterwards.

When releasing a new ITK version, the following steps are be taken:

Bug fix release

  • Before the release: post a topic on the ITK discussion requesting additional bug fix patches that should be merged to the release branch.
  • Create the release.
    • Update content links
    • Bump ITK's version
    • Tag the ITK repository
    • Bump ITKPythonPackage's version
  • Generate tarballs
    • Generate the InsightToolkit and InsightData tarballs.
    • Tarballs are tested locally.
    • Generate Python packages and ITKPythonBuilds.
    • Tarballs are posted to ITK GitHub Releases.
    • Tarballs are archived on the ITK Releases.
    • Tarballs are linked from the ITK download page.
    • Python packages are uploaded to PyPI
    • conda-forge libitk and itk Packages are updated
  • Announcement
    • GitHub Release
    • Discourse
    • Kitware Blog

Feature release

  • Before the RC announcement: last period for adding classes and features.
    • New features and new methods can be added during this period.
  • Feature freeze
    • Increase code coverage
      • Address any UNTESTED files
      • Address files with code coverage lower than 80%
  • Address run-time memory issues
    • Purify reports
    • Valgrind reports
  • RC process: two to three release candidates are generally used before releasing a new version. A one-week notice on the ITK discussion should be sufficient as an initial deadline for RCs.
    • No new features should merged during the feature freeze, i.e. ENH: commits, although they can be prepared in Gerrit.
    • Release candidates (RC's) will be tagged weekly.
    • RC's will be tagged after Dashboard examination and discussion at the Friday ITK Confab.
    • The repository will be hard frozen to only allow merging by gatekeepers on Wednesday evening before the Dashboard builds start. The freeze will be released after tagging.
    • For the final RC, only gatekeeper merges will occur.
  • Create the release.
  • Updating documentation, guides and websites.
  • Generate tarballs
  • Announcement

Initial steps

Check the ITK issue tracking for critical bugs, or GitHub for critical fixes.


Announcements should be sent to the community first and Linux distribution maintainers.

ITK Discussion

Announce to the community that a release is being planned. Template:


Does anyone have work in progress that should delay the branch point for

If so, please add the $version_rc1 milestone on any relevant merge requests
and @mention $maintainers so they can be more easily tracked.

We are hoping to get $version started by $date.


The ITK Maintenance Team


Patches can accumulate over time in distributions as time goes on. An email asking if anything needs to go into the next release should be sent to maintainers of the packages.

This ITK blog post describes the Linux distributions that package ITK.

Integrate bug fixes in the release branch

Update master and release branches:

git fetch upstream
git checkout master
git reset --hard upstream/master
git checkout release
git reset --hard upstream/release

List differences between last release and current release branch:

git shortlog --no-merges $release_version..release

When creating a new major or minor release, a new branch should be pushed to the InsightSoftwareConsortium/ITK repository on GitHub. For example, 5.4 for the 5.4 release series. This is used by ReadTheDocs to build and deploy versioned documentation for that release. After creating that branch, Activate it in the ReadTheDocs configuration, then trigger a build for the branch.

Merge bug fix commits in release. The topic branch should be named <bug-name>-for-release:

  • If topic branch was created from the release branch, checkout topic in new branch.
  • If topic branch was created on master, cherry-pick commit (see command line on GitHub) on a topic branch created off release. The commit will be visible twice in the history once release in merged into master.
  • Merge new branch on release:
$ git merge <bug-name>-for-release --no-ff

Pre-tag activities

The following must be ensured before tagging the ITK repository:

  • Check the Dashboard.
  • Make sure to update the versions in ITK/CMake/itkVersion.cmake.
    • For bugfix releases, this is done before the tag. For feature releases, this is done after the final tag.
  • Make sure all new remote modules are built in by the Doxygen build.
  • Update the SphinxExamples remote modules.

Increment the version number

If the version number in ITK/CMake/itkVersion.cmake is not already set accordingly, submit a pull request to update ITK's version number in the master branch to what the new release is called. Any point beyond that in the master branch could serve as the start of the new release branch.

After creating the release branch, submit another merge request to update the master branch's minor version number.

Update Zenodo Citation Configuration

Install the python packages:

python -m pip install gitpython python-Levenshtein fuzzywuzzy

Run the update script:


Commit the result:

git add -- .zenodo.json
git commit -m "DOC: Update .zenodo"

Archive ExternalData

More background on the testing data can be found in the Contributing Upload Binary Data documentation.

The following steps archive data for release on various resources. Both datalad and @web3-storage/w3cli should be installed locally. And the kubo ipfs cli. It is recommended to install and run ipfs-desktop and symlink the ipfs cli it comes with into your PATH.

Fetch the latest ITKData datalad repository

Clone the ITKData datalad repository, if not already available.

cd ~/data/
datalad clone
cd ITKData

Make sure the datalad repository is up-to-date.

datalad update -r .
datalad get .

Fetch new data locally

Checkout the tag which we are archiving.

cd ~/src/ITK
git checkout <version>

And fetch new data into the datalad repository.

cd ~/data/ITKData
./ --create ~/src/ITK

Upload the tree to archival storage with:

w3 put . --no-wrap -n ITKData-pre-verify -H

Verify and possibly update CID's in the ITK repository with the CID output from the previous step.

./ --root-cid bafy<rest-of-the-cid> ~/src/ITK
datalad status

If there is new content, commit it with:

datalad save -m "ENH: Updates for ITK-v<itk-release-version>"

The first time uploading to, you will need to create an account, [install the w3 cli], and create a space, e.g. with w3 space create itk or add your DID, obtained with w3 whoami, to the shared space.

Upload the repository update to

w3 put . --no-wrap -n ITKData-v<itk-release-version> -H

Edit the file with the new root CID and push.

datalad save -m "DOC: Update root CID for ITK-v<itk-release-version>"
datalad push

Pin the CID on locally and on Pinata

If the pinata pinning service is not already available, create it:

ipfs pin remote service add pinata PINATA_JWT

Where PINATA_JWT is the secret key associated to an API key at the InsightSoftwareConsortium workspace in pinata.

Then pin the root CID locally and on Pinata:

ipfs pin add /ipfs/bafy<rest-of-cid> --progress
ipfs pin remote add --service=pinata --name=ITKData-ITK-v<itk-release-version> /ipfs/bafy<rest-of-cid>

The command ipfs pin add requires ipfs daemon to be running, and can take some time.

Pin the CID on Kitware's ipfs server

Optionally, pin to Kitware's ipfs server:

ssh ipfs
export IPFS_PATH=/data/ipfs
ipfs pin add --progress /ipfs/bafy<rest-of-cid>

Rsync the data to Kitware's Apache Server

Optionally, rsync the object to Kitware's Apache Server

rsync -vrtL ./Objects/CID kitware@web:ITKExternalData/

Push the data to GitHub Pages

Push the data to the ITKTestingData gh-pages branch. GitHub restricts size of files.

rsync -vrtL --max-size=45m ./Objects/CID ~/data/ITKTestingData/
cd ~/data/ITKTestingData
git add .
git commit -m "ENH: Updates for ITK <version>"
git push

Tag the ITK repository

Tagging the repository should only be done with the agreement of the maintainers after an ITK Confab.

Update the repository

Use the command:

git checkout master
git pull

to make sure that the source tree is updated. This must correspond to a source tree that has been fully tested in the Dashboard.

  • When tagging a bugfix release on the release branch, make sure to bump the ITK_VERSION_PATCH variable in the CMake/itkVersion.cmake file before tagging.
  • When tagging a feature release, make sure to bump the ITK_VERSION_MINOR version on the master branch after tagging.

Tag with a branch point reference

In the documentation below $version examples are 5.4rc03, 5.4.0, or 5.4.1.

In the source tree that was just updated, use the command

git tag -m "ITK $version" -s v$version $commit_hash_to_be_tagged

where, of course, $version must be changed for the for the correct release number and $commit_hash_to_be_tagged` to the correct commit hash.

Push it to the repository

git push upstream v$version

Note that only trusted GPG key holders may do this step.

Update the release branch

Update the release branch only during feature releases after the tag for the release. Perform a fast-forward merge of master into release:

git checkout release
git reset --hard upstream/release
git merge --ff-only v$version
git push upstream release
git checkout master

This will not create a new commit, only move the release branch to the tag, i.e. it will be fast forwarded.

For minor releases, merge the release branch into master branch as for a normal commit, and resolve conflicts (arising from mismatch in version number) by keeping master branch versions.

Merge the release branch into the current named $major_minor version branch, e.g. 5.4.

git checkout $major_minor
git merge --ff-only release
git push upstream $major_minor

Remote modules

Add any new remote modules to nightly builds. Some builds may be difficult to add due to third-party dependencies.

When a new ITK version is released, experience has shown that the remote module packages are not binary compatible across ITK major or minor releases. Thus, remote module versions should be bumped into a new major version when requiring a new ITK major or minor version. The process described below ensures appropriate versioning and compatibility of the remotes with ITK.

Update Remote Modules

In order to have the latest versions for all remote modules, and have them use the latest ITK tag, the following steps should be performed:

  1. Update the ITK tag used in the azure-pipelines.yml CI configuration and the Python setup files, and update the remote module Python package version to a new major version using the script. This will involve merging a new pull request to each remote module repository.

  2. Upload the new remote module Python wheel to PyPI.

  3. Update the remote modules to their latest commits using the script.

Create Tarballs

Tarballs need to be created and uploaded for each release. The source tarballs should be generated in both .tar.gz format and .zip format. The .zip files are for Windows users and the non-data files contain Windows newline endings.

The InsightData tarballs are generated along with the source code tarballs.

Data is fetched from IPFS. An IPFS daemon must be running to fetch the data

Once the repository has been tagged, we use the following script in the repository to create the tarballs:



./Utilities/Maintenance/SourceTarball.bash --tgz

This will generate tarballs for the source and testing data.


From a Git Bash shell, run:

./Utilities/Maintenance/SourceTarball.bash --zip

This should be done on Windows so that the sources have Windows-style newline endings.

Note: tarballs can be created from a specific commit. The user can manually specify the version of ITK used to name the output files:

./Utilities/Maintenance/SourceTarball.bash -v $version $commit_hash_to_be_tagged

where, of course, $version must be changed for the for the correct release number and $commit_hash_to_be_tagged to the correct commit hash.


./Utilities/Maintenance/SourceTarball.bash -v $version v$version

can be used to specify the version starting with v.

Once all tarballs have been collected for upload to GitHub, create MD5SUMS and SHA512SUMS checksum files. These checksums are used by clients downloading the source tarballs to verify their contents, e.g. with sha512sum -c SHA512SUMS.

md5sum ./Insight* > MD5SUMS
sha512sum ./Insight* > SHA512SUMS

Generate Python Packages

The ITKPythonPackage website describes how to build ITK Python wheels.

Python packages are currently generated nightly by the systems, blaster, grax, misty, and overload at Kitware and uploaded to the ITKPythonPackage GitHub Release page.

Additionally, external module wheels can also be generated. Please, visit the ITK module Python packages documentation for further information.

Generate release ITK Python wheels

First, merge the ITKPythonPackage master branch into the release branch.

Next, update the VERSION variable in ITKPythonPackage/ and ITK_GIT_TAG in ITKPythonPackage/CMakeLists.txt. Commit the update locally to the release branch and push to GitHub upstream.

Then build the wheels and the build tarballs from the release branch locally.

  • Wheel archives are named dist-<platform>.tar.gz and contain loadable Python packages;
  • Build tarballs are named ITKPythonBuilds-<platform>.tar.zst and contain ITK dependencies, source and build trees, and scripts for building ITK remote module Python wheels.

Build the sdist and wheels for Linux (amd64):

ssh blaster
cd ~/Packaging/ITKPythonPackage

git reset --hard HEAD
git checkout release
git pull origin release
sudo git clean -fdx
sudo rm -rf ITK-source
tar cvzf /tmp/dist-linux-manylinux_2_28.tar.gz ./dist
rm -f dist/*
cd ..
mv ITKPythonBuilds-linux.tar.zst ITKPythonBuilds-linux-manylinux_2_28.tar.zst

cd ITKPythonPackage
git reset --hard HEAD
sudo git clean -fdx
git fetch origin manylinux2014
git cherry-pick origin/manylinux2014
# Create wheel archive
tar cvzf /tmp/dist-linux-manylinux2014.tar.gz ./dist
rm -f dist/*
# Create build tarball
cd ..
mv ITKPythonBuilds-linux.tar.zst ITKPythonBuilds-linux-manylinux2014.tar.zst
cd ITKPythonPackage
git reset --hard HEAD~1

For Linux ARM builds, the steps are similar, but the wheel build step is:

sudo podman run --privileged --rm tonistiigi/binfmt --install all
podman run -it -v $(pwd):/work/ bash
# In the container
cd /work
# Upgrade GPG keys
dnf upgrade -y almalinux-release
# Newer Python.cmake module required for the SABI
pipx upgrade cmake
yum install sudo ninja-build
# Exit the container
tar cvzf /tmp/dist-linux-manylinux_2_28_aarch64.tar.gz ./dist
rm -f dist/*
cd ..
mv ITKPythonBuilds-linux.tar.zst ITKPythonBuilds-linux-manylinux_2_28_aarch64.tar.zst

On the macOS build system, we use the same build toolchain, toolchain path, and build path as is used in the remote module GitHub Actions builds on the macos-14 GitHub Action Runner.

sudo xcode-select -s /Applications/
sudo xcodebuild -license
xcodebuild -version
# Xcode 15.0.1
# Build version 15A507

Build the wheels for macOS (both amd64 and ARM).

ssh misty
cd /Users/svc-dashboard/D/P/ITKPythonPackage
git reset --hard HEAD
git checkout release
git pull
git clean -fdx
# Create wheel archive
tar cvzf /tmp/dist-macos.tar.gz ./dist
rm dist/*
# Create build tarball
cd ..

Build the wheels for Windows:

vncviewer overload # Open Git Bash shell
cd /c/P/IPP
git reset --hard HEAD
git checkout release
git pull
git clean -fdx
# Open a x64 Native Tools Command Prompt for VS 2022
cd C:\P\IPP
set PATH=C:\P\doxygen;%PATH%
C:\Python39-x64\python.exe ./scripts/
# Back in Git Bash...
# Create wheel archive
tar cvzf /c/P/dist-windows.tar.gz ./dist
rm dist/*
# Create build tarball
cd ..
rm -f ./
powershell "IPP/scripts/windows-build-tarball.ps1"

Next, tag the release branch HEAD and push to GitHub:

git tag -m "ITKPythonPackage $version" -s v$version HEAD
git push upstream release v$version

Upload the wheels to PyPI

Next, upload the wheels to the Python Package Index (PyPI).

Verify the binaries

Run pip install itk in a fresh virtualenv and run all the ITKSphinxExamples Python tests against this Python. For example,

virtualenv itk-venv
./itk-venv/bin/python -m pip install itk
git clone
mkdir ITKSphinxExamples-build
cd ITKSphinxExamples-build
cmake -DITK_DIR=/path/to/ITK-build -DPython3_ROOT_DIR=../itk-venv -DPython3_FIND_VIRTUALENV=ONLY -DPYTHON_EXECUTABLE=../itk-venv/bin/python3 ../ITKSphinxExamples
ctest -R Python

Upload the ITKPythonBuilds

Create a new GitHub Release from the new git tag in the ITKPythonPackage repository, and upload the wheels there.

Also, create a corresponding GitHub Release in the ITKPythonBuilds repository. Upload builds tarballs created from the build trees with scripts found in ITKPythonPackage/scripts/, i.e. ITKPythonPackage/scripts/, etc..

Update the ITKPythonPackage/scripts/download-cache-and-build-module-wheels scripts to use the new version of ITKPythonBuilds.

Verify external module GitHub CI builds

Re-run TravisCI, AppveyorCI, and CircleCI in the ITKModuleTemplate repository to ensure the new ITKPythonBuilds and external module package build scripts are functioning properly.

Update the conda-forge package

Create a PR to update conda-forge/itk-feedstock to the new version. This conda recipe downloads the wheel binary packages and re-packages them as conda packages.

Note: A post1 wheel corresponds to bumping the build.number field in recipe/meta.yml. POST variables in bld.bat and are available to specify an optional wheel post version.

Generate Doxygen Documentation

Note: links to the nightly generated Doxygen can be found in the footer of the Doxygen HTML pages. Use the files to upload and create:


Prior to the release, new Remote modules should be enabled in the Doxygen build's configuration.

Run CMake in the binary build and enable BUILD_DOXYGEN, configure and generate, then:

cd Binaries/ITK
make Documentation
cd Utilities
mv old_doxygen_directory DoxygenInsightToolkit-$MAJOR_VERSION.$MINOR_VERSION.$PATCH_VERSION
gzip -9 DoxygenInsightToolkit-$MAJOR_VERSION.$MINOR_VERSION.$PATCH_VERSION.tar

Historical note: Before ITK 3.8, the documentation used to be generated in a directory called Documentation/Doxygen.

Unpackage the Doxygen tarball, then upload to the Kitware web server to serve at "$MAJOR_VERSION$MINOR_VERSION/html/". Contact Kitware Sys-admin to setup a new rsync target. After the upload is complete, verify that routing is set up so the path is not clobbered by the website / blog.

Update the ITK Software Guide

The ITK Software Guide is available in both electronic and printed formats. Every time a new ITK version is released, the following steps must be taken to update the guide and make it available:

  • Add the necessary ITK contents (i.e. new modules, etc.).
  • Update the compiler and necessary tool (e.g. CMake minimum version) information if necessary.
  • Bump the ITK version in Superbuild/External_ITK.cmake.
  • Set the DRAFT_WATERMARK CMake variable to OFF to remove the draft watermark.
  • Set the PDF_QUALITY_LEVEL CMake configuration option to Screen for the electronic version and Printer for the print version.
  • Generate the cover page for the concatenated, single PDF by exporting a PDF from SoftwareGuide/Cover/ITKSoftwareGuideSinglePDFCoverPage.odt.

To create ItkSoftwareGuide.pdf to deposit at from InsightSoftwareGuide-Book{1,2}-5.X.0.pdf, use pdftk:

pdftk ITKSoftwareGuideSinglePDFCoverPage.pdf ITKSoftwareGuide-Book1.pdf ITKSoftwareGuide-Book2.pdf cat output /tmp/ItkSoftwareGuide.pdf

Update ItkSoftwareGuide.pdf hosted at Many links point at this resource.

scp /tmp/ItkSoftwareGuide.pdf
cd /projects/Insight/WWW/InsightWeb
rm ItkSoftwareGuide.pdf
mv /tmp/ItkSoftwareGuide.pdf ./ItkSoftwareGuide.pdf

Prepare the print version

Set the PDF_QUALITY_LEVEL to Printer, and rebuild. Remove the junk initial page, and then also one of the blank pages so pages fall on left-side/right-side as formatted.

Then, run:

pdftk ITKSoftwareGuide-Book1.pdf cat 2-3 5-end output /tmp/ITKSoftwareGuide-Book1.pdf
pdftk ITKSoftwareGuide-Book2.pdf cat 2-3 5-end output /tmp/ITKSoftwareGuide-Book2.pdf

Update ITK Sphinx Examples

In order to update the ITK Sphinx examples, bump the Superbuild ITK version in Superbuild/External-ITK.cmake.

Update the CMake minimum version in the example files if necessary.

Rendered versions can be downloaded from the recent build-test-publish Documentation GitHub Artifact. These should be added to a new GitHub Release on the ITKSphinxExamples repository with the tag v$version.

These html tarballs are also renamed for distribution with the ITK release.

To generate source tarballs, set the prefix and tag:

tag = $(git describe)
prefix = InsightSphinxExamples-$version

where $version is the appropriate release number, e.g., 4.12.0.

Generate the .tar.gz and .zip tarballs:

git archive --format=tar --prefix=${prefix}/ --output=${prefix}.tar ${tag}
gzip -9 ${prefix}.tar
git archive --format=zip -9 --prefix=${prefix}/ --output=${prefix}.zip ${tag}

Upload the release artifacts to GitHub

GitHub Releases are how we distribute project release artifacts from ITK 5 and onward. Prior to ITK 5, ITK releases were hosted on

Visit the ITK GitHub Releases page. There will be a new release that was generated by pushing the Git tag. Click the tag's link to start creating the GitHub Release.

Then, click the Edit Tag link.

Set the release title to "ITK $version", e.g. ITK 5.0.0 or ITK 5.0 Release Candidate 1.

Add the release notes (described below). Note: Do not publish the release until the release notes and all artifacts have been added. The Zenodo citation is created at the time of the release publication and will not include amended information.

Upload the release artifacts. These include:

  • InsightToolkit-$version.tar.gz
  • InsightToolkit-$
  • InsightData-$version.tar.gz
  • InsightData-$
  • SHA512SUMS
  • InsightDoxygenDocHtml-$version.tar.gz
  • InsightDoxygenDocTag-$version.gz
  • InsightDoxygenDocXml-$version.tar.gz
  • InsightSoftwareGuide-Book1-$version.pdf
  • InsightSoftwareGuide-Book2-$version.pdf
  • InsightSphinxExamples-5.1.0.tar.gz

If this is an alpha, beta, or release candidate release, check the This is a pre-release box.

Click Update release.

Upload the release artifacts to

Backup and archive the release artifacts in the ITK Collection Releases folder.

This should include

  1. GitHub Release artifacts
  2. Python packages
  3. Python builds

Update the testing data cache used for CI testing

In the ITK/Testing/ContinuousIntegration Azure Pipelines continuous integration testing configuration script. Update the ExternalDataVersion to point to data archive for the most recently created release. Commit and create a PR.

Update the Website

The website is managed by Kitware folks. Access is currently granted to the ITK maintainer group.

  • Add or modify the Current Release entries on the download page.
  • Update the documentation page with a link to the Doxygen files for the new release.
  • Update the API documentation with a new link. See PR 3804 for an example change.
  • Verify that the links work !

Contact Communications at in order to update the above pages and to produce a press release.

Update Issue Tracker

In the ITK GitHub Milestones, create a new milestone for the next release. Migrate issues to the new milestone, and close the current release's milestone.

Delete the kwrobot time stamp commits.

Further Testing

The purpose of this testing is to replicate the experience that a user may have when trying the new release.

This means that a number of ITK developers should download the tarballs or do Git checkouts with the release tag, and build the toolkit in as many configurations as possible.

Release Notes Posts

To get started with the release notes, first use the download link cookiecutter to generate Download page markdown:

pip install cookiecutter
cookiecutter ~/src/ITK/Utilities/Maintenance/DownloadLinksCookieCutter/

Start with the previous GitHub Release markdown content to produce the release notes.

To generate the changelog by running

cd ITK
./Utilities/Maintenance/ $old_version

The log is generated at /tmp/AuthorsChangesSince/

The count of recent authors is found in the script output, and a list of new authors are found at /tmp/AuthorsChangesSince/NewAuthors.txt.


For the final release, the release notes produced should be used to

Finally, inform Communications at

Send Contributor Momentos

This file:

can be ordered from ShapeWays and sent to contributors. Deb Howell has generated excellent packaging.