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Steven Downer edited this page Aug 28, 2015 · 4 revisions
Here we'll go through the process to get the values needed for `./config/enquiry.conf` to allow Google searching to work on your server.


  1. The first thing you will want to do is head over here and click the 'Create Project' button.
  2. Enter a project name and project id (if desired) and create the project.
  3. Once you've created a project, go to 'APIs' under 'APIs & auth' on the sidebar and search for custom search and click 'Custom Search API'. Click 'Enable API'.
  4. Once you've enabled the custom search API, go to 'Credentials' under APIs & auth on the sidebar and click 'Create new Key' and choose to create a new server key.
  5. Once you've created the API key, you can add it to the configuration file and continue over to the 'Search Engine ID' steps.

Search Engine ID

  1. The first thing you will want to do is head over here and click 'New search engine' in the sidebar.
  2. Add a site you desire to search (or a random website if you just want to search Google directly, more on that below), set the name and create the search engine.
  3. Once created, you can go to the search engine and under the 'Basics' tab click 'Search engine ID'. You can add it to the configuration file.

Woohoo! You're done! Once you've put the keys in the configuration file (and rebooted your server) you should now be able to search!

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