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Portfolio Allocation API

API service for auto-trading on portfolio allocations (aka. Project Bodysnatch)

The goal is to create an independent service for trading via portfolio allocations. Using Technical Analysis, there are many buy and sell opportunities happening simultaneously and at different time horizons. In trading that is not super high-frequency, these indicators can be used to promote and demote allocations across a large portfolio of coins. This application is responsible for efficiently placing orders and trading against a portfolio in order to achieve an update target allocation state. Additionally, there is a secondary goal of minimizing trading fees and slippage during such trades.

This system is proposed to run on a Python/Django/Postgres stack, hosted on Heroku

Currently In Scope

  • Check coin balances and for any Binance exchange account given a set of api keys.
  • Represent a Binance exchange account as a portfolio of coins with portion allocations.
  • Calculate difference between current state and desired state of a portfolio allocation.
  • Determine shortest/cheapest path for trading from current state to desired state
  • Make trades by taking market orders
  • 5 minute expiration on processing orders. We will fail if we can't execute limit orders in 5 minutes if the volume of transactions is too high.
  • extra/leftover assets held in BTC, i.e. if requested portfolio ratios do not sum to one, we assume the rest is BTC.
  • secure way of passing exchange api keys.
  • use of API auth keys
  • Track amount of slippage made using market orders

Currently out of Scope, but maybe add later

  • placing orders at high frequency in order to capture prices better than taking market orders
  • Operating on Bittrex, Poloniex, and other exchanges
  • Accounting for amounts held offline when converting allocation % to trades
  • simulation mode, check order book, simulate trades, and return API responses normally
  • ignore very small leftover/untradable amounts of coins portoin < 0.0001 or value < 0.00001 BTC

Will NEVER be in Scope

  • deposit or withdraw coins from any account
  • expose public api endpoints
  • publish data on intended trades before placing orders
  • hold exchange api keys in persistant storage or database
  • compare or analyze portfolios against each other

Binance Exchange Get Portfolio State

/api/portfolio with data in request body

POST /api/portfolio
        "api_key": "...",
	"binance": {
		"api_key": "***",
		"secret_key": "***",
curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{"binance": {"secret_key": "secret", "api_key": "api-aaa"}, "api_key": "aaaaa"}' \
-X POST localhost:8000/api/portfolio/

In request data, includes json data for Exchange account access (binance only for v.1)

	"binance": {
		"value": 2.53439324,  # BTC value
		"allocations": [
				"coin": "ETH",
				"amount": 231.12321311  # amount of tokens
				"portion": 0.4999  # floor at 4th decimal place
				"coin": "BCC",
				"amount": 22.12932881  # amount of tokens
				"portion": 0.4999  # floor at 4th decimal place 

ITF price API is available for checking estimated current prices of coins

Value is the estimated total value of all assets on binance, denominated in BTC

Sum of all portions should be between 0.9900 and 1.0000

allocations_sum = sum([float([a["portion"]) for a in data["binance"]["allocations"]])
assert allocations_sum <= 1 and allocations_sum > 0.99
curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{"binance": {"secret_key": "secret", "api_key": "wrong key"}, "api_key": "aaaaa"}' \
-X POST localhost:8000/api/portfolio/
{ "detail": "APIError(code=-2015): Invalid API-key, IP, or permissions for action." }
curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{"bitfinex": {"secret_key": "secret", "api_key": "api-aaa"}, "api_key": "aaaaa"}' \
-X POST localhost:8000/api/portfolio/
{ "detail": "only binance exchange support available at this time" }

Binance Exchange Set Portfolio New State

This defines a new target allocatoin for a portfolio. The difference between this target allocatoin and the current state could range from a very small to a very large differenc. Given a set of target alloctions, a portfolio might aim to "cash out" 150 coins and move 100% of assets to USDT, or vis versa.

curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" 
-d '{"binance": {"secret_key": "secret", "api_key": "api-aaa", "allocations": [{"coin": "ETH", "portion": 0.43}, {"coin":"USDT", "portion": 0.2100}, {"coin":"BCC", "portion": 0.3599}], "type": "limit"}, "api_key": "aaaaa", ["force_reset": true]}' 
-X PUT localhost:8000/api/portfolio/
PUT /api/portfolio
        "api_key": "...",
	"binance": {
		"api_key": "***",
		"secret_key": "***",
		"type": "market",
		"allocations": [
			{"coin":"ETH", "portion": 0.43},
			{"coin":"USDT", "portion": 0.2100},
			{"coin":"BCC", "portion": 0.3599}

This example targets 43% ETH, 36% BCC and 21% USDT using market orders. The sum of portions should be close to 100% (between 99% and 100%). Any and all leftover/extra assets always assume to being held in BTC. In this example it's expected that some small amount ~0.01% will be leftover in BTC

RESPONSE 202 Accepted
	"status": "target allocations queued for processing",
	"portfolio_processing_request": "/api/portfolio_process/1234ABCD",
	"retry_after": 25000  # milliseconds

portfolio_processing_request is a uri to and endpoint for checking the status of the processing

retry_after informs the client that it can check back after some period of time if they want to check on the status of the processing. This is simply an estimate of when the system expects to be nearly done processing trades.

If rebalance request was sent, accepted, but not ended, new request will be denied with the following response:

RESPONSE 400 Bad Request
{ "detail": "Another rebalance task from this api key is in progress." }

If force_reset is sent and is True and 60 seconds passed from request sending, which have created task, that is in progress now, that task will be terminated whether it was started or not, and the new one will be created using information from current request.

curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" 
-d '{"binance": {"secret_key": "secret", "api_key": "api-aaa", "allocations": [{"coin": "ETH", "portion": 0.43}, {"coin":"USDT", "portion": 0.2100}, {"coin":"BCC", "portion": 0.5}]}, "api_key": "aaaaa"}' 
-X PUT localhost:8000/api/portfolio/
RESPONSE 400 Bad Request
{"detail": "portions add to more than 1.0"}
curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" 
-d '{"binance": {"secret_key": "secret", "api_key": "wrong key", "allocations": [{"coin": "ETH", "portion": 0.43}, {"coin":"USDT", "portion": 0.2100}, {"coin":"BCC", "portion": 0.5}]}, "api_key": "aaaaa"}' 
-X PUT localhost:8000/api/portfolio/
{ "detail": "APIError(code=-2015): Invalid API-key, IP, or permissions for action." }
curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" 
-d '{"coinbase-pro": {"secret_key": "secret", "api_key": "api-aaa", "allocations": [{"coin": "ETH", "portion": 0.43}, {"coin":"USDT", "portion": 0.2100}, {"coin":"BCC", "portion": 0.5}]}, "api_key": "aaaaa"}' 
-X PUT localhost:8000/api/portfolio/
{ "detail": "only binance exchange support available at this time" }

Binance Exchange Check Portfolio Processing

POST /api/portfolio_process/<processing_id>
    "api_key": "..."
curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" 
-d '{"api_key": "key"}' 
-X POST localhost:5000/api/portfolio_process/a5bf73ecbbaf
RESPONSE 202 Accepted
	"status": "processing in progress",
	"portfolio_processing_request": "/api/portfolio_process/1234ABCD",
	"retry_after": 12000  # milliseconds
RESPONSE 200 Accepted
	"status": "processing complete in 16092ms",
	"binance": {
		"value": 2.53439324,  # BTC value
		"allocations": [
				"coin": "ETH",
				"amount": 231.12321311  # amount of tokens
				"portion": 0.4999  # floor at 4th decimal place
				"coin": "BCC",
				"amount": 22.12932881  # amount of tokens
				"portion": 0.4999  # floor at 4th decimal place 
RESPONSE 410 Gone OR 404 Not Found
	"detail": "not found or expired"

processing task not found because it was expired from the cache, client should start over with a new set of requests

Authentication with the server

Each request should have api_key attribute, that will server to authenticate with out server.

  "api_key": "...",

if the api key is not valid, the user will get

RESPONSE 401 Unauthorized
	"detail": "Not authorized"

If trying to view another user's rebalance it will get 410 or 404

RESPONSE 410 Gone OR 404 Not Found
	"detail": "not found or expired"

Getting Statistics about market order execution.

POST /api/market_order_statistics/
    "api_key": "..."
curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" 
-d '{"api_key": "key"}' 
-X POST localhost:5000/api/market_order_statistics/
    "mean": 0.1, 
    "std": 0.01

API key creation

Key creation will be manual, and will be done using the django admin interface by superusers.

Storing executed orders in the postgres database

In order to allow for monitoring how much slippage was in place, we are going to store the following information in the postgres database for market orders.

  • Mid Market price when deciding to place orders (the number fed into the algorithm)
  • effective execution price of the order (weighted sum if order was split into parts by the exchange)
  • amount bought or sold.

Architecture Proposal for async execution

This proposal works very well with the requirements, but is not very simple and since it is async, could potentially result in a lot of expirations if there are not enough workers running.

This will be a very scalable architecture, but will require at least 4 different services.

  • django webserver
  • postgres database [used for user authentication]
  • redis for message brokerage
  • celery worker(s) for task execution.

Creating rebalance request

User will interact with the django webserver, that will use the database to make sure user has appropriate access rights.

After the webserver receives a rebalance request (PUT /api/portfolio), it creates a rebalance tasks and stores the tasks in an redis database (message broker). [This is ephemeral database that will lose all data if restarted.] Each task will have a unique id which will be relayed to the user as a rebalance id, and the user could query the webserver in the future to get the progress report.

There are going to be multiple workers (this should be scaled so very low latency in the system) that will retrieve tasks from the message broker (redis) and execute desired trades, and update the task with results.

Checking rebalance progress

Whenever the webserver receives request to see the progress (POST /api/portfolio_process/TASK-ID) it will query the webserver, to see the status of the task, which will be stored in the redis message broker together with the result of the task.

Checking Portfolio State

This process will query binance api directly (after checking access rights) for allocations, and augment results returned by Binance will allocation ratios.

Securing api key passing.

In order to make exchange api key passing secure

  • we are going to use SSL on the broker server, to make sure we can pass exchange api keys over internet without jeopardizing them.
  • we are going to use ssl on the webserver as well.

Algorithm proposal for placing orders

We propose execution using market orders or limit orders. Depending on volume. Note there is a problem with limit orders that there are slow by nature and they might be direct orders between currency pairs and BTC, and we might not pick the most liquid currency pair, and we don't have a performance guarantee, because prices change within 5 minute period as well.

Executed on celery workers, see above proposal for details. This algorithm requires type variable which we propose should be given by the user.

  1. Get user resources
  2. Get market prices for all commodities
  3. estimate the volume of trades using wall prices and market order algorithm
  4. if type is "market"
    • execute market orders
  5. if type is "limit"
    • use mid market prices and create efficient limit orders
    • place limit orders with 1 minute expiration
    • sleep for 1 minute
    • if retries_left > 0: retry with 1 less retry
    • stop execution without rebalancing