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Initial lexer and parser for specifying Mary multi assets via the cli
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Jimbo4350 authored and intricate committed Nov 27, 2020
1 parent a379bb7 commit b1706e7
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Showing 6 changed files with 582 additions and 3 deletions.
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions cardano-api/src/Cardano/Api/Typed.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -287,7 +287,7 @@ module Cardano.Api.Typed (

-- ** Script addresses
-- | Making addresses from scripts.

-- ** Multi-signature scripts
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -525,7 +525,7 @@ import qualified Cardano.Chain.Slotting as Byron
-- Shelley imports
import Ouroboros.Consensus.Shelley.Eras (StandardAllegra, StandardShelley, StandardMary)
import Ouroboros.Consensus.Shelley.Eras (StandardAllegra, StandardMary, StandardShelley)
import Ouroboros.Consensus.Shelley.Protocol.Crypto (StandardCrypto)

import qualified Shelley.Spec.Ledger.Address as Shelley
Expand Down
12 changes: 11 additions & 1 deletion cardano-cli/cardano-cli.cabal
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -59,6 +59,8 @@ library



other-modules: Paths_cardano_cli
Expand All @@ -80,7 +82,6 @@ library
, cardano-crypto-wrapper
, cardano-ledger
, cardano-ledger-shelley-ma
-- TODO: We shouldn't be forced to import "cardano-node". Fix this.
, cardano-node
, cardano-prelude
, cardano-slotting
Expand All @@ -103,6 +104,7 @@ library
, ouroboros-consensus-cardano
, ouroboros-consensus-shelley
, ouroboros-network
, parsec
, process
, scientific
, shelley-spec-ledger
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -166,6 +168,8 @@ test-suite cardano-cli-test
, base16-bytestring
, cardano-api
, cardano-cli
, cardano-crypto-class
, cardano-ledger-shelley-ma
, cardano-node
, cardano-prelude
, containers
Expand All @@ -176,15 +180,21 @@ test-suite cardano-cli-test
, hedgehog-extras
, lifted-base
, optparse-applicative
, ouroboros-consensus-shelley
, parsec
, process
, shelley-spec-ledger
, shelley-spec-ledger-test
, temporary
, text
, time
, transformers-except
, unordered-containers

other-modules: Test.Cli.FilePermissions
Expand Down
270 changes: 270 additions & 0 deletions cardano-cli/src/Cardano/CLI/Mary/Parser.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,270 @@
module Cardano.CLI.Mary.Parser
( Token (..)
, Tokens
, TParser
, addition
, applyAddSubtract
, calculateValue
, lexToken
, lexTokens
, preValueAddition
, preValueLovelace
, preValueMultiAsset
, preValueParser
, preValueSubtraction
, preValToValue
, stringToValue
, subtraction
, textToPolicyId
, tokenToValue
, valueTokenFullySpecified
, valueTokenPolicyIdAndAssetId
, valueTokenPolicyIdOnly
) where

import Prelude

import Control.Applicative (many, (<|>))
import Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Data.Text as Text
import qualified Data.Text.Encoding as Text
import Data.Word (Word64)
import Text.Parsec (ParseError, Parsec, SourcePos, anyChar, getPosition, manyTill, parse,
token, try, (<?>))
import Text.Parsec.Char (alphaNum, digit, hexDigit, letter, space, spaces, string)
import Text.Parsec.String (Parser)
import Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec.Combinator (eof, many1, notFollowedBy, sepBy1)

import Cardano.Api.Typed (AssetId (..), AssetName (..), PolicyId (..), Quantity (..),
ScriptHash (..), Value, selectAsset, valueFromList)
import Cardano.Crypto.Hash (hashFromStringAsHex)
import qualified Shelley.Spec.Ledger.Scripts as Shelley

{- HLINT ignore "Reduce duplication" -}

stringToValue :: String -> Either ParseError Value
stringToValue input = calculateValue <$> fullParse input
fullParse :: String -> Either ParseError [PreValue]
fullParse str = parse lexTokens "" str >>= parse preValueParser ""

calculateValue :: [PreValue] -> Value
calculateValue preVals =
let finalVal = mconcat . map preValToValue $ applyAddSubtract preVals
ada = selectAsset finalVal AdaAssetId
in if selectAsset finalVal AdaAssetId < 0
then error $ "Negative lovelace values are not allowed: " <> show ada
else finalVal

applyAddSubtract :: [PreValue] -> [PreValue]
applyAddSubtract [] = []
applyAddSubtract [x] = [x]
applyAddSubtract (Subtraction : Lovelace w64 : rest) =
Lovelace w64 : applyAddSubtract rest
applyAddSubtract (Subtraction : MultiAsset pId aId minted : rest) =
MultiAsset pId aId (negate minted) : applyAddSubtract rest
applyAddSubtract (Addition : rest) = applyAddSubtract rest
applyAddSubtract (x : rest) = x : applyAddSubtract rest

textToPolicyId :: Text -> PolicyId
textToPolicyId hashText =
case hashFromStringAsHex $ Text.unpack hashText of
Just h -> PolicyId . ScriptHash $ Shelley.ScriptHash h
Nothing -> error $ "PolicyId: " <> Text.unpack hashText <> " is not a hash."

preValToValue :: PreValue -> Value
preValToValue Addition = valueFromList []
preValToValue Subtraction = valueFromList []
preValToValue (Lovelace w64) =
let quantity = Quantity w64
in valueFromList [(AdaAssetId, quantity)]
preValToValue (MultiAsset pId aId minted) =
let polId = textToPolicyId pId
assetName = AssetName $ Text.encodeUtf8 aId
assetId = AssetId polId assetName
quantity = Quantity minted
in valueFromList [(assetId , quantity)]

-- Parser

type TParser a = Parsec Tokens () a

data PreValue = Lovelace Integer
| MultiAsset
-- ^ PolicyId
-- ^ AssetId
-- ^ Amount minted
| Addition
| Subtraction
deriving Show

preValueParser :: TParser [PreValue]
preValueParser =
many1 ( preValueLovelace
<|> preValueMultiAsset
<|> preValueAddition
<|> preValueSubtraction

tokenToTParser :: (Token -> Maybe a) -> TParser a
tokenToTParser f =
(show . snd)
$ \(_,t) -> f t

preValueLovelace :: TParser PreValue
preValueLovelace =
tokenToTParser (\t -> case t of
LovelaceT n -> Just $ Lovelace n
_ -> Nothing

preValueMultiAsset :: TParser PreValue
preValueMultiAsset =
tokenToTParser (\t -> case t of
MultiAssetT pId aId aM -> Just $ MultiAsset pId aId aM
_ -> Nothing

preValueAddition :: TParser PreValue
preValueAddition =
tokenToTParser (\t -> case t of
AdditionT -> Just Addition
_ -> Nothing

preValueSubtraction :: TParser PreValue
preValueSubtraction =
tokenToTParser (\t -> case t of
SubtractionT -> Just Subtraction
_ -> Nothing

-- Lexer

type Tokens = [(SourcePos, Token)]

data Token = LovelaceT Integer
| MultiAssetT
-- ^ ScriptHash
-- ^ AssetId
-- ^ AmountMinted
| AdditionT
| PeriodT
| SubtractionT
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)

lexTokens :: Parser Tokens
lexTokens = spaces *> sepBy1 ((,) <$> getPosition <*> lexToken) spaces

lexToken :: Parser Token
lexToken =
try (lovelaceToken <?> "Expecting \"Word64 lovelace\"")
<|> (addition <?> "Expecting \"+\"")
<|> (subtraction <?> "Expecting \"-\"")
<|> (valueToken <?> "Expecting \"INT hexadecimal.STRING\"")
<|> incorrectSyntax

-- Primitive Token Lexers

incorrectSyntax :: Parser Token
incorrectSyntax = do
_ <- spaces
incorrect <- many alphaNum
_ <- manyTill anyChar eof
fail $ "Incorrect syntax: " <> incorrect
<> "\nExpecting \"Word64 lovelace\",\"+\" or \"INT hexadecimal.STRING\""

period :: Parser Token
period = PeriodT <$ string "."

word64 :: Parser Integer
word64 = do i <- uinteger
if i > fromIntegral (maxBound :: Word64)
then fail "Word64 max bound"
else return i

uinteger :: Parser Integer
uinteger = do d <- many1 digit
notFollowedBy alphaNum
return $ read d

lovelaceToken :: Parser Token
lovelaceToken = do
w64 <- word64 <?> "Word64"
_ <- spaces
_ <- string "lovelace"
_ <- spaces
return $ LovelaceT w64

valueToken :: Parser Token
valueToken =
try valueTokenFullySpecified
<|> try valueTokenPolicyIdAndAssetId
<|> valueTokenPolicyIdOnly
<* spaces

valueTokenFullySpecified :: Parser Token
valueTokenFullySpecified = do
i <- try uinteger <?> "INT"
let minted = fromInteger i
_ <- spaces
pId <- scriptHash
_ <- period
assetId <- try $ many (letter <|> digit)
_ <- spaces
return $ MultiAssetT pId (Text.pack assetId) minted

valueTokenPolicyIdAndAssetId :: Parser Token
valueTokenPolicyIdAndAssetId = do
pId <- scriptHash
_ <- period
notFollowedBy space
assetId <- many (letter <|> digit)
_ <- spaces <|> eof
notFollowedBy uinteger
return $ MultiAssetT pId (Text.pack assetId) 1

valueTokenPolicyIdOnly :: Parser Token
valueTokenPolicyIdOnly = do
i <- try uinteger <?> "INT"
let minted = fromInteger i
_ <- spaces
pId <- scriptHash
notFollowedBy period
_ <- spaces
return $ MultiAssetT pId (Text.pack "") minted

scriptHash :: Parser Text
scriptHash = Text.pack <$> many1 hexDigit

addition :: Parser Token
addition = (AdditionT <$ string "+") <* spaces

subtraction :: Parser Token
subtraction = (SubtractionT <$ string "-") <* spaces

-- Helpers

tokenToValue :: Token -> Value
tokenToValue AdditionT = valueFromList []
tokenToValue SubtractionT = valueFromList []
tokenToValue (LovelaceT w64) =
let quantity = Quantity w64
in valueFromList [(AdaAssetId, quantity)]
tokenToValue (MultiAssetT pId aId minted) =
let polId = textToPolicyId pId
assetName = AssetName $ Text.encodeUtf8 aId
assetId = AssetId polId assetName
quantity = Quantity minted
in valueFromList [(assetId , quantity)]
tokenToValue PeriodT = valueFromList []


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