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Tighten the representation of operations in the model
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Previously, the model/prototype allowed an optional blob ref with every
operation. Our real implementation however only allows a blob to be
associated with an insert. We now think the latter makes more sense, so
we now tighten the model to do the same:

data Operation = Insert  Value (Maybe BlobRef)
               | Mupsert Value
               | Delete

This also makes some of the tests simpler, since they match up more
  • Loading branch information
dcoutts committed Apr 30, 2024
1 parent c12076e commit 3d9f110
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Showing 8 changed files with 177 additions and 176 deletions.
3 changes: 1 addition & 2 deletions bench/micro/Bench/Database/LSMTree/Internal/RawPage.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -43,8 +43,7 @@ benchmarks = rawpage `deepseq` bgroup "Bench.Database.LSMTree.Internal.RawPage"
missing = SerialisedKey $ RB.pack [1, 2, 3]

keys :: [Key]
keys = case page of
PageLogical xs -> map (\(k,_,_) -> k) xs
keys = case page of PageLogical xs -> map fst xs

existingHead :: SerialisedKey
existingHead = SerialisedKey $ RB.fromByteString $ unKey $ head keys
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107 changes: 61 additions & 46 deletions prototypes/FormatPage.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ import Data.Bits
import Data.Coerce (coerce)
import Data.Function (on)
import Data.List (foldl', nubBy, sortBy, unfoldr)
import Data.Maybe (fromJust, isJust)
import Data.Maybe (fromJust)
import Data.Word

import qualified Data.Binary.Get as Bin
Expand All @@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ import Test.Tasty.QuickCheck (testProperty)

-- | Logically, a page is a sequence of key,operation pairs (with optional
-- blobrefs), sorted by key.
newtype PageLogical = PageLogical [(Key, Operation, Maybe BlobRef)]
newtype PageLogical = PageLogical [(Key, Operation)]
deriving (Eq, Show)

newtype Key = Key ByteString deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
Expand All @@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ newtype Value = Value ByteString deriving (Eq, Show)
unKey :: Key -> ByteString
unKey = coerce

data Operation = Insert Value
data Operation = Insert Value (Maybe BlobRef)
| Mupsert Value
| Delete
deriving (Eq, Show)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -145,34 +145,38 @@ data PageSize = PageSize {
pageSizeEmpty :: PageSize
pageSizeEmpty = PageSize 0 0 10

pageSizeAddElem :: (Key, Operation, Maybe BlobRef)
pageSizeAddElem :: (Key, Operation)
-> PageSize -> Maybe PageSize
pageSizeAddElem (Key key, op, mblobref) (PageSize n b sz)
pageSizeAddElem (Key key, op) (PageSize n b sz)
| sz' <= 4096 || n' == 1 = Just (PageSize n' b' sz')
| otherwise = Nothing
n' = n+1
b' | isJust mblobref = b+1
b' | opHasBlobRef op = b+1
| otherwise = b
sz' = sz
+ (if n `mod` 64 == 0 then 8 else 0) -- blobrefs bitmap
+ (if n `mod` 32 == 0 then 8 else 0) -- operations bitmap
+ (if isJust mblobref then 12 else 0) -- blobref entry
+ (if opHasBlobRef op then 12 else 0) -- blobref entry
+ 2 -- key offsets
+ (case n of { 0 -> 4; 1 -> 0; _ -> 2}) -- value offsets
+ BS.length key
+ (case op of
Insert (Value v) -> BS.length v
Mupsert (Value v) -> BS.length v
Delete -> 0)
Insert (Value v) _ -> BS.length v
Mupsert (Value v) -> BS.length v
Delete -> 0)

opHasBlobRef :: Operation -> Bool
opHasBlobRef (Insert _ (Just _blobref)) = True
opHasBlobRef _ = False

calcPageSize :: PageLogical -> Maybe PageSize
calcPageSize (PageLogical kops) =
go pageSizeEmpty kops
go !pgsz [] = Just pgsz
go !pgsz ((key, op, mblobref):kops') =
case pageSizeAddElem (key, op, mblobref) pgsz of
go !pgsz ((key, op):kops') =
case pageSizeAddElem (key, op) pgsz of
Nothing -> Nothing
Just pgsz' -> go pgsz' kops'

Expand All @@ -182,24 +186,24 @@ encodePage (PageLogical kops) =
pageNumKeys, pageNumBlobs :: Word16
pageNumKeys = fromIntegral (length kops)
pageNumBlobs = fromIntegral (length [ b | (_,_, Just b) <- kops ])
pageNumBlobs = fromIntegral (length (filter (opHasBlobRef . snd) kops))

pageSizesOffsets@PageSizesOffsets {offKeys, offValues}
= calcPageSizeOffsets
pageNumKeys pageNumBlobs
(fromIntegral (BS.length pageKeys))
(fromIntegral (BS.length pageValues))

pageBlobRefBitmap = [ isJust mblobref | (_,_, mblobref) <- kops ]
pageOperations = [ toOperationEnum op | (_,op,_) <- kops ]
pageBlobRefs = [ blobref | (_,_, Just blobref) <- kops ]
pageBlobRefBitmap = [ opHasBlobRef op | (_,op) <- kops ]
pageOperations = [ toOperationEnum op | (_,op) <- kops ]
pageBlobRefs = [ blobref | (_,Insert _ (Just blobref)) <- kops ]

keys = [ k | (k,_,_) <- kops ]
values = [ v | (_,op,_) <- kops
keys = [ k | (k,_) <- kops ]
values = [ v | (_,op) <- kops
, let v = case op of
Insert v' -> v'
Mupsert v' -> v'
Delete -> Value (BS.empty)
Insert v' _ -> v'
Mupsert v' -> v'
Delete -> Value (BS.empty)

pageKeyOffsets = init $ scanl (\o k -> o + keyLen16 k)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -313,12 +317,12 @@ decodePage :: PageIntermediate -> PageLogical
decodePage PageIntermediate{pageSizesOffsets = PageSizesOffsets{..}, ..} =
[ let op = case opEnum of
OpInsert -> Insert (Value value)
OpInsert -> Insert (Value value) mblobref
OpMupsert -> Mupsert (Value value)
OpDelete -> Delete
mblobref | hasBlobref = Just (pageBlobRefs !! idxBlobref)
| otherwise = Nothing
in (Key key, op, mblobref)
in (Key key, op)
| opEnum <- pageOperations
| hasBlobref <- pageBlobRefBitmap
| idxBlobref <- scanl (\o b -> if b then o+1 else o) 0 pageBlobRefBitmap
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -363,6 +367,7 @@ tests = testGroup "FormatPage"
, testProperty "shrink" prop_shrink_invariant
, testProperty "to/from bitmap" prop_toFromBitmap
, testProperty "size distribution" prop_size_distribution
, testProperty "maxKeySize" prop_maxKeySize
, testProperty "size 1" prop_size1
, testProperty "size 2" prop_size2
, testProperty "size 3" prop_size3
Expand All @@ -386,13 +391,13 @@ prop_shrink_invariant page = case mapM_ invariant (shrink page) of
invariant :: PageLogical -> Either (Key, Key) ()
invariant (PageLogical xs0) = go xs0
go :: [(Key, b, c)] -> Either (Key, Key) ()
go [] = Right ()
go ((k,_,_):xs) = go1 k xs
go :: [(Key, op)] -> Either (Key, Key) ()
go [] = Right ()
go ((k,_):xs) = go1 k xs

go1 :: Key -> [(Key, b, c)] -> Either (Key, Key) ()
go1 :: Key -> [(Key, op)] -> Either (Key, Key) ()
go1 _ [] = Right ()
go1 k1 ((k2,_,_):xs) =
go1 k1 ((k2,_):xs) =
if k1 < k2
then go1 k2 xs
else Left (k1, k2)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -421,22 +426,22 @@ prop_size_distribution p@(PageLogical es) =
tabulate "page size in bytes"
[ showPageSizeBytes pageSizeBytes ] $
tabulate "key size in bytes"
[ showKeyValueSizeBytes (BS.length k) | (Key k, _, _) <- es ] $
[ showKeyValueSizeBytes (BS.length k) | (Key k, _) <- es ] $
tabulate "value size in bytes"
[ showKeyValueSizeBytes (BS.length v)
| (_, op, _) <- es
| (_, op) <- es
, Value v <- case op of
Insert v -> [v]
Mupsert v -> [v]
Delete -> []
Insert v _ -> [v]
Mupsert v -> [v]
Delete -> []
] $
cover 0.5 (pageSizeBytes > 4096) "page over 4k" $

property $ (if pageSizeElems > 1
then pageSizeBytes <= 4096
else True)
&& (pageSizeElems == length [ e | e <- es ])
&& (pageSizeBlobs == length [ b | (_,_,Just b) <- es ])
&& (pageSizeBlobs == length [ b | (_,Insert _ (Just b)) <- es ])
showNumElems n
| n == 0 = "0"
Expand All @@ -454,6 +459,9 @@ prop_size_distribution p@(PageLogical es) =
nearest m n = show ((n `div` m) * m)
++ " <= n < " ++ show ((n `div` m) * m + m)

prop_maxKeySize :: Bool
prop_maxKeySize = maxKeySize == 4052

prop_size1 :: PageLogical -> Bool
prop_size1 p =
BS.length (serialisePage p')
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -489,12 +497,16 @@ prop_encodeSerialiseDeserialiseDecode p =
roundTrip = decodePage . deserialisePage . serialisePage . encodePage

-- | The maximum size of key that is guaranteed to always fit in an empty
-- 4k page. So this is a worst case maximum size: this size key will fit
-- irrespective of the corresponding operation, including the possibility
-- that the key\/op pair has a blob reference.
maxKeySize :: Int
maxKeySize = 4096 - overhead -- 4052
maxKeySize = 4096 - overhead -- == 4052
overhead =
(pageSizeBytes . fromJust . calcPageSize . PageLogical)
[(Key BS.empty, Delete, Just (BlobRef 0 0))]
[(Key BS.empty, Insert (Value BS.empty) (Just (BlobRef 0 0)))]

instance Arbitrary Key where
arbitrary = do
Expand All @@ -516,13 +528,15 @@ instance Arbitrary Operation where
arbitrary = genOperation arbitrary

shrink :: Operation -> [Operation]
shrink Delete = []
shrink (Insert v) = Delete : [ Insert v' | v' <- shrink v ]
shrink (Mupsert v) = Insert v : [ Mupsert v' | v' <- shrink v ]
shrink Delete = []
shrink (Insert v mb) = Delete
: [ Insert v' mb' | (v', mb') <- shrink (v, mb) ]
shrink (Mupsert v) = Insert v Nothing
: [ Mupsert v' | v' <- shrink v ]

genOperation :: Gen Value -> Gen Operation
genOperation gv = oneof
[ Insert <$> gv
[ Insert <$> gv <*> arbitrary
, Mupsert <$> gv
, pure Delete
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -556,15 +570,16 @@ instance Arbitrary PageLogical where
genFullPageLogical :: Gen Key -> Gen Value -> Gen PageLogical
genFullPageLogical gk gv = go [] pageSizeEmpty
go :: [(Key, Operation, Maybe BlobRef)] -> PageSize -> Gen PageLogical
go :: [(Key, Operation)] -> PageSize -> Gen PageLogical
go es sz = do
e <- (,,) <$> gk <*> genOperation gv <*> arbitrary
e <- (,) <$> gk <*> genOperation gv
case pageSizeAddElem e sz of
Nothing -> return (mkPageLogical es)
Just sz' -> go (e:es) sz'

-- | Create 'PageLogical' enforcing the invariant.
mkPageLogical :: [(Key, Operation, Maybe BlobRef)] -> PageLogical
mkPageLogical xs = PageLogical (nubBy ((==) `on` fstOf3) (sortBy (compare `on` fstOf3) xs))
fstOf3 (k,_,_) = k
mkPageLogical :: [(Key, Operation)] -> PageLogical
mkPageLogical =
. nubBy ((==) `on` fst)
. sortBy (compare `on` fst)
8 changes: 4 additions & 4 deletions src/Database/LSMTree/Internal/PageAcc.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -40,28 +40,28 @@ import Database.LSMTree.Internal.Serialise
-- A smallest page is with empty key:
-- >>> import FormatPage
-- >>> let Just page0 = pageSizeAddElem (Key "", Delete, Nothing) pageSizeEmpty
-- >>> let Just page0 = pageSizeAddElem (Key "", Delete) pageSizeEmpty
-- >>> page0
-- PageSize {pageSizeElems = 1, pageSizeBlobs = 0, pageSizeBytes = 32}
-- Then we can add pages with a single byte key, e.g.
-- >>> pageSizeAddElem (Key "a", Delete, Nothing) page0
-- >>> pageSizeAddElem (Key "a", Delete) page0
-- Just (PageSize {pageSizeElems = 2, pageSizeBlobs = 0, pageSizeBytes = 35})
-- i.e. roughly 3-4 bytes (when we get to 32/64 elements we add more bytes for bitmaps).
-- (key and value offset is together 4 bytes: so it's at least 4, the encoding of single element page takes more space).
-- If we write as small program, adding single byte keys to a page size:
-- >>> let calc s ps = case pageSizeAddElem (Key "x", Delete, Nothing) ps of { Nothing -> s; Just ps' -> calc (s + 1) ps' }
-- >>> let calc s ps = case pageSizeAddElem (Key "x", Delete) ps of { Nothing -> s; Just ps' -> calc (s + 1) ps' }
-- >>> calc 1 page0
-- 759
-- I.e. we can have a 4096 byte page with at most 759 keys, actually less,
-- as there are only 256 single byte keys.
-- >>> let calc2 s ps = case pageSizeAddElem (Key $ if s < 257 then "x" else "xx", Delete, Nothing) ps of { Nothing -> s; Just ps' -> calc2 (s + 1) ps' }
-- >>> let calc2 s ps = case pageSizeAddElem (Key $ if s < 257 then "x" else "xx", Delete) ps of { Nothing -> s; Just ps' -> calc2 (s + 1) ps' }
-- >>> calc2 1 page0
-- 680
Expand Down

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