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micro-bench: add benchmark for run merging
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mheinzel committed May 8, 2024
1 parent 949daca commit 74e9235
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Showing 4 changed files with 430 additions and 23 deletions.
399 changes: 399 additions & 0 deletions bench/micro/Bench/Database/LSMTree/Internal/Merge.hs
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@@ -0,0 +1,399 @@
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}

module Bench.Database.LSMTree.Internal.Merge (benchmarks) where

import Control.Monad (when, zipWithM)
import Criterion.Main (Benchmark, bench, bgroup)
import qualified Criterion.Main as Cr
import Data.Bifunctor (first)
import qualified Data.BloomFilter.Hash as Hash
import Data.Foldable (traverse_)
import qualified Data.List as List
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
import Data.Word (Word64)
import Database.LSMTree.Extras.Orphans ()
import qualified Database.LSMTree.Extras.Random as R
import Database.LSMTree.Extras.UTxO
import Database.LSMTree.Internal.Entry
import qualified Database.LSMTree.Internal.Merge as Merge
import Database.LSMTree.Internal.Run (Run)
import qualified Database.LSMTree.Internal.Run as Run
import Database.LSMTree.Internal.RunFsPaths (RunFsPaths (..),
pathsForRunFiles, runChecksumsPath)
import Database.LSMTree.Internal.Serialise
import qualified Database.LSMTree.Internal.WriteBuffer as WB
import Prelude hiding (getContents)
import System.Directory (removeDirectoryRecursive)
import qualified System.FS.API as FS
import qualified System.FS.IO as FS
import System.IO.Temp
import qualified System.Random as R
import System.Random (StdGen, mkStdGen, uniform, uniformR)

benchmarks :: Benchmark
benchmarks = bgroup "Bench.Database.LSMTree.Internal.Merge" [
-- various numbers of runs
benchMerge configWord64
{ name = "word64-insert-x2"
, nentries = totalEntries `splitInto` 2
, finserts = 1
, benchMerge configWord64
{ name = "word64-insert-x4"
, nentries = totalEntries `splitInto` 4
, finserts = 1
, benchMerge configWord64
{ name = "word64-insert-x7"
, nentries = totalEntries `splitInto` 7
, finserts = 1
, benchMerge configWord64
{ name = "word64-insert-x13"
, nentries = totalEntries `splitInto` 13
, finserts = 1
-- different operations
, benchMerge configWord64
{ name = "word64-delete-x4"
, nentries = totalEntries `splitInto` 4
, fdeletes = 1
, benchMerge configWord64
{ name = "word64-blob-x4"
, nentries = totalEntries `splitInto` 4
, fblobinserts = 1
, benchMerge configWord64
{ name = "word64-mupsert-collisions-x4"
, nentries = totalEntries `splitInto` 4
, fmupserts = 1
, randomKey = -- each run uses half of the possible keys
randomWord64OutOf (totalEntries `div` 2)
, mergeMappend = Just (onDeserialisedValues ((+) @Word64))
, benchMerge configWord64
{ name = "word64-mix-x4"
, nentries = totalEntries `splitInto` 4
, finserts = 1
, fdeletes = 1
, fmupserts = 1
, mergeMappend = Just (onDeserialisedValues ((+) @Word64))
, benchMerge configWord64
{ name = "word64-mix-collisions-x4"
, nentries = totalEntries `splitInto` 4
, finserts = 1
, fdeletes = 1
, fmupserts = 1
, randomKey = -- each run uses half of the possible keys
randomWord64OutOf (totalEntries `div` 2)
, mergeMappend = Just (onDeserialisedValues ((+) @Word64))
-- different key and value sizes
, benchMerge configWord64
{ name = "insert-large-keys-x4" -- potentially long keys
, nentries = (totalEntries `div` 10) `splitInto` 4
, finserts = 1
, randomKey = first serialiseKey . R.randomByteStringR (6, 4000)
, benchMerge configWord64
{ name = "insert-mixed-vals-x4" -- potentially long values
, nentries = (totalEntries `div` 10) `splitInto` 4
, finserts = 1
, randomValue = first serialiseValue . R.randomByteStringR (0, 4000)
, benchMerge configWord64
{ name = "insert-page-x4" -- 1 page
, nentries = (totalEntries `div` 10) `splitInto` 4
, finserts = 1
, randomValue = first serialiseValue . R.randomByteStringR (4056, 4056)
, benchMerge configWord64
{ name = "insert-page-plus-byte-x4" -- 1 page + 1 byte
, nentries = (totalEntries `div` 10) `splitInto` 4
, finserts = 1
, randomValue = first serialiseValue . R.randomByteStringR (4057, 4057)
, benchMerge configWord64
{ name = "insert-huge-vals-x4" -- 1-5 pages
, nentries = (totalEntries `div` 10) `splitInto` 4
, finserts = 1
, randomValue = first serialiseValue . R.randomByteStringR (10_000, 20_000)
-- common UTxO scenarios
, benchMerge configUTxO
{ name = "utxo-x4" -- like tiering merge
, nentries = totalEntries `splitInto` 4
, finserts = 1
, fdeletes = 1
, benchMerge configUTxO
{ name = "utxo-x4-uneven"
, nentries = totalEntries `distributed` [1, 3, 1.5, 2.5]
, finserts = 1
, fdeletes = 1
, benchMerge configUTxO
{ name = "utxo-x4-lastlevel"
, nentries = totalEntries `splitInto` 4
, finserts = 1
, fdeletes = 1
, mergeLevel = Merge.LastLevel
, benchMerge configUTxO
{ name = "utxo-x4+1-min-skewed-lastlevel" -- live levelling merge
, nentries = totalEntries `distributed` [1, 1, 1, 1, 4]
, finserts = 1
, fdeletes = 1
, mergeLevel = Merge.LastLevel
, benchMerge configUTxO
{ name = "utxo-x4+1-max-skewed-lastlevel" -- live levelling merge
, nentries = totalEntries `distributed` [1, 1, 1, 1, 16]
, finserts = 1
, fdeletes = 1
, mergeLevel = Merge.LastLevel
totalEntries = 50_000

splitInto :: Int -> Int -> [Int]
n `splitInto` k = n `distributed` replicate k 1

distributed :: Int -> [Double] -> [Int]
n `distributed` weights =
let total = sum weights
in [ round (fromIntegral n * w / total)
| w <- weights

benchMerge :: Config -> Benchmark
benchMerge conf@Config{name} =
withEnv $ \ ~(_dir, hasFS, runs) ->
bgroup name [
bench "merge" $
-- We'd like to do: `whnfAppIO (runs' -> ...) runs`.
-- However, we also need per-run cleanup to avoid running out of
-- disk space. We use `perRunEnvWithCleanup`, which has two issues:
-- 1. Just as `whnfAppIO` etc., it takes an IO action and returns
-- `Benchmarkable`, which does not compose. As a workaround, we
-- thread `runs` through the environment, too.
-- 2. It forces the result to normal form, which would traverse the
-- whole run, so we force to WHNF ourselves and just return `()`.
(pure (runs, outputRunPaths))
(const (removeOutputRunFiles hasFS)) $ \(runs', p) -> do
!run <- merge hasFS conf p runs'
-- Make sure to immediately close resulting runs so we don't run
-- out of file handles. Ideally this would not be measured, but at
-- least it's pretty cheap.
Run.removeReference hasFS run
withEnv =
(mergeEnv conf)

-- We need to keep the input runs, but remove the freshly created one.
removeOutputRunFiles :: FS.HasFS IO FS.HandleIO -> IO ()
removeOutputRunFiles hasFS = do
traverse_ (FS.removeFile hasFS) (pathsForRunFiles outputRunPaths)
exists <- FS.doesFileExist hasFS (runChecksumsPath outputRunPaths)
when exists $
FS.removeFile hasFS (runChecksumsPath outputRunPaths)

merge ::
-> Config
-> Run.RunFsPaths
-> InputRuns
-> IO (Run (FS.Handle (FS.HandleIO)))
merge fs Config {..} targetPaths runs = do
let f = fromMaybe const mergeMappend
m <- fromMaybe (error "empty inputs, no merge created") <$> fs mergeLevel f targetPaths runs
go m
go m =
Merge.steps fs m stepSize >>= \case
Merge.MergeComplete run -> return run
Merge.MergeInProgress -> go m

outputRunPaths :: Run.RunFsPaths
outputRunPaths = RunFsPaths 0

inputRunPaths :: [Run.RunFsPaths]
inputRunPaths = RunFsPaths <$> [1..]

type InputRuns = [Run (FS.Handle FS.HandleIO)]

type Mappend = SerialisedValue -> SerialisedValue -> SerialisedValue

onDeserialisedValues :: SerialiseValue v => (v -> v -> v) -> Mappend
onDeserialisedValues f x y =
serialiseValue (f (deserialiseValue x) (deserialiseValue y))

type SerialisedKOp = (SerialisedKey, SerialisedEntry)
type SerialisedEntry = Entry SerialisedValue SerialisedBlob


-- | Config options describing a benchmarking scenario
data Config = Config {
-- | Name for the benchmark scenario described by this config.
name :: !String
-- | Number of key\/operation pairs, one for each run.
, nentries :: ![Int]
-- | Frequency of inserts within the key\/op pairs.
, finserts :: !Int
-- | Frequency of inserts with blobs within the key\/op pairs.
, fblobinserts :: !Int
-- | Frequency of deletes within the key\/op pairs.
, fdeletes :: !Int
-- | Frequency of mupserts within the key\/op pairs.
, fmupserts :: !Int
, randomKey :: Rnd SerialisedKey
, randomValue :: Rnd SerialisedValue
, randomBlob :: Rnd SerialisedBlob
, mergeLevel :: !Merge.Level
-- | Needs to be defined when generating mupserts.
, mergeMappend :: !(Maybe Mappend)
-- | Merging is done in chunks of @stepSize@ entries.
, stepSize :: !Int

type Rnd a = StdGen -> (a, StdGen)

defaultConfig :: Config
defaultConfig = Config {
name = "default"
, nentries = []
, finserts = 0
, fblobinserts = 0
, fdeletes = 0
, fmupserts = 0
, randomKey = error "randomKey not implemented"
, randomValue = error "randomValue not implemented"
, randomBlob = error "randomBlob not implemented"
, mergeLevel = Merge.MidLevel
, mergeMappend = Nothing
, stepSize = maxBound -- by default, just do in one go

configWord64 :: Config
configWord64 = defaultConfig {
randomKey = first serialiseKey . uniform @_ @Word64
, randomValue = first serialiseValue . uniform @_ @Word64
, randomBlob = first serialiseBlob . R.randomByteStringR (0, 0x2000) -- up to 8 kB

configUTxO :: Config
configUTxO = defaultConfig {
randomKey = first serialiseKey . uniform @_ @UTxOKey
, randomValue = first serialiseValue . uniform @_ @UTxOValue

mergeEnv ::
-> IO ( FilePath -- ^ Temporary directory
, FS.HasFS IO FS.HandleIO
, InputRuns
mergeEnv config = do
sysTmpDir <- getCanonicalTemporaryDirectory
benchTmpDir <- createTempDirectory sysTmpDir "mergeEnv"
let hasFS = FS.ioHasFS (FS.MountPoint benchTmpDir)
runs <- randomRuns hasFS config (mkStdGen 17)
pure (benchTmpDir, hasFS, runs)

mergeEnvCleanup ::
( FilePath -- ^ Temporary directory
, FS.HasFS IO FS.HandleIO
, InputRuns
-> IO ()
mergeEnvCleanup (tmpDir, hasFS, runs) = do
traverse_ (Run.removeReference hasFS) runs
removeDirectoryRecursive tmpDir

-- | Generate keys and entries to insert into the write buffer.
-- They are already serialised to exclude the cost from the benchmark.
randomRuns ::
-> Config
-> StdGen
-> IO InputRuns
randomRuns hasFS config@Config {..} =
zipWithM (createRun hasFS mergeMappend) inputRunPaths
. zipWith (randomKOps config) nentries
. List.unfoldr (Just . R.split)

createRun ::
-> Maybe Mappend
-> Run.RunFsPaths
-> [SerialisedKOp]
-> IO (Run (FS.Handle h))
createRun hasFS mMappend targetPath =
Run.fromWriteBuffer hasFS targetPath
. List.foldl insert WB.empty
insert wb (k, e) = case mMappend of
Nothing -> WB.addEntryNormal k (expectNormal e) wb
Just f -> WB.addEntryMonoidal f k (expectMonoidal e) wb

expectNormal e = fromMaybe (error ("invalid normal update: " <> show e))
(entryToUpdateNormal e)
expectMonoidal e = fromMaybe (error ("invalid monoidal update: " <> show e))
(entryToUpdateMonoidal e)

-- | Generate keys and entries to insert into the write buffer.
-- They are already serialised to exclude the cost from the benchmark.
randomKOps ::
-> Int -- ^ number of entries
-> StdGen -- ^ RNG
-> [SerialisedKOp]
randomKOps Config {..} runentries g0 =
(R.withoutReplacement g1 runentries randomKey)
(R.withReplacement g2 runentries randomEntry)
(g1, g2) = R.split g0

randomEntry :: Rnd SerialisedEntry
randomEntry = R.frequency
[ ( finserts
, \g -> let (!v, !g') = randomValue g
in (Insert v, g')
, ( fblobinserts
, \g -> let (!v, !g') = randomValue g
(!b, !g'') = randomBlob g'
in (InsertWithBlob v b, g'')
, ( fdeletes
, \g -> (Delete, g)
, ( fmupserts
, \g -> let (!v, !g') = randomValue g
in (Mupdate v, g')

-- | @randomWord64OutOf n@ generates one out of @n@ distinct keys, which are
-- uniformly distributed.
-- This can be used to make collisions more likely.
-- Make sure to pick an @n@ that is significantly larger than the size of a run!
-- Each run entry needs a distinct key.
randomWord64OutOf :: Int -> Rnd SerialisedKey
randomWord64OutOf possibleKeys =
first (serialiseKey . Hash.hash64)
. uniformR (0, fromIntegral possibleKeys :: Word64)

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