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Utilize new PParams prediction functionality for HFC
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lehins committed Apr 25, 2024
1 parent ad3720a commit 0f58889
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Showing 5 changed files with 36 additions and 186 deletions.
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions cabal.project
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type: git
tag: a6ee7925fa8070497658a2c8b3770dcd79017281
--sha256: sha256-rigDlJcsTYa56/qa+W9TGBu2IbHLndmrHqVzcHoPTBI=
tag: 2b5a62eb1025b22ff10f46727d1d7b521df865d9
--sha256: sha256-oVMvD1mO+le+ur+o5UPttfXt4Htqrb0hM1mAmvGrapk=
subdir: eras/allegra/impl
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Expand Up @@ -141,7 +141,7 @@ library
cardano-ledger-byron ^>=1.0,
cardano-ledger-conway ^>=1.14,
cardano-ledger-core ^>=1.12,
cardano-ledger-mary ^>=1.5,
cardano-ledger-mary ^>=1.6,
cardano-ledger-shelley ^>=1.10,
cardano-protocol-tpraos ^>=1.2,
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Expand Up @@ -159,14 +159,6 @@ class ( Core.EraSegWits era
, SL.Validated (Core.Tx era)

-- | Get the protocol version out of a 'Core.PParamsUpdate', used to detect
-- whether we should perform a HF. This will likely be removed/changed once we
-- implement HF enactment in Conway (see
-- <>).
-- For now, this always returns 'Nothing' for Conway (see the instance below).
getProposedProtocolVersion :: Core.PParamsUpdate era -> Maybe ProtVer

-- | Whether the era has an instance of 'CG.ConwayEraGov'
getConwayEraGovDict :: proxy era -> Maybe (ConwayEraGovDict era)

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -194,58 +186,41 @@ defaultApplyShelleyBasedTx globals ledgerEnv mempoolState _wti tx =

defaultGetProposedProtocolVersion ::
(EraPParams era, ProtVerAtMost era 8)
=> Core.PParamsUpdate era
-> Maybe ProtVer
defaultGetProposedProtocolVersion proposal =
strictMaybeToMaybe $ proposal ^. ppuProtocolVersionL

defaultGetConwayEraGovDict :: proxy era -> Maybe (ConwayEraGovDict era)
defaultGetConwayEraGovDict _ = Nothing

instance (SL.PraosCrypto c, DSignable c (Hash c EraIndependentTxBody))
=> ShelleyBasedEra (ShelleyEra c) where
applyShelleyBasedTx = defaultApplyShelleyBasedTx

getProposedProtocolVersion = defaultGetProposedProtocolVersion

getConwayEraGovDict = defaultGetConwayEraGovDict

instance (SL.PraosCrypto c, DSignable c (Hash c EraIndependentTxBody))
=> ShelleyBasedEra (AllegraEra c) where
applyShelleyBasedTx = defaultApplyShelleyBasedTx

getProposedProtocolVersion = defaultGetProposedProtocolVersion

getConwayEraGovDict = defaultGetConwayEraGovDict

instance (SL.PraosCrypto c, DSignable c (Hash c EraIndependentTxBody))
=> ShelleyBasedEra (MaryEra c) where
applyShelleyBasedTx = defaultApplyShelleyBasedTx

getProposedProtocolVersion = defaultGetProposedProtocolVersion

getConwayEraGovDict = defaultGetConwayEraGovDict

instance (SL.PraosCrypto c, DSignable c (Hash c EraIndependentTxBody))
=> ShelleyBasedEra (AlonzoEra c) where
applyShelleyBasedTx = applyAlonzoBasedTx

getProposedProtocolVersion = defaultGetProposedProtocolVersion

getConwayEraGovDict = defaultGetConwayEraGovDict

instance (Praos.PraosCrypto c) => ShelleyBasedEra (BabbageEra c) where
applyShelleyBasedTx = applyAlonzoBasedTx

getProposedProtocolVersion = defaultGetProposedProtocolVersion

getConwayEraGovDict = defaultGetConwayEraGovDict

instance (Praos.PraosCrypto c) => ShelleyBasedEra (ConwayEra c) where
applyShelleyBasedTx = applyAlonzoBasedTx
getProposedProtocolVersion _ = Nothing

getConwayEraGovDict _ = Just ConwayEraGovDict

applyAlonzoBasedTx :: forall era.
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{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-orphans #-}
module Ouroboros.Consensus.Shelley.Ledger.Inspect (
ProtocolUpdate (..)
, ShelleyLedgerUpdate (..)
, UpdateProposal (..)
, UpdateState (..)
, protocolUpdates
ShelleyLedgerUpdate (..)
, pparamsUpdate
) where

import qualified Cardano.Ledger.Shelley.API as SL
import qualified Cardano.Ledger.Shelley.Core as Core
import qualified Cardano.Ledger.Shelley.Governance as SL
import qualified Cardano.Ledger.Shelley.LedgerState as SL
import qualified Cardano.Ledger.Shelley.PParams as SL
import Control.Monad
import Data.Map.Strict (Map)
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
import Data.Void
import Data.Word (Word64)
import Lens.Micro.Extras (view)
import Lens.Micro ((^.))
import Ouroboros.Consensus.Block
import Ouroboros.Consensus.Config
import Ouroboros.Consensus.Ledger.Abstract
import Ouroboros.Consensus.Ledger.Inspect
import Ouroboros.Consensus.Shelley.Eras (EraCrypto,
ShelleyBasedEra (..))
import Ouroboros.Consensus.Shelley.Ledger.Block
import Ouroboros.Consensus.Shelley.Ledger.Ledger
import Ouroboros.Consensus.Util.Condense

data ProtocolUpdate era = ProtocolUpdate {
protocolUpdateProposal :: UpdateProposal era
, protocolUpdateState :: UpdateState (EraCrypto era)
deriving instance Eq (Core.PParamsUpdate era) => Eq (ProtocolUpdate era)
deriving instance Show (Core.PParamsUpdate era) => Show (ProtocolUpdate era)

-- | Update proposal
-- As in Byron, a proposal is a partial map from parameters to their values.
data UpdateProposal era = UpdateProposal {
-- | The protocol parameters changed by this update proposal
-- An update is /identified/ by how it updates the protocol parameters.
proposalParams :: Core.PParamsUpdate era

-- | New version (if changed by this proposal)
-- The protocol version itself is also considered to be just another
-- parameter, and parameters can change /without/ changing the protocol
-- version, although a convention /could/ be established that the protocol
-- version must change if any of the parameters do; but the specification
-- itself does not mandate this.
-- We record the version separately for the convenience of the HFC.
, proposalVersion :: Maybe SL.ProtVer

-- | The 'EpochNo' the proposal becomes active in, if it is adopted
, proposalEpoch :: EpochNo

deriving instance Eq (Core.PParamsUpdate era) => Eq (UpdateProposal era)
deriving instance Show (Core.PParamsUpdate era) => Show (UpdateProposal era)

-- | Proposal state
-- The update mechanism in Shelley is simpler than it is in Byron. There is no
-- distinction between votes and proposals: to \"vote\" for a proposal one
-- merely submits the exact same proposal. There is also no separate
-- endorsement step. The procedure is as follows:
-- 1. During each epoch, a genesis key can submit (via its delegates) zero,
-- one, or many proposals; each submission overrides the previous one.
-- 2. \"Voting\" (submitting of proposals) ends @2 * stabilityWindow@ slots
-- (i.e. @6k/f@) before the end of the epoch. In other words, proposals
-- for the upcoming epoch must be submitted within the first @4k/f@ slots
-- of this one.
-- 3. At the end of an epoch, if the majority of nodes (as determined by the
-- @Quorum@ specification constant, which must be greater than half the
-- nodes) have most recently submitted the same exact proposal, then it is
-- adopted.
-- 4. The next epoch is always started with a clean slate, proposals from the
-- previous epoch that didn't make it are discarded (except for "future
-- proposals" that are explicitly marked for future epochs).
data UpdateState c = UpdateState {
-- | The genesis delegates that voted for this proposal
proposalVotes :: [SL.KeyHash 'SL.Genesis c]

-- | Has this proposal reached sufficient votes to be adopted?
, proposalReachedQuorum :: Bool
deriving (Show, Eq)

protocolUpdates ::
forall era proto. ShelleyBasedEra era
=> SL.ShelleyGenesis (EraCrypto era)
-> LedgerState (ShelleyBlock proto era)
-> [ProtocolUpdate era]
protocolUpdates genesis st = [
ProtocolUpdate {
protocolUpdateProposal = UpdateProposal {
proposalParams = proposal
, proposalEpoch = succ currentEpoch
, proposalVersion = getProposedProtocolVersion proposal
, protocolUpdateState = UpdateState {
proposalVotes = votes
, proposalReachedQuorum = length votes >= fromIntegral quorum
| (proposal, votes) <- Map.toList $ invertMap proposals
invertMap :: Ord b => Map a b -> Map b [a]
invertMap = Map.fromListWith (<>) . fmap swizzle . Map.toList
swizzle (a, b) = (b, [a])

-- Updated proposed within the proposal window
proposals :: Map (SL.KeyHash 'SL.Genesis (EraCrypto era)) (Core.PParamsUpdate era)
SL.ProposedPPUpdates proposals =
fromMaybe SL.emptyPPPUpdates
. Core.getProposedPPUpdates
. view SL.newEpochStateGovStateL
. shelleyLedgerState
$ st

-- A proposal is accepted if the number of votes is equal to or greater
-- than the quorum. The quorum itself must be strictly greater than half
-- the number of genesis keys, but we do not rely on that property here.
quorum :: Word64
quorum = SL.sgUpdateQuorum genesis

-- The proposals in 'SL.proposals' are for the upcoming epoch
-- (we ignore 'futureProposals')
currentEpoch :: EpochNo
currentEpoch = SL.nesEL . shelleyLedgerState $ st


data ShelleyLedgerUpdate era =
ShelleyUpdatedProtocolUpdates [ProtocolUpdate era]
ShelleyUpdatedPParams (Maybe (Core.PParams era)) EpochNo

deriving instance Eq (Core.PParamsUpdate era) => Eq (ShelleyLedgerUpdate era)
deriving instance Show (Core.PParamsUpdate era) => Show (ShelleyLedgerUpdate era)
deriving instance Eq (Core.PParams era) => Eq (ShelleyLedgerUpdate era)
deriving instance Show (Core.PParams era) => Show (ShelleyLedgerUpdate era)

instance Show (Core.PParamsUpdate era) => Condense (ShelleyLedgerUpdate era) where
instance Show (Core.PParams era) => Condense (ShelleyLedgerUpdate era) where
condense = show

instance ShelleyBasedEra era => InspectLedger (ShelleyBlock proto era) where
type LedgerWarning (ShelleyBlock proto era) = Void
type LedgerUpdate (ShelleyBlock proto era) = ShelleyLedgerUpdate era

inspectLedger tlc before after = do
inspectLedger _tlc before after = do
guard $ updatesBefore /= updatesAfter
return $ LedgerUpdate $ ShelleyUpdatedProtocolUpdates updatesAfter
return $ LedgerUpdate updatesAfter
genesis :: SL.ShelleyGenesis (EraCrypto era)
genesis = shelleyLedgerGenesis (configLedger tlc)

updatesBefore, updatesAfter :: [ProtocolUpdate era]
updatesBefore = protocolUpdates genesis before
updatesAfter = protocolUpdates genesis after
updatesBefore, updatesAfter :: ShelleyLedgerUpdate era
updatesBefore = pparamsUpdate before
updatesAfter = pparamsUpdate after

pparamsUpdate ::
forall era proto. ShelleyBasedEra era
=> LedgerState (ShelleyBlock proto era)
-> ShelleyLedgerUpdate era
pparamsUpdate st =
let nes = shelleyLedgerState st
in ShelleyUpdatedPParams
(nes ^. SL.newEpochStateGovStateL . SL.futurePParamsGovStateG)
(succ (SL.nesEL nes))
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -32,13 +32,13 @@ import Cardano.Slotting.EpochInfo (hoistEpochInfo)
import Control.Monad (guard)
import Control.Monad.Except (runExcept, throwError, withExceptT)
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map
import Data.Maybe
import Data.SOP.BasicFunctors
import Data.SOP.InPairs (RequiringBoth (..), ignoringBoth)
import qualified Data.Text as T (pack)
import Data.Void (Void)
import Data.Word
import GHC.Generics (Generic)
import Lens.Micro ((^.))
import NoThunks.Class (NoThunks)
import Ouroboros.Consensus.Block
import Ouroboros.Consensus.Config
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -137,9 +137,8 @@ shelleyTransition ::
shelleyTransition ShelleyPartialLedgerConfig{..}
state =
. mapMaybe isTransition
. Shelley.Inspect.protocolUpdates genesis
. Shelley.Inspect.pparamsUpdate
$ state
ShelleyTransitionInfo{..} = shelleyLedgerTransition state
Expand All @@ -152,24 +151,14 @@ shelleyTransition ShelleyPartialLedgerConfig{..}
k :: Word64
k = SL.sgSecurityParam genesis

isTransition :: Shelley.Inspect.ProtocolUpdate era -> Maybe EpochNo
isTransition Shelley.Inspect.ProtocolUpdate{..} = do
SL.ProtVer major _minor <- proposalVersion
isTransition :: ShelleyLedgerUpdate era -> Maybe EpochNo
isTransition (ShelleyUpdatedPParams maybePParams newPParamsEpochNo) = do
pp <- maybePParams
let protVer = pp ^. SL.ppProtocolVersionL
transitionMajorVersion <- SL.mkVersion transitionMajorVersionRaw
guard $ major == transitionMajorVersion
guard $ proposalReachedQuorum
guard $ SL.pvMajor protVer == transitionMajorVersion
guard $ shelleyAfterVoting >= fromIntegral k
return proposalEpoch
Shelley.Inspect.UpdateProposal{..} = protocolUpdateProposal
Shelley.Inspect.UpdateState{..} = protocolUpdateState

-- In principle there could be multiple proposals that all change the
-- major protocol version. In practice this can't happen because each
-- delegate can only vote for one proposal, but the types don't guarantee
-- this. We don't need to worry about this, and just pick any of them.
takeAny :: [a] -> Maybe a
takeAny = listToMaybe
return newPParamsEpochNo

( ShelleyCompatible proto era,
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