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Add test to check order of ConnectionManager trans
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- In unregisterInboundConnectionImpl: OutboundDupState Ticking -> OutboundDupState Expired
- In withConnectionManager cleanup, where we put the state in TerminatedState is missing a trace. However, since this can be async the connState can come out of order and/or not making much sense.
- In requestOutboundConnectionImpl bracketOnError: TerminatedState -> Unknown
- In includeInboundConnectionImpl: on readPromise Left handleError case, where we put the state in either TerminatingState or TerminatedState
- In unregisterInboundConnectionImpl: Only trace TerminatingState -> TerminatedState, after having written to the connVar
- In a possible race between withConnectionManager finally block and forkConnectionHandler cleanup function, where the latter can run first and break an assumption made by withConnectionManager that it is the first to run so a connection shouldn't be in TerminatingState (which is not the case, since there is a race condition). So an out of order and possibly not making much sense transition is logged.
- When accept call returns first than connect and the connVar gets overwritten. In requestOutboundConnectionImpl cleanup function we wrongly trace * -> TerminatedState transition of a removed connVar, we shouldn't care about that connVar anymore.
- In promotedToWarmRemoteImpl, in OutboundIdleState case we are not updating the state correctly.
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bolt12 committed Oct 12, 2021
1 parent 6175abf commit 9478f2a
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