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Add builtin fn list. Add try.
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thealmarty committed Jan 18, 2022
1 parent f3a0b3c commit 66845a1
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Showing 3 changed files with 136 additions and 81 deletions.
33 changes: 20 additions & 13 deletions plutus-core/plutus-core/src/PlutusCore/Parser.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -15,8 +15,7 @@ import PlutusCore.Default (DefaultFun, DefaultUni)
import PlutusCore.Error (ParseError (..))
import PlutusCore.Name (Name, TyName)
import PlutusCore.Parser.ParserCommon
import PlutusPrelude
import Text.Megaparsec (MonadParsec (notFollowedBy), SourcePos, anySingle, getSourcePos)
import Text.Megaparsec (MonadParsec (notFollowedBy), SourcePos, anySingle, choice, getSourcePos, try)
import Text.Megaparsec.Error (ParseErrorBundle)

-- Parsers for PLC terms
Expand All @@ -36,8 +35,13 @@ lamTerm = inParens $ LamAbs <$> wordPos "lam" <*> name <*> pType <*> term
appTerm :: Parser PTerm
appTerm = inBrackets $ Apply <$> getSourcePos <*> term <*> term

-- | Parser for a constant term. Currently the syntax is "con defaultUniType val".
conTerm :: Parser PTerm
conTerm = inParens $ Constant <$> wordPos "con" <*> constant
conTerm = inParens $ do
p <- wordPos "con"
_conTy <- defaultUniType -- TODO: do case of for each ty?
con <- constant
pure $ Constant p con

builtinTerm :: Parser PTerm
builtinTerm = inParens $ Builtin <$> wordPos "builtin" <*> builtinFunction
Expand All @@ -57,16 +61,19 @@ errorTerm = inParens $ Error <$> wordPos "error" <*> pType

-- | Parser for all PLC terms.
term :: Parser PTerm
term = varTerm
<|> tyAbsTerm
<|> lamTerm
<|> appTerm
<|> conTerm
<|> builtinTerm
<|> tyInstTerm
<|> unwrapTerm
<|> iwrapTerm
<|> errorTerm
term = try $ choice
[ inParens term
, varTerm
, tyAbsTerm
, lamTerm
, appTerm
, conTerm
, builtinTerm
, tyInstTerm
, unwrapTerm
, iwrapTerm
, errorTerm

-- | Parse a PLC program. The resulting program will have fresh names. The underlying monad must be capable
-- of handling any parse errors.
Expand Down
182 changes: 115 additions & 67 deletions plutus-core/plutus-core/src/PlutusCore/Parser/ParserCommon.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -12,59 +12,57 @@ import Data.ByteString.Char8 (singleton)
import Data.Char (isAlphaNum)
import Data.Map qualified as M
import Data.Text qualified as T
-- import PlutusCore qualified as PLC hiding (PlutusCore.Parser)
import PlutusPrelude
import Text.Megaparsec hiding (ParseError, State, parse, some)
import Text.Megaparsec.Char (char, letterChar, space1, string)
import Text.Megaparsec.Char (char, letterChar, space1)
import Text.Megaparsec.Char.Lexer qualified as Lex

import Control.Monad.State (MonadState (get, put), StateT, evalStateT)

import Data.ByteString.Lazy (ByteString)
import Data.ByteString.Lazy.Internal (unpackChars)
import PlutusCore.Core.Type qualified as PLC
import PlutusCore.Default qualified as PLC
import PlutusCore.Error qualified as PLC
import PlutusCore.Name qualified as PLC
import PlutusCore.Quote qualified as PLC
import Universe.Core (someValue)

newtype ParserState = ParserState { identifiers :: M.Map T.Text PLC.Unique }
import PlutusCore.Core.Type
import PlutusCore.Default
import PlutusCore.Error
import PlutusCore.Name
import PlutusCore.Quote

newtype ParserState = ParserState { identifiers :: M.Map T.Text Unique }
deriving (Show)

type Parser =
ParsecT PLC.ParseError T.Text (StateT ParserState PLC.Quote)
ParsecT ParseError T.Text (StateT ParserState Quote)

instance (Stream s, PLC.MonadQuote m) => PLC.MonadQuote (ParsecT e s m)
instance (Stream s, MonadQuote m) => MonadQuote (ParsecT e s m)

initial :: ParserState
initial = ParserState M.empty

-- | Return the unique identifier of a name.
-- If it's not in the current parser state, map the name to a fresh id
-- and add it to the state. Used in the Name parser.
intern :: (MonadState ParserState m, PLC.MonadQuote m)
=> T.Text -> m PLC.Unique
intern :: (MonadState ParserState m, MonadQuote m)
=> T.Text -> m Unique
intern n = do
st <- get
case M.lookup n (identifiers st) of
Just u -> return u
Nothing -> do
fresh <- PLC.freshUnique
fresh <- freshUnique
let identifiers' = M.insert n fresh $ identifiers st
put $ ParserState identifiers'
return fresh

parse :: Parser a -> String -> T.Text -> Either (ParseErrorBundle T.Text PLC.ParseError) a
parse p file str = PLC.runQuote $ parseQuoted p file str
parse :: Parser a -> String -> T.Text -> Either (ParseErrorBundle T.Text ParseError) a
parse p file str = runQuote $ parseQuoted p file str

-- | Generic parser function.
parseGen :: Parser a -> ByteString -> Either (ParseErrorBundle T.Text PLC.ParseError) a
parseGen :: Parser a -> ByteString -> Either (ParseErrorBundle T.Text ParseError) a
parseGen stuff bs = parse stuff "test" $ (T.pack . unpackChars) bs

parseQuoted ::
Parser a -> String -> T.Text ->
PLC.Quote (Either (ParseErrorBundle T.Text PLC.ParseError) a)
Quote (Either (ParseErrorBundle T.Text ParseError) a)
parseQuoted p file str = flip evalStateT initial $ runParserT p file str

-- | Space consumer.
Expand All @@ -79,38 +77,38 @@ symbol = Lex.symbol whitespace

-- | A PLC @Type@ to be parsed. ATM the parser only works
-- for types in the @DefaultUni@ with @DefaultFun@.
type PType = PLC.Type PLC.TyName PLC.DefaultUni SourcePos
type PType = Type TyName DefaultUni SourcePos

varType :: Parser PType
varType = PLC.TyVar <$> getSourcePos <*> tyName
varType = TyVar <$> getSourcePos <*> tyName

funType :: Parser PType
funType = PLC.TyFun <$> wordPos "fun" <*> pType <*> pType
funType = TyFun <$> wordPos "fun" <*> pType <*> pType

allType :: Parser PType
allType = PLC.TyForall <$> wordPos "all" <*> tyName <*> kind <*> pType
allType = TyForall <$> wordPos "all" <*> tyName <*> kind <*> pType

lamType :: Parser PType
lamType = PLC.TyLam <$> wordPos "lam" <*> tyName <*> kind <*> pType
lamType = TyLam <$> wordPos "lam" <*> tyName <*> kind <*> pType

ifixType :: Parser PType
ifixType = PLC.TyIFix <$> wordPos "ifix" <*> pType <*> pType
ifixType = TyIFix <$> wordPos "ifix" <*> pType <*> pType

builtinType :: Parser PType
builtinType = PLC.TyBuiltin <$> wordPos "con" <*> defaultUniType
builtinType = TyBuiltin <$> wordPos "con" <*> defaultUniType

appType :: Parser PType
appType = do
pos <- getSourcePos
fn <- pType
args <- some pType
pure $ foldl' (PLC.TyApp pos) fn args
pure $ foldl' (TyApp pos) fn args

kind :: Parser (PLC.Kind SourcePos)
kind :: Parser (Kind SourcePos)
kind = inParens (typeKind <|> funKind)
typeKind = PLC.Type <$> wordPos "type"
funKind = PLC.KindArrow <$> wordPos "fun" <*> kind <*> kind
typeKind = Type <$> wordPos "type"
funKind = KindArrow <$> wordPos "fun" <*> kind <*> kind

-- | Parser for @PType@.
pType :: Parser PType
Expand All @@ -125,18 +123,18 @@ pType = choice
, inBrackets appType

defaultUniType :: Parser (PLC.SomeTypeIn PLC.DefaultUni)
defaultUniType :: Parser (SomeTypeIn DefaultUni)
defaultUniType = choice
[ inParens defaultUniType
, PLC.SomeTypeIn PLC.DefaultUniInteger <$ symbol "integer"
, PLC.SomeTypeIn PLC.DefaultUniByteString <$ symbol "bytestring"
, PLC.SomeTypeIn PLC.DefaultUniString <$ symbol "symbol"
, PLC.SomeTypeIn PLC.DefaultUniUnit <$ symbol "unit"
, PLC.SomeTypeIn PLC.DefaultUniBool <$ symbol "bool"
, PLC.SomeTypeIn PLC.DefaultUniProtoList <$ symbol "list"
, PLC.SomeTypeIn PLC.DefaultUniProtoPair <$ symbol "pair"
-- , PLC.SomeTypeIn DefaultUniApply <$ symbol "?" TODO need to make this an operator
, PLC.SomeTypeIn PLC.DefaultUniData <$ symbol "data" ]
, SomeTypeIn DefaultUniInteger <$ symbol "integer"
, SomeTypeIn DefaultUniByteString <$ symbol "bytestring"
, SomeTypeIn DefaultUniString <$ symbol "string"
, SomeTypeIn DefaultUniUnit <$ symbol "unit"
, SomeTypeIn DefaultUniBool <$ symbol "bool"
, SomeTypeIn DefaultUniProtoList <$ symbol "list"
, SomeTypeIn DefaultUniProtoPair <$ symbol "pair"
-- , SomeTypeIn DefaultUniApply <$ symbol "?" TODO need to make this an operator
, SomeTypeIn DefaultUniData <$ symbol "data" ]

lbracket :: Parser T.Text
lbracket = symbol "["
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -168,27 +166,85 @@ wordPos ::
T.Text -> Parser SourcePos
wordPos w = lexeme $ try $ getSourcePos <* symbol w

builtinFunction :: Parser PLC.DefaultFun
builtinFunction = lexeme $ choice $ map parseBuiltin [minBound .. maxBound]
where parseBuiltin builtin = try $ string (display builtin) >> pure builtin
builtinFnList :: [(DefaultFun, T.Text)]
builtinFnList =
[ (AddInteger,"addInteger")
, (SubtractInteger,"subtractInteger")
, (MultiplyInteger,"multiplyInteger")
, (DivideInteger,"divideInteger")
, (QuotientInteger,"quotientInteger")
, (RemainderInteger,"remainderInteger")
, (ModInteger,"modInteger")
, (EqualsInteger,"equalsInteger")
, (LessThanInteger,"lessThanInteger")
, (LessThanEqualsInteger,"lessThanEqualsInteger")
, (AppendByteString,"appendByteString")
, (ConsByteString,"consByteString")
, (SliceByteString,"sliceByteString")
, (LengthOfByteString,"lengthOfByteString")
, (IndexByteString,"indexByteString")
, (EqualsByteString,"equalsByteString")
, (LessThanByteString,"lessThanByteString")
, (LessThanEqualsByteString,"lessThanEqualsByteString")
, (Sha2_256,"sha2_256")
, (Sha3_256,"sha3_256")
, (Blake2b_256,"blake2b_256")
, (VerifySignature,"verifySignature")
, (AppendString,"appendString")
, (EqualsString,"equalsString")
, (EncodeUtf8,"encodeUtf8")
, (DecodeUtf8,"decodeUtf8")
, (IfThenElse,"ifThenElse")
, (ChooseUnit,"chooseUnit")
, (Trace,"trace")
, (FstPair,"fstPair")
, (SndPair,"sndPair")
, (ChooseList,"chooseList")
, (MkCons,"mkCons")
, (HeadList,"headList")
, (TailList,"tailList")
, (NullList,"nullList")
, (ChooseData,"chooseData")
, (ConstrData,"constrData")
, (MapData,"mapData")
, (ListData,"listData")
, (IData,"iData")
, (BData,"bData")
, (UnConstrData,"unConstrData")
, (UnMapData,"unMapData")
, (UnListData,"unListData")
, (UnIData,"unIData")
, (UnBData,"unBData")
, (EqualsData,"equalsData")
, (MkPairData,"mkPairData")
, (MkNilData,"mkNilData")
, (MkNilPairData,"mkNilPairData")

builtinFunction :: Parser DefaultFun
builtinFunction =
lexeme $ try $ choice $
(\(fn, text) -> fn <$ symbol text)

version :: Parser (PLC.Version SourcePos)
version :: Parser (Version SourcePos)
version = lexeme $ do
p <- getSourcePos
x <- Lex.decimal
void $ char '.'
y <- Lex.decimal
void $ char '.'
PLC.Version p x y <$> Lex.decimal
Version p x y <$> Lex.decimal

name :: Parser PLC.Name
name :: Parser Name
name = lexeme $ try $ do
void $ lookAhead letterChar
str <- takeWhileP (Just "identifier") isIdentifierChar
PLC.Name str <$> intern str
Name str <$> intern str

tyName :: Parser PLC.TyName
tyName = PLC.TyName <$> name
tyName :: Parser TyName
tyName = TyName <$> name

-- | Turn a parser that can succeed without consuming any input into one that fails in this case.
enforce :: Parser a -> Parser a
Expand All @@ -198,44 +254,44 @@ enforce p = do
pure x

-- | Parser for integer constants.
conInt :: Parser (PLC.Some (PLC.ValueOf PLC.DefaultUni))
conInt :: Parser (Some (ValueOf DefaultUni))
conInt = do
con::Integer <- lexeme Lex.decimal
pure $ someValue con

-- | Parser for single quoted char.
conChar :: Parser (PLC.Some (PLC.ValueOf PLC.DefaultUni))
conChar :: Parser (Some (ValueOf DefaultUni))
conChar = do
con <- between (char '\'') (char '\'') Lex.charLiteral
pure $ someValue $ singleton con

-- | Parser for double quoted string.
conText :: Parser (PLC.Some (PLC.ValueOf PLC.DefaultUni))
conText :: Parser (Some (ValueOf DefaultUni))
conText = do
con <- char '\"' *> manyTill Lex.charLiteral (char '\"')
pure $ someValue $ T.pack con

-- | Parser for unit.
conUnit :: Parser (PLC.Some (PLC.ValueOf PLC.DefaultUni))
conUnit :: Parser (Some (ValueOf DefaultUni))
conUnit = someValue () <$ symbol "unit"

-- | Parser for bool.
conBool :: Parser (PLC.Some (PLC.ValueOf PLC.DefaultUni))
conBool :: Parser (Some (ValueOf DefaultUni))
conBool = choice
[ someValue True <$ symbol "True"
, someValue False <$ symbol "False"

--TODO fix these (add parsing of constant after symbol?):
-- conPair :: Parser (PLC.Some (PLC.ValueOf PLC.DefaultUni))
-- conPair :: Parser (Some (ValueOf DefaultUni))
-- conPair = someValue (,) <$ symbol "pair"
-- conList :: Parser (PLC.Some (PLC.ValueOf PLC.DefaultUni))
-- conList :: Parser (Some (ValueOf DefaultUni))
-- conList = someValue [] <$ symbol "list"
-- conData :: Parser (PLC.Some (PLC.ValueOf PLC.DefaultUni))
-- conData :: Parser (Some (ValueOf DefaultUni))
-- conData = someValue Data? <$ symbol "data"

constant :: Parser (PLC.Some (PLC.ValueOf PLC.DefaultUni))
constant = choice
constant :: Parser (Some (ValueOf DefaultUni))
constant = try $ choice
[ inParens constant
, conInt
, conChar
Expand All @@ -246,11 +302,3 @@ constant = choice
-- , conList
-- , conData

-- | Parser for a constant term. Currently the syntax is "con defaultUniType val".
constantTerm :: Parser (PLC.Term PLC.TyName PLC.Name PLC.DefaultUni PLC.DefaultFun SourcePos)
constantTerm = do
p <- wordPos "con"
_conTy <- defaultUniType -- TODO: do case of for each ty?
con <- constant
pure $ PLC.Constant p con
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion plutus-core/plutus-ir/src/PlutusIR/Parser.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -84,7 +84,7 @@ tyInstTerm :: Parser PTerm
tyInstTerm = PIR.mkIterInst <$> getSourcePos <*> pTerm <*> some pType

pTerm :: Parser PTerm
pTerm = choice
pTerm = try $ choice
[ inParens pTerm
, absTerm
, lamTerm
Expand Down

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