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effectfully committed Jun 28, 2022
1 parent 8cfa65c commit cde4ec8
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Showing 11 changed files with 134 additions and 56 deletions.
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1 +1 @@
(program 0.0.0 (con list data []))
(program 0.0.0 (con (list data) []))
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1 +1 @@
(program 0.0.0 (con list (pair data data) []))
(program 0.0.0 (con (list (pair data data)) []))
8 changes: 7 additions & 1 deletion plutus-core/plutus-core/src/PlutusCore/Default/Universe.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -141,8 +141,14 @@ instance HasRenderContext config => PrettyBy config (DefaultUni a) where
DefaultUniProtoPair -> "pair"
DefaultUniApply uniF uniA -> uniF `juxtPrettyM` uniA
DefaultUniData -> "data"

-- | This always pretty-prints parens around type applications (e.g. @(list bool)@) and
-- doesn't pretty-print them otherwise (e.g. @integer@).
-- This is so we can have a single instance that is safe to use with both the classic and the
-- readable pretty-printers, even though for the latter it may result in redundant parens being
-- shown. We are planning to change the classic syntax to remove this silliness.
instance Pretty (DefaultUni a) where
pretty = prettyBy botRenderContext
pretty = prettyBy $ RenderContext ToTheRight juxtFixity
instance Pretty (SomeTypeIn DefaultUni) where
pretty (SomeTypeIn uni) = pretty uni

Expand Down
23 changes: 12 additions & 11 deletions plutus-core/plutus-core/src/PlutusCore/Parser/Builtin.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -8,15 +8,15 @@ import PlutusPrelude (Word8, reoption)
import PlutusCore.Default
import PlutusCore.Error (ParserError (UnknownBuiltinFunction))
import PlutusCore.Parser.ParserCommon
import PlutusCore.Parser.Type (defaultUniType)
import PlutusCore.Parser.Type (defaultUni)
import PlutusCore.Pretty (display)

import Control.Applicative
import Control.Monad.Combinators
import Data.ByteString (ByteString, pack)
import Data.Map.Strict qualified as Map
import Data.Text qualified as T
import Data.Text.Internal.Read (hexDigitToInt)
import Text.Megaparsec (MonadParsec (takeWhileP), choice, customFailure, getSourcePos, manyTill)
import Text.Megaparsec (customFailure, getSourcePos, takeWhileP)
import Text.Megaparsec.Char (char, hexDigitChar)
import Text.Megaparsec.Char.Lexer qualified as Lex

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -64,22 +64,19 @@ conBool = choice
, False <$ symbol "False"

-- Taken verbatim from
sepBy :: Alternative m => m a -> m sep -> m [a]
sepBy p sep = sepBy1 p sep <|> pure []
sepBy1 :: Alternative m => m a -> m sep -> m [a]
sepBy1 p sep = (:) <$> p <*> many (sep *> p)

-- | Parser for lists.
conList :: DefaultUni (Esc a) -> Parser [a]
conList uniA = inBrackets $ constantOf uniA `sepBy` symbol ","

-- | Parser for pairs.
conPair :: DefaultUni (Esc a) -> DefaultUni (Esc b) -> Parser (a, b)
conPair uniA uniB = inParens $ do
a <- constantOf uniA
_ <- symbol ","
b <- constantOf uniB
pure (a, b)

-- | Parser for constants of the given type.
constantOf :: DefaultUni (Esc a) -> Parser a
constantOf uni = case uni of
DefaultUniInteger -> conInteger
Expand All @@ -91,10 +88,14 @@ constantOf uni = case uni of
DefaultUniProtoPair `DefaultUniApply` uniA `DefaultUniApply` uniB -> conPair uniA uniB
f `DefaultUniApply` _ `DefaultUniApply` _ `DefaultUniApply` _ -> noMoreTypeFunctions f
DefaultUniData ->
error "Data not supported"
fail "Data not supported"

-- | Parser of constants whose type is in 'DefaultUni'.
constant :: Parser (Some (ValueOf DefaultUni))
constant = do
SomeTypeIn (Kinded uni) <- defaultUniType
-- Parse the type tag.
SomeTypeIn (Kinded uni) <- defaultUni
-- Check it's of kind @*@.
Refl <- reoption $ checkStar uni
-- Parse the constant of the type represented by the type tag.
someValueOf uni <$> constantOf uni
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -21,9 +21,16 @@ import PlutusCore.Error
import PlutusCore.Name
import PlutusCore.Quote

{- Note [Whitespace invariant]
Every top-level 'Parser' must consume all whitespace after the thing that it parses, hence make
sure to enclose every 'Parser' that doesn't consume trailing whitespce (e.g. 'takeWhileP',
'manyTill', 'Lex.decimal' etc) in a call to 'lexeme'.

topSourcePos :: SourcePos
topSourcePos = initialPos "top"

-- | The opposite of @optional :: Alternative f => f a -> f (Maybe a)@.
required :: MonadPlus m => m (Maybe a) -> m a
required a = a >>= maybe mzero pure

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -110,4 +117,3 @@ name = lexeme $ try $ do
void $ lookAhead letterChar
str <- takeWhileP (Just "identifier") isIdentifierChar
Name str <$> intern str

75 changes: 58 additions & 17 deletions plutus-core/plutus-core/src/PlutusCore/Parser/Type.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -2,18 +2,22 @@
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PolyKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-}

module PlutusCore.Parser.Type where

import PlutusPrelude

import PlutusCore.Core.Type
import PlutusCore.Data
import PlutusCore.Default
import PlutusCore.MkPlc (mkIterTyApp)
import PlutusCore.Name
import PlutusCore.Parser.ParserCommon

import Control.Monad
import Data.ByteString (ByteString)
import Data.Text (Text)
import Text.Megaparsec hiding (ParseError, State, many, parse, some)

-- | A PLC @Type@ to be parsed. ATM the parser only works
Expand All @@ -36,7 +40,10 @@ ifixType :: Parser PType
ifixType = inParens $ TyIFix <$> wordPos "ifix" <*> pType <*> pType

builtinType :: Parser PType
builtinType = inParens $ TyBuiltin <$> wordPos "con" <*> ((\(SomeTypeIn (Kinded uni)) -> SomeTypeIn uni) <$> defaultUniType)
builtinType = inParens $ do
ann <- wordPos "con"
SomeTypeIn (Kinded uni) <- defaultUni
pure . TyBuiltin ann $ SomeTypeIn uni

appType :: Parser PType
appType = inBrackets $ do
Expand All @@ -63,23 +70,57 @@ pType = choice $ map try
, varType

defaultUniPart :: Parser (SomeTypeIn (Kinded DefaultUni))
defaultUniPart = choice $ map try
[ inParens defaultUniType
, SomeTypeIn (Kinded DefaultUniInteger) <$ symbol "integer"
, SomeTypeIn (Kinded DefaultUniByteString) <$ symbol "bytestring"
, SomeTypeIn (Kinded DefaultUniString) <$ symbol "string"
, SomeTypeIn (Kinded DefaultUniUnit) <$ symbol "unit"
, SomeTypeIn (Kinded DefaultUniBool) <$ symbol "bool"
, SomeTypeIn (Kinded DefaultUniProtoList) <$ symbol "list"
, SomeTypeIn (Kinded DefaultUniProtoPair) <$ symbol "pair"
, SomeTypeIn (Kinded DefaultUniData) <$ symbol "data"
-- | Parser for built-in type applications.
defaultUniApplication :: Parser (SomeTypeIn (Kinded DefaultUni))
defaultUniApplication = do
-- Parse the head of the application.
f <- defaultUni
-- Parse the arguments.
as <- many defaultUni
-- Iteratively apply the head to the arguments checking that the kinds match and
-- failing otherwise.
foldM tryUniApply f as

-- | Parser for built-in types (the ones from 'DefaultUni' specifically).
-- 'Kinded' is needed for checking that a type function can be applied to its argument.
-- I.e. we do Plutus kind checking of builtin type applications during parsing, which is
-- unfortunate, but there's no way we could construct a 'DefaultUni' otherwise.
-- In case of kind error no sensible message is shown, only an overly general one:
-- >>> :set -XTypeApplications
-- >>> :set -XOverloadedStrings
-- >>> import PlutusCore.Error
-- >>> import PlutusCore.Quote
-- >>> let runP = either show display . runQuoteT . parseGen @ParserErrorBundle defaultUni
-- >>> runP "(list integer)"
-- "(list integer)"
-- >>> runP "(bool integer)"
-- "ParseErrorB (ParseErrorBundle {bundleErrors = TrivialError 13 Nothing (fromList [Tokens ('(' :| \"\"),Tokens ('b' :| \"ool\"),Tokens ('b' :| \"ytestring\"),Tokens ('d' :| \"ata\"),Tokens ('i' :| \"nteger\"),Tokens ('l' :| \"ist\"),Tokens ('p' :| \"air\"),Tokens ('s' :| \"tring\"),Tokens ('u' :| \"nit\")]) :| [], bundlePosState = PosState {pstateInput = \"(bool integer)\", pstateOffset = 0, pstateSourcePos = SourcePos {sourceName = \"test\", sourceLine = Pos 1, sourceColumn = Pos 1}, pstateTabWidth = Pos 8, pstateLinePrefix = \"\"}})"
-- This is to be fixed.
-- One thing we could do to avoid doing kind checking during parsing is to parse into
-- data TextualUni a where
-- TextualUni :: TextualUni (Esc (Tree Text))
-- i.e. parse into @Tree Text@ and do the kind checking afterwards, but given that we'll still need
-- to do the kind checking of builtins regardless (even for UPLC), we don't win much by deferring
-- doing it.
defaultUni :: Parser (SomeTypeIn (Kinded DefaultUni))
defaultUni = choice $ map try
[ inParens defaultUniApplication
, someType @_ @Integer <$ symbol "integer"
, someType @_ @ByteString <$ symbol "bytestring"
, someType @_ @Text <$ symbol "string"
, someType @_ @() <$ symbol "unit"
, someType @_ @Bool <$ symbol "bool"
, someType @_ @[] <$ symbol "list"
, someType @_ @(,) <$ symbol "pair"
, someType @_ @Data <$ symbol "data"
defaultUniType :: Parser (SomeTypeIn (Kinded DefaultUni))
defaultUniType = do
f <- defaultUniPart
as <- many defaultUniPart
foldM uniApplyM f as

tyName :: Parser TyName
tyName = TyName <$> name
3 changes: 3 additions & 0 deletions plutus-core/plutus-core/src/PlutusCore/Pretty/PrettyConst.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -118,6 +118,9 @@ asBytes x = Text 2 $ T.pack $ addLeadingZero $ showHex x mempty
instance PrettyBy ConstConfig Data where
prettyBy c d = prettyBy c $ BSL.toStrict $ serialise d

instance Pretty (SomeTypeIn uni) => Pretty (SomeTypeIn (Kinded uni)) where
pretty (SomeTypeIn (Kinded uni)) = pretty (SomeTypeIn uni)

-- | Special treatment for built-in constants: see the Note in PlutusCore.Pretty.PrettyConst.
instance (Closed uni, uni `Everywhere` PrettyConst) => Pretty (ValueOf uni a) where
pretty (ValueOf uni x) = bring (Proxy @PrettyConst) uni $ prettyConst x
Expand Down
24 changes: 18 additions & 6 deletions plutus-core/plutus-core/src/Universe/Core.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
{-# LANGUAGE AllowAmbiguousTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ConstraintKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
Expand All @@ -21,11 +22,13 @@ module Universe.Core
, SomeTypeIn (..)
, Kinded (..)
, ValueOf (..)
, Contains (..)
, Includes
, knownUniOf
, someType
, someValueOf
, someValue
, someValueType
, Contains (..)
, Includes
, DecodeUniM (..)
, Closed (..)
, decodeKindedUni
Expand All @@ -36,8 +39,7 @@ module Universe.Core
, HasUniApply (..)
, checkStar
, withApplicable
, uniApplyM
, knownUniOf
, tryUniApply
, GShow (..)
, gshow
, GEq (..)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -400,6 +402,10 @@ at the use site, so instead we define 'Includes' as a type alias of one argument
has to be immediately applied only to a @uni@ at the use site).

-- | A @Kinded uni@ contains an @a :: k@ whenever @uni@ contains it and @k@ is 'Typeable'.
instance (Typeable k, uni `Contains` a) => Kinded uni `Contains` (a :: k) where
knownUni = Kinded knownUni

-- See Note [The definition of Includes].
-- | @uni `Includes` a@ reads as \"@a@ is in the @uni@\". @a@ can be of a higher-kind,
-- see the docs of 'Contains' on why you might want that.
Expand All @@ -410,6 +416,10 @@ type Includes uni = Permits (Contains uni)
knownUniOf :: uni `Contains` a => proxy a -> uni (Esc a)
knownUniOf _ = knownUni

-- | Wrap a type into @SomeTypeIn@, provided it's in the universe.
someType :: forall k (a :: k) uni. uni `Contains` a => SomeTypeIn uni
someType = SomeTypeIn $ knownUni @k @uni @a

-- | Wrap a value into @Some (ValueOf uni)@, given its explicit type tag.
someValueOf :: forall a uni. uni (Esc a) -> a -> Some (ValueOf uni)
someValueOf uni = Some . ValueOf uni
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -552,6 +562,7 @@ type uni1 <: uni2 = uni1 `Everywhere` Includes uni2

-- | A class for \"@uni@ has general type application\".
class HasUniApply (uni :: Type -> Type) where
-- | Apply a type constructor to an argument.
uniApply :: forall k l (f :: k -> l) a. uni (Esc f) -> uni (Esc a) -> uni (Esc (f a))

-- | Deconstruct a type application into the function and the argument and feed them to the
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -598,10 +609,11 @@ withApplicable _ _ k =
withTypeable repB k
_ -> mzero

-- | Apply a type constructor to an argument, provided kinds match.
:: (MonadPlus m, HasUniApply uni)
=> SomeTypeIn (Kinded uni) -> SomeTypeIn (Kinded uni) -> m (SomeTypeIn (Kinded uni))
uniApplyM (SomeTypeIn (Kinded uniF)) (SomeTypeIn (Kinded uniA)) =
tryUniApply (SomeTypeIn (Kinded uniF)) (SomeTypeIn (Kinded uniA)) =
withApplicable uniF uniA $
pure . SomeTypeIn . Kinded $ uniF `uniApply` uniA

Expand Down
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1 +1 @@
\(fConstr : integer -> list data -> data) -> \(fMap : list (pair data data) -> data) -> \(fList : list data -> data) -> \(fI : integer -> data) -> \(fB : bytestring -> data) -> (/\a -> /\b -> \(f : (a -> b) -> a -> b) -> (/\a -> \(s : (\a -> ifix (\(self :: * -> *) -> \a -> self a -> a) a) a) -> unwrap s s) {a -> b} (iwrap (\(self :: * -> *) -> \a -> self a -> a) (a -> b) (\(s : (\a -> ifix (\(self :: * -> *) -> \a -> self a -> a) a) (a -> b)) -> \(x : a) -> f ((/\a -> \(s : (\a -> ifix (\(self :: * -> *) -> \a -> self a -> a) a) a) -> unwrap s s) {a -> b} s) x))) {data} {data} (\(rec : data -> data) -> \(d : data) -> (\(d : data) -> /\r -> \(fConstr : integer -> list data -> r) -> \(fMap : list (pair data data) -> r) -> \(fList : list data -> r) -> \(fI : integer -> r) -> \(fB : bytestring -> r) -> (Left chooseData) {unit -> r} d (\(u : unit) -> (/\a -> /\b -> /\c -> \(f : a -> b -> c) -> \(p : pair a b) -> f ((Left fstPair) {a} {b} p) ((Left sndPair) {a} {b} p)) {integer} {list data} {r} fConstr ((Left unConstrData) d)) (\(u : unit) -> fMap ((Left unMapData) d)) (\(u : unit) -> fList ((Left unListData) d)) (\(u : unit) -> fI ((Left unIData) d)) (\(u : unit) -> fB ((Left unBData) d)) ()) d {data} (\(i : integer) -> \(ds : list data) -> fConstr i ((/\a -> \(f : a -> a) -> (/\a -> /\b -> \(f : (a -> b) -> a -> b) -> (/\a -> \(s : (\a -> ifix (\(self :: * -> *) -> \a -> self a -> a) a) a) -> unwrap s s) {a -> b} (iwrap (\(self :: * -> *) -> \a -> self a -> a) (a -> b) (\(s : (\a -> ifix (\(self :: * -> *) -> \a -> self a -> a) a) (a -> b)) -> \(x : a) -> f ((/\a -> \(s : (\a -> ifix (\(self :: * -> *) -> \a -> self a -> a) a) a) -> unwrap s s) {a -> b} s) x))) {list a} {list a} (\(rec : list a -> list a) -> \(xs : list a) -> (/\a -> \(x : list a) -> /\r -> \(z : r) -> \(f : a -> list a -> r) -> (Left chooseList) {a} {unit -> r} x (\(u : unit) -> z) (\(u : unit) -> f ((Left headList) {a} x) ((Left tailList) {a} x)) ()) {a} xs {list a} xs (\(x : a) -> \(xs' : list a) -> (Left mkCons) {a} (f x) (rec xs')))) {data} rec ds)) (\(es : list (pair data data)) -> fMap ((/\a -> \(f : a -> a) -> (/\a -> /\b -> \(f : (a -> b) -> a -> b) -> (/\a -> \(s : (\a -> ifix (\(self :: * -> *) -> \a -> self a -> a) a) a) -> unwrap s s) {a -> b} (iwrap (\(self :: * -> *) -> \a -> self a -> a) (a -> b) (\(s : (\a -> ifix (\(self :: * -> *) -> \a -> self a -> a) a) (a -> b)) -> \(x : a) -> f ((/\a -> \(s : (\a -> ifix (\(self :: * -> *) -> \a -> self a -> a) a) a) -> unwrap s s) {a -> b} s) x))) {list a} {list a} (\(rec : list a -> list a) -> \(xs : list a) -> (/\a -> \(x : list a) -> /\r -> \(z : r) -> \(f : a -> list a -> r) -> (Left chooseList) {a} {unit -> r} x (\(u : unit) -> z) (\(u : unit) -> f ((Left headList) {a} x) ((Left tailList) {a} x)) ()) {a} xs {list a} xs (\(x : a) -> \(xs' : list a) -> (Left mkCons) {a} (f x) (rec xs')))) {pair data data} ((/\a -> \(f : a -> a) -> \(p : pair a a) -> (Right Comma) {a} {a} (f ((Left fstPair) {a} {a} p)) (f ((Left sndPair) {a} {a} p))) {data} rec) es)) (\(ds : list data) -> fList ((/\a -> \(f : a -> a) -> (/\a -> /\b -> \(f : (a -> b) -> a -> b) -> (/\a -> \(s : (\a -> ifix (\(self :: * -> *) -> \a -> self a -> a) a) a) -> unwrap s s) {a -> b} (iwrap (\(self :: * -> *) -> \a -> self a -> a) (a -> b) (\(s : (\a -> ifix (\(self :: * -> *) -> \a -> self a -> a) a) (a -> b)) -> \(x : a) -> f ((/\a -> \(s : (\a -> ifix (\(self :: * -> *) -> \a -> self a -> a) a) a) -> unwrap s s) {a -> b} s) x))) {list a} {list a} (\(rec : list a -> list a) -> \(xs : list a) -> (/\a -> \(x : list a) -> /\r -> \(z : r) -> \(f : a -> list a -> r) -> (Left chooseList) {a} {unit -> r} x (\(u : unit) -> z) (\(u : unit) -> f ((Left headList) {a} x) ((Left tailList) {a} x)) ()) {a} xs {list a} xs (\(x : a) -> \(xs' : list a) -> (Left mkCons) {a} (f x) (rec xs')))) {data} rec ds)) fI fB)
\(fConstr : integer -> list data -> data) -> \(fMap : list (pair data data) -> data) -> \(fList : list data -> data) -> \(fI : integer -> data) -> \(fB : bytestring -> data) -> (/\a -> /\b -> \(f : (a -> b) -> a -> b) -> (/\a -> \(s : (\a -> ifix (\(self :: * -> *) -> \a -> self a -> a) a) a) -> unwrap s s) {a -> b} (iwrap (\(self :: * -> *) -> \a -> self a -> a) (a -> b) (\(s : (\a -> ifix (\(self :: * -> *) -> \a -> self a -> a) a) (a -> b)) -> \(x : a) -> f ((/\a -> \(s : (\a -> ifix (\(self :: * -> *) -> \a -> self a -> a) a) a) -> unwrap s s) {a -> b} s) x))) {data} {data} (\(rec : data -> data) -> \(d : data) -> (\(d : data) -> /\r -> \(fConstr : integer -> (list data) -> r) -> \(fMap : (list (pair data data)) -> r) -> \(fList : (list data) -> r) -> \(fI : integer -> r) -> \(fB : bytestring -> r) -> (Left chooseData) {unit -> r} d (\(u : unit) -> (/\a -> /\b -> /\c -> \(f : a -> b -> c) -> \(p : pair a b) -> f ((Left fstPair) {a} {b} p) ((Left sndPair) {a} {b} p)) {integer} {(list data)} {r} fConstr ((Left unConstrData) d)) (\(u : unit) -> fMap ((Left unMapData) d)) (\(u : unit) -> fList ((Left unListData) d)) (\(u : unit) -> fI ((Left unIData) d)) (\(u : unit) -> fB ((Left unBData) d)) ()) d {data} (\(i : integer) -> \(ds : (list data)) -> fConstr i ((/\a -> \(f : a -> a) -> (/\a -> /\b -> \(f : (a -> b) -> a -> b) -> (/\a -> \(s : (\a -> ifix (\(self :: * -> *) -> \a -> self a -> a) a) a) -> unwrap s s) {a -> b} (iwrap (\(self :: * -> *) -> \a -> self a -> a) (a -> b) (\(s : (\a -> ifix (\(self :: * -> *) -> \a -> self a -> a) a) (a -> b)) -> \(x : a) -> f ((/\a -> \(s : (\a -> ifix (\(self :: * -> *) -> \a -> self a -> a) a) a) -> unwrap s s) {a -> b} s) x))) {list a} {list a} (\(rec : list a -> list a) -> \(xs : list a) -> (/\a -> \(x : list a) -> /\r -> \(z : r) -> \(f : a -> list a -> r) -> (Left chooseList) {a} {unit -> r} x (\(u : unit) -> z) (\(u : unit) -> f ((Left headList) {a} x) ((Left tailList) {a} x)) ()) {a} xs {list a} xs (\(x : a) -> \(xs' : list a) -> (Left mkCons) {a} (f x) (rec xs')))) {data} rec ds)) (\(es : list (pair data data)) -> fMap ((/\a -> \(f : a -> a) -> (/\a -> /\b -> \(f : (a -> b) -> a -> b) -> (/\a -> \(s : (\a -> ifix (\(self :: * -> *) -> \a -> self a -> a) a) a) -> unwrap s s) {a -> b} (iwrap (\(self :: * -> *) -> \a -> self a -> a) (a -> b) (\(s : (\a -> ifix (\(self :: * -> *) -> \a -> self a -> a) a) (a -> b)) -> \(x : a) -> f ((/\a -> \(s : (\a -> ifix (\(self :: * -> *) -> \a -> self a -> a) a) a) -> unwrap s s) {a -> b} s) x))) {list a} {list a} (\(rec : list a -> list a) -> \(xs : list a) -> (/\a -> \(x : list a) -> /\r -> \(z : r) -> \(f : a -> list a -> r) -> (Left chooseList) {a} {unit -> r} x (\(u : unit) -> z) (\(u : unit) -> f ((Left headList) {a} x) ((Left tailList) {a} x)) ()) {a} xs {list a} xs (\(x : a) -> \(xs' : list a) -> (Left mkCons) {a} (f x) (rec xs')))) {pair data data} ((/\a -> \(f : a -> a) -> \(p : pair a a) -> (Right Comma) {a} {a} (f ((Left fstPair) {a} {a} p)) (f ((Left sndPair) {a} {a} p))) {data} rec) es)) (\(ds : (list data)) -> fList ((/\a -> \(f : a -> a) -> (/\a -> /\b -> \(f : (a -> b) -> a -> b) -> (/\a -> \(s : (\a -> ifix (\(self :: * -> *) -> \a -> self a -> a) a) a) -> unwrap s s) {a -> b} (iwrap (\(self :: * -> *) -> \a -> self a -> a) (a -> b) (\(s : (\a -> ifix (\(self :: * -> *) -> \a -> self a -> a) a) (a -> b)) -> \(x : a) -> f ((/\a -> \(s : (\a -> ifix (\(self :: * -> *) -> \a -> self a -> a) a) a) -> unwrap s s) {a -> b} s) x))) {list a} {list a} (\(rec : list a -> list a) -> \(xs : list a) -> (/\a -> \(x : list a) -> /\r -> \(z : r) -> \(f : a -> list a -> r) -> (Left chooseList) {a} {unit -> r} x (\(u : unit) -> z) (\(u : unit) -> f ((Left headList) {a} x) ((Left tailList) {a} x)) ()) {a} xs {list a} xs (\(x : a) -> \(xs' : list a) -> (Left mkCons) {a} (f x) (rec xs')))) {data} rec ds)) fI fB)

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