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GoBarber - A barbershop

Containing scheduling, appointments, session and authentication. This app features all the latest tools and practices in web development.

Built with (Backend and Frontend)

  • Express — A web framework for Node
  • Sequelize — SQL dialect ORM for Node.js
  • MongoDB — document-based database
  • Redis — key-value data model
  • Yup - Object schema validation
  • Sentry - cross-platform application monitoring
  • Nodemailer - Send e-mails with Node.JS
  • React — A library to build user interfaces
  • Redux with Redux Saga — State management with middleware
  • CSS — styled-components
  • Reactotron - Helps debugging process
  • Lint — ESlint/Prettier/Editor Config

How to use

Docker is required

  • docker run --name redisbarber -p 6379:6379 -d -t redis:alpine
  • docker run --name mongobarber -p 27017:27017 -d -t mongo
  • docker run --name some-postgres-name -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=docker -p 5433:5432 -d postgres

⚠️ If you restart your machine, you will need to start again the server with docker start <container_id>.

  1. git clone
  2. Go to repository folder
  3. Run yarn to install dependencies. (in Backend and Frontend)
  4. Copy the .env.example file and rename it to .env
  5. Add all the values for the environment variables
  6. Run yarn start and yarn queue to run the servers at http://localhost:3333 (in Backend)
  7. Run yarn start to see the example app (in Frontend)

Routes in Backend

  • post('/users') - Create a login
  • post('/sessions') - Log in to an account

Routes - authentication is required

  • put('/users') - Update an account
  • get('/providers') - List providers
  • get('/providers/:providerId/available') - Check provider availability
  • post('/appointments') - Create an appointment
  • get('/appointments') - List all logged-in user's appointments
  • delete('/appointments/:id') - Delete an appointment
  • get('/schedule') - Schedule services
  • post('/files') - Profile pictures
  • get('/notifications') - List all logged in user notifications
  • put('/notifications/:id') - Confirm notification was seen

Made with ♥ by Isabel Rubim


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