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Islandora Oral History Solution Pack Module Release 7.x-1.10

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@MarcusBarnes MarcusBarnes released this 28 Feb 17:36

We are proud to announce the 7.x-1.10 release of the Islandora Oral History Solution Pack. This module supports the association of transcripts in XML and/or WebVTT format with Audio and Video files, and the display of time coded text information in a viewer, where cues are highlighted as the media plays.

This module has been tested against the 7.x-1.10 version of Islandora and should work with this release, and with the Bartik and Bootstrap Business themes in both Chrome and Firefox.

Changes and Known Issues:

The following small issues have appeared from time to time in our testing. Each item in the list below is linked to the relevant Github issue. We welcome reports from others experiencing these issues.
