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Phylogenetics with the Wolfram Language.

Related post at Mathematica.StackExchange: How to work with phylogenetic trees?


The Phylogenetics` package can:

  • parse a Newick tree string to a Mathematica-usable Tree object and write a Tree object to a Newick string;
  • parse a Cluster object of the HierarchicalClustering` package to a Tree and convert a Tree to Cluster representation;
  • test properties of Tree objects;
  • extract vertices, edges, internal nodes, leafs, sub- and supertrees of Tree objects;
  • directly calculate various properties of Tree objects like paths and distances between vertices;
  • convert a Tree object to Graph, and a tree Graph to Tree; any tree graph (TreeGraph, ClusteringTree, etc.) for which TreeGraphQ returns True can be converted to Tree;
  • convert a Tree object or a Graph tree to Cladogram graph,
  • provide example trees in Newick and Cluster format.

Version history

  • 2016 09 08: Package initialized.
  • 2016 09 16: PUBLISHED: Version 1.0.0.
  • 2016 01 31: PUBLISHED: Version 1.1.0.
    • ADDED: CommonAncestor, DivergenceTime, AncestorIndex, TreeDistanceMatrix, TreeTop, $PhylogeneticsVersionNumber.
    • FIXED: Usage message corrections.
    • FEATURE: Straight Cladogram edges, branching according to angle.
    • MODIFIED: LeafQ and NodeQ now can be applied to a single argument representing a node association.
    • RENAMED: SubnodeIndex to DescendantIndex.
    • MODIFIED: Code was made compatible down to Mathematica 10.0. No compatibility before that due to heavy usage of associations.


By István Zachar 2016-2017