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In this folder are individual bounds corresponding to the NASDUCK SERF detector. The bound was divided into several pickle folders so that it can be uploaded to a GitHub repository, but to get the full bound, one needs to use the data of all files.

In each file, one can find a span of 95% CL bounds on a span of masses, specified (in Hz), by the file name. Each file is a single dictionary, saved using the python3 pickle library, and should be loaded with pickle as well. The keys of each dictionary are (i)'mass' for the vector of masses in this file (in Hz units, to change to eV, divide by h), (ii) 'bounds', for the bounds on gaPP or gaNN in units of GeV^{-1}, and (iii), 'logll' for -2*log(LL(gaPP=gaNN=0)/LL(best fit)). Note that due to the numerical method of computing the 'logll', it is entirely possible for the best fit point to be 0, and receive 'logll' which is e.g. 0.1. If the 'logll' is small enough, it usually implies that the null hypothesis is preferred. The bounds on protons are in the protons folder, the bounds on neutrons are in the neutrons folder.

The "Plots" folder has the information used for the plots. It is a pickle dictionary, with self-explanatory key names, which give the x axes for all plots ('masses'), and the minimal bound, the average minus 1 sigma bound, the average bound, the average plus 1 sigma bound, and the maximal bound. The "PlotData" files have 1% logarithmic mass bins. The "superbins" files are files with 0.01% logarithmic bins. The "largebins" files are the files used in the latest paper's version with 0.1% logarithmic bins.

The MagneticResponses folder includes the calibrated sensor response during individual measurements, including a sample interpolated response, for measurements where interpolation was used. Images with Scan_1,Scan_2,Scan_3 in their name come from the first,second and third (chronologically) scans of the entire mass range which entered the bounds (the second,third and fifth scans overall, as the first true and fourth true scans did not enter the bounds).

The candidate event folder shows plots of all candidates that passed the penultimate analysis step, meant to remove peaks that are too narrow. Only 3 of those have also passed the final test of peak density (which demands a minimal distance between two separate peaks). In blue is a noise spectrum that captured the peak, in orange is a smoothed version of the noise to guide the eye. In green is the offset, i.e. the flat background. In red is the fitted signal. An inset is given with the mass in Hz, which is also used to offset the entire plot. Some candidates were captured by the code multiple times, as the peak they are a part of is wide enough to be counted several times. These were noted as such by their file name having a _copynum at the end of the file name. 38 events were counted as separate peaks.








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