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ImproperIssues edited this page Nov 12, 2023 · 9 revisions

Welcome to the ClickCrystals wiki!

Here, we answer your frequently asked questions!

Table of Contents

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Looking forward to becoming staff?

Staff perks:

  • Moderation actions
  • Custom role
  • In-game cape that can be seen by all ClickCrystals mod users

Who we're looking for:

  • ClickCrystals supporter
  • Has a Discord account and is in the Discord server
  • Ability to handle situations effectively
  • Responsible
  • Literate
  • Understandable
  • Motivated to help others

Do you qualify? Apply Now!

About Us

The ever-evolving world of Minecraft modding introduces ClickCrystals, a mod designed to reimagine the way players approach hot-keying within the game. While discussions about its implications spark debate, it’s important to dive deeper into the mod’s true essence and impact.

ClickCrystals seeks to address a common concern: the complexity of hot-keying in Minecraft. This mod aims to enhance the user experience by streamlining hotkey actions, offering ease and convenience without introducing unfair advantages. We are constantly emphasizing that the mod does not include built-in macros, placing a spotlight on its purpose as a tool to simplify gameplay mechanics.

The mod encourages users to explore its capabilities firsthand before making assumptions. It’s worth noting that several features initially accused of providing “unfair advantages” have been removed, demonstrating our commitment to refining the mod’s functionality and maintaining fair gameplay.

Our community plays a pivotal role in shaping the mod’s trajectory. All hotkey modules are set to remain, with any potential changes or removals subject to community voting. This approach ensures that the mod’s evolution remains aligned with the community’s needs and desires.

Can I use for older versions?

update game when ._. like its 2023 dawg