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ICON FunnySentences

Generate random funny sentences to troll your friends with!

Commands (everything is clientside!)

  • /fs | sends random sentence
  • /fs <type> | sends sentence
  • /fs <type> spam <times> | spams sentence
  • /fs <type> words <count> | sends sentence with custom word count
  • /fs <type> words <count> spam <times> | spams sentence with custom word count
  • /fs spam <times> <message> | spams a message
  • /fs help | command help

Sentence Types

  • Normal(Default) -generates random sentence
  • Rage -spam random letters (like how you would when raging)
  • Unicode -spams unicodes
  • Emoji -spams emojis

Troll your friends!

  • Use this mod to spam messages and sentences to troll your friends!
  • Shhh don't let the mods know!

Thank you for downloading FunnySentences!

  • Just don't get yourself banned from servers!


  • Fabric API of 0.14.13 or higher
  • Fabric Loader 1.19.3
  • Minecraft Java Edition 1.19.3